Mylar logo'd sunshades - Completed
I'll take two 0f the 280z if that helps. Not interested in the DATSUN though. Hope that will help! GO 280!
Another Z bites the dust...
I agree. And to think of how the surviving girl must feel when she is told her two friends have passed. And that poor car...
Nissan 350Z & Maria Floyd
She is so sexy!!! I want her! And I guess the girl in the bikini is alright too....
Electrical Hell!
And now it goes down again!! Driving it along, charge light flashes on the voltage meter, and then the car dies. I get it started again by stepping on the gas but now a nice black smoke is bellowing from it....
Electrical Hell!
Well, I got it running again. Traced some wires to the started and one that looked like it had been spliced and wrapped with electrical tape had corroded away inside the tape and was no longer making a connection. Fixed that and it started right up again! -sigh- Now all I have to do is figure out why there are so many loose wires....
Electrical Hell!
Appreciate the link lmcguffin. I now know the fuses are pretty much all wrong. Makes me wonder if when I put in the right ones if they will blow immediately. This is a picture I took of the mess. The wires confuse me and I get lost easily since some of them have been spliced with other colors. And thanks for the advice MikeW the only thing is, is that it already won't start...I had automatically had concluded it was an electrical issue since I have worked on other parts. Perhaps I was wrong to jump so quickly...
Electrical Hell!
okay! I am really slow so please bear with me. Is this the right setting to check with? If so, I got everything checked then! Left Side .0 .0 .0 .14 .0 .0 .0 Right Side .0 .0 10.4 .0 .60 .0 .0 And when I disconnected the Negative side from the battery and then used that setting to check, it came up with 12.1. If this isn't the right setting maybe someone can tell me which one to use?
Electrical Hell!
I had pulled out the fuses and thats when I took the readings. As to say, I pulled out the fuses one at a time and while it was out, connected the multimeter to where the fuse would be and those were the readings I got.
Electrical Hell!
So finally got a hold of a multimeter and I don't know much about electrical. So I went outside and began to get information from my car... unfortunately I didn't have the idea of coming back up here and checking to see what you had told me to try . Instead I did volts instead of amp across the fuses and battery. Does that work? Is there a diagram that will tell me what each fuse is for and what the fuse is supposed to be? I'm pretty sure some of the fuses in their are wrong and I tried to write down what they are and how many volts were going across them when the car was off. So I hope this helps, the first number is what I think the fuse is.... and the second was the voltage across from it. Please be patient with me, I have't worked with fuses yet so I hope I got the right info. In this order: (Left set of fuses) 250v - .1 mV 10a 32v - .1 mV 250v - 13.9 mV 250v - 13.6 mV 20a 32v - 2.8 mV 30a 32v - 1.2 mV 250v - 2.1 mV (Right Side) 15a 32v - 9.6 mV 250v - 20 mV 250v - 11.7 V 32 v - 18.1 mV 250 v - 12.14V 20a 32v - .5 mV 1-1/2a 32v - 0 mV I'll go back out tomorrow to gather the information in amps. Hopefully this will help though.
Electrical Hell!
What should it read when I test the fuses?
Electrical Hell!
I never thought of pulling the fuses one by one to figure out which one was causing the problems!! It seems so simple and yet has completely evaded me !! Thanks for idea, I will certainly do this as soon as I get the meter. Thanks a lot!
Electrical Hell!
So, where to start? I know theres a short somewhere in the car because if I let it sit for about a week, it needs to be jumped. The Windshield wipers, when connected, don't turn of. And I have just had to replace the voltage regulator and now the alternator and now a fairly brand new starter is down too. Not sure if one caused the other but any advice on whats causing the damage? Or is it just bad luck!? Ehh.... A little more detail I guess wouldn't hurt. I had an issue with the voltage meter maxing out randomly which lead me to replace the voltage regulator. That seemed to fix the problem. I then let it sit for maybe a month and it wouldn't start. Could hear the fuel pump working but it wasn't turning over. I had an alternator in my room (Bought at the same time I got the voltage regulator) so I put it in. Took the old one to get tested and it failed. Still wouldn't start, so I shorted the solenoid and it started right up... Just figured I would replace the who starter. Am I going about this wrong? I have been replacing and finding parts that seem to be bad but am I missing the bigger picture?
In a strange perdiciment
Well, its been a long time since I have had the time to sit down and actually do anything leisurely! Here's an update! Mechanical issues are down to a minimum and by that I mean it runs, but it could be running better. My biggest issue is that I need a new wiring harness as when my dad was younger he thought of himself as an electrician and made his own wire additions and short cuts to keep the vehicle running as it got old. Currently only the high beams work, tachometer is broken, the inside is a mess of wires, and when I look I can see a number of splices and added on ends. I have the heavy-duty head light harness and plan on putting that on soon to hopefully fix the headlight issue. I also recently changed out the starter and am going to change out the alternator and voltage regulator (as soon as I can find the thing!) Changing those out in hopes of fixing a NEW problem. When I am on the gas, the voltage gauge starts to max out in consistently but frequently. There's a lot of work to be done but I feel I am getting closer. I did get it painted so I could at least have it look nice and get some of the attention it needed to the body. If anyone ones got any advice I'd appreciate it! Oh and that would be my room mate sitting in the car... He recently kicked a wire to my ignition and I couldn't find the issue... Had to pay $168 to get it towed and fixed :-(. That could have been parts money ...
Vegas or Bust
Alright. The vehicle is getting moved tomorrow. It will hopefully do a short stay at my parents house and then be put into the next shop who hopefully will be more knowledgeable about the car and its problems. Currently trying to get some pictures of the cars engine. And still no word on the sensor.
Vegas or Bust
I'm trying hard to remember, but I think it has always ran rich (since I got it) and I remember the Thermostat housing had started to leak and I had to fix it... but if what I read was right and the water temp sensor is connected to the housing, I cant recall seeing it (or them?). If I'm thinking of the wrong thing or area, please let me know.