Bill Coffey's Garage party 2011
Thanks for lettting us know. Missed last years party. See you there .
ZCON Roll Call
Got back from GA last night. I must say the event was great. A beautiful town to sprend a couple of days in. The best part a car show inside in a the convention center. Will, thanks for you and your team for putting on a great event.
ZCON Roll Call
Leaving Wed afternoon. Hope to avoid T'Storms nothing you can do about the heat.
Will, Every year you say it will be ready next year. You only have 2 more years because we all know what will happen in the year 2012
Window Fuzzy Attachment
Interestingly enough i bought the fuzzys a year ago and coud figure how to get the old ones off and the new ones on. thanks for the rivet suggestion
2007 ZCCZ Photos- never shown
Any word on the pics?
My Trip to Z MECCA
Wow, Chris I don't understand your comments about Jim. I've met him a couple of times and he's a stand up guy. He's willing to share his collection to anyone that wants to see it or give advice on restoring a first gen Z either by e-mail, phone or in person. We're lucky to have someone that is so willing to share his knowledge and experiance with these cars without a personel agenda.
If you road race a S30 please read
Derek, you amaze me some times.
Painted My 240Z!
I like the valve color paint
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Will, Thanks for all the Pics. I only got to talk to you for a few minutes because you were to busy taking pictures of all the great Z's. I hope your wife didn't run up your credit cards when you shipped her off to the mall with your kids. I know this was a Z party but did you get any pics of the American cars inside of his garage because there was some great ones. Once again I want to thank Bill, his family, Rich and his friends for putting on such a great day.
Removing Emission recirculation, is it worth it?
If you decide to do it I would be interested in any of the parts you take off.
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
It was a great get together of Z nuts. One minute there was 8 Z's and all of a sudden there were 30. David congrats on getting an award it's to bad you left to soon. Bill thanks again for a great day.
Z mecca u tube clip
Jim. I hear your coming to Bill Coffey's Zcar garage party next weekend in G'ville along with Carl's Bre and Greg Ira's race car and alot of other early Z's. Which ones are you bringing? I'll be there with my orange 72. There probably hasn't been an event in Fl with such a collection of early Z's since Daytona 07 except for your yearly Christmas party. See you there.
finding stuff in the car!
How about a roach a bong and a pack of ez wider papers?
Oldest Z
That car needs to left the way it is. In response to Will's poll what Z's should be in a museum I said " none they all should be driven" I take that back this is the one that should be. No retro just the way it is.