Everything posted by 74260ZMan
Bypassing the ballast resistor
things in Tucson are good we've been getting a lot of rain if you can believe that
Bypassing the ballast resistor
Okay so im trying to install a Crane XR3000 into my late 260Z and from what I read I need to bypass the ballast resistor. Everything ive found says just run a jumper wire to the two wires on the resistor, but I have three wires on my resistor (the PO did a hack job with the ignition). Can anyone tell me how to bypass my resistor? Thanks Brad
Car stalls - can't restart
If you do decide not to rebuild your pump, you can use the autozone fuel pump, im currently running one and it works just fine.
Broken Mounting Insulator
PM sent HLS30.com
Broken Mounting Insulator
Well when I looked up replacements they have two insulators for the rear struts the first are for 70-7/74 and the other ones are from 8/74-78. My Z has a build date of 12/74 so I don't think that the early ones would fit. What do you guys think?
Broken Mounting Insulator
So i was replacing the struts and bushings on my late 260Z and i had put the control arms back in and called it a night, well today i walk out into the garage and my left control arm is touching the ground, a quick inspection shows my mounting insulator has separated. My question is can i glue or epoxy the insulator back together. (im a student and dont have a job, and the only replacement i can find is $186) I dont think that it would be a problem since the weight of the car keeps the two pieces together anyways. Your ideas are appreciated
Handbrake cable
Has anyone found a place to get these brake cables for any cheaper? It seems crazy to be charging $150 for just a cable
Is FI worth it
Wow , thanks guys it seems pretty unanimous, ill just stick with the good old round tops
Is FI worth it
Hey, ive been geting my 260Z back to road worthiness and recently my grandfather decided to help out. he ended up buying me a complete fuel injection manifold. I have some 4 screw round top SU's right now, but it would be nice to have fuel injection. How much trouble would it be to put on the FI. i dont have the wire harness for the FI just the manifold. Thanks in advance
Idle fluctuation
So recently i took off all of the smog stuff on my 74 260Z. Its been sitting for over 10 years and recently ive finally had it running. when i first got it running it would run pretty well, i rebuilt the carbs and they seemed to be running smoothly, now i finished plugging up all of my holes in the balance tube, its hard to start and when it does start it needs to be choked up pretty good. if i let off of the the choke even when its warm the idle will fluctuate and go up pretty high and then drop down really low so its barley running or it will die, then it will just go up and down. I dont know what its jumping up to or what its going down to since my tach isnt working, could someone PLEASE help me?
Coolant Leak
okay i took out my transmission, pulled of my clutch and removed my flywheel, and replaced the freeze plug, its a lot of work for a stupid leaking freeze plug. I also put in a new clutch kit while i was down there, now i just need to put the transmission back on
Coolant Leak
okay so i have a new freeze plug for it, and now i just need to replace it, ive heard that i can drop the transmission to replace, so ill try going that route
Coolant Leak
no i didn't change the one on the back of the head, the engine is still in the chassis and i think it would be about impossible to get a new plug in there
Coolant Leak
okay so im fixing up my 260, and i just finished replacing all of my freeze plugs, when i fill it up with coolant. Im about almost done filling it up and i hear a small dribble from underneath the car. Apparently i have a leak. Its not coming from my freeze plugs, and it doesnt look like its coming from the firewall or heater, the only place i can see where its wet is on the bottom of the transmission where its dripping off of. Does this sound like a cracked head or is there a freeze plug on the back of the block in the transmission? thanks for any views
Starter and other questions
alright well ill order a new starter and some new battery cables and see if that will clear up the issue, thanks for the help
Starter and other questions
i cleaned the connections and it twice but wouldnt engage again, if tried jumping the started, and all it did was turn the starter motor, it didnt catch the engine and turn it over
Starter and other questions
I have a late 260Z and i took of the starter to replace a freeze plug, and when i put it back on the starter wont turn over anymore. I pretty sure i have it hooked up right (see picture) but all it sounds like is its about to turn over then doesnt. If i try it long enough it will finally catch and turn the motor over. Do i need a new starter or what, thanks for the help. Also i need a new PCV hose, and i cant find any for a 260 will a 240 or a 280 PCV hose work?