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Everything posted by zorro

  1. zorro replied to owenk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    A nation wide company called Rare Spares in Australia makes hatch rubbers for the Zeds. Considering the exchange rate US vs Aus Dollar you might be able to pick them up quite cheap.
  2. zorro replied to erikgiles's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bugger the fender mount mirrors, why would you want to mount mirrors on that paint work. Looks great!!!!!!!!!!
  3. zorro commented on Mike's comment on a gallery image in Show-Off your Z
  4. zorro commented on paul dinnell's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. zorro replied to z_pyro's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    First I would get the batt cells checked to see if it will hold a charge. The acid level in your battery may need topping up as water will only evaporate. Trickle charge is always better for your battery as it reduces the risk of over charging or overheating your battery.
  6. zorro replied to 59ghia's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Around 9yrs ago a friend of mine at the age of 17 did the very same thing. He used a 2" English SU of a Jaguar. It worked well up until around 6000rpm and them ran out of puff. Extended pipe work was run to the front spoiler on the passenger side to give a "ram air" effect.
  7. zorro replied to z_pyro's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The only real true way is to track all it's previous owners and service history. My 260Z had 80000kms when I bought it and was 17 years old. Going purely on the average kms driven by a person in Aust of 25000km a year that would make 425000kms. Being conservative looking at condition of vehicle, compression and oil comsuption of engine I guessed 280,000kms which is only 16,470kms a year in case it was a city owner. That's only a guess but sounded fair. If all else fails better try tracking it's previous owners.. Goodluck.
  8. Thanks guys for all your replys they've been very helpful.... In Australia statistics quote a standard 240Z with a 5spd had a top speed of 135mph and 0-100kph in 9sec.. Personally I have been a 240Z with a 5spd and an L28 replacing the L24 that did a 150mph by the speedo(?)... Coming to think of it however what Royce said makes sense the speedo is only an estimate the true speed can be calculated as suggested. Anyhow it was bloody fast around 6500rpm in 5th... GO ZED...
  9. Escanlon is right on the money with this one. I have the same problem on my 240 and have just replaced the breather from the top of the tank through the back near the RH Rear tailght to the fuel neck.($82 Aust). This has helped I found the orignal hose was brittle and leaking even though it looked fine. The other thing you could try is putting a new hatch sealing rubber on the body of the car this will make the vehicle air tight and stop fuel smells coming from outside the car..
  10. zorro replied to KeithW's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Keith, If you have the time and money definetly do it. Over here the Japanese especially are coming over and buying any 240 or 260 coupe they can get there hand on. They are paying $10,000 for good condition ones because they have started to race them in a Z only format. Besides the fact they have none over there or they are all smashed. 2nd if you love Zed's you will enjoy watching your car turn into a masterpiece....
  11. zorro replied to visionary's post in a topic in Electrical
    It could possibly be just the globe socket. Due to just deteriation over time via water and dirt the globe terminals won't connect properly. I have also had to change the socket wiring because it had gone hard and brittle and the current just wasn't getting through anymore. However this would some times be evident by a faster flashing signal on the other side of the vehicle. Hope this helps..........
  12. zorro commented on d240man's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  13. I just bought a 73 240Z with the L24 and original 5 speed. I would be interested to hear who has modified there 240 how fast it can go and what speeds it is safe at. Thanks guys......
  14. zorro replied to ZXTACY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Here Here Escanlon, No matter what people say a Zed is a Zed and in my experience people are just jealous. For the dollars you pay what other car handles that good goes that fast and looks great and is 25-30yrs old. Like em or love I have 240 now so I call the 240 the Zed and my 2+2 the Fairlane, I love it........
  15. zorro posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  16. zorro posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  17. zorro replied to Si|v3r72's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi, as Ken and Grantman do I run an Alpine CD HU. It has 4 RCA outlets and a 4x35W output. It fits snug into the console and has plenty of great features. The unit is around 2-3yrs old but can be bought 2nd hand still. I made my own box speakers up in the boot which sit in front of the standard holes in the rear quarterpanel. The 6x9 enclosed in such a small area in the back hatch give great bass. I'm very happy with it............
  18. zorro replied to ZXTACY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I've have a 76 260Z 2+2 and just bought a 73 240Z 2 weeks ago. The 2+2 definetly isn't ugly but it tends to look like a 280ZX in the shape of a 240. If you look at it side on I believe it looks very classy with it's extended look. But look back at it from the front on a 45 degree angle and Yukkkkkkk. Just remember though it's still a Zed mine rides well, handles better then most family cars and still does 200kph:D Just love it...............
  19. zorro commented on george71z's comment on a gallery image in Vintage Racing
  20. zorro commented on HS30-H's comment on a gallery image in Member Albums
  21. zorro commented on gamecore's comment on a gallery image in Racing
  22. zorro commented on ctomkins's comment on a gallery image in Racing
  23. Looks like another Z Freak has been found.....
  24. zorro replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Looks like a Lambo Diablo for ages 2 - 10yrs...................
  25. zorro commented on Mike's comment on a gallery image in Show-Off your Z

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