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About Oiluj

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  • Joined: 11/01/2007

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  • Age: 71


Oiluj last won the day on May 8 2016

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  • Map Location
    SF Bay Area
  • Occupation
    Mech Engr

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  • About me and my cars
    Only one Z-car at this time, a 1972 240Z, almost complete cosmetic refresh & mech upgrade.

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  1. I have a set of bullet mirrors I may be willing to part with, but it won't be for a few months. Have to go through my parts boxes once my new work shop is complete in April.
  2. Nice! Very similar to my original idea, but lost my access to a lathe when I retired, so I had to come-up with a simpler solution... How did you get the ball out of the base without damage?
  3. Don't know what happened, but pics are out of order. Still, you get the idea.
  4. I have the “dealer option” Racing mirrors on my 240Z. The ball joint on the 44 year old driver side mirror body was getting loose and would not hold position while driving. It finally got so loose I was worried it might fall off if I hit a pot-hole. I removed the mirror, and discovered the hole in the mirror body had worn / enlarged to the point that I could easily pull the ball out of the mirror body! I tried a few “easy” fixes, but none really worked, and decided a better solution was required. So I fabricated a plate that fits over the posts inside the mirror, having a central hole smaller than the ball joint diameter. To get it over the ball, I cut one side of the center hole so I could twist / bend the plate to install it after inserting the ball into the mirror. My thinking was that the holes in the plate that go onto the posts prevents the plate from deforming / spreading, so the ball joint hole won’t enlarge. I assembled a “rough” prototype from 1/16” galvanized sheet-steel and it works great! Mirror body is nice and tight with no movement when jarred. The hole in the plate may deform a little over time, but it can only deform so far. If required, tightening the ball joint screws in a month or so should create a truly permanent fix. Let me know what you think!
  5. I have the “dealer option” Racing mirrors on my 240Z. The ball joint on the 44 year old driver side mirror body was getting loose and would not hold position while driving. It finally got so loose I was worried it might fall off if I hit a pot-hole. I removed the mirror, and discovered the hole in the mirror body had worn / enlarged to the point that I could easily pull the ball out of the mirror body! I tried a few “easy” fixes, but none really worked, and decided a better solution was required. So I fabricated a plate that fits over the posts inside the mirror, having a central hole smaller than the ball joint diameter. To get it over the ball, I cut one side of the center hole so I could twist / bend the plate to install it after inserting the ball into the mirror. Pictures Below My thinking was that the holes in the plate that go onto the posts prevents the plate from deforming / spreading, so the ball joint hole won’t enlarge. I assembled a “rough” prototype from 1/16” galvanized sheet-steel and it works great! Mirror body is nice and tight with no movement when jarred. The hole in the plate may deform a little over time, but it can only deform so far. If required, tightening the ball joint screws in a month or so should create a truly permanent fix. Let me know what you think!
  6. Hi all, Thought I'd pass this craigslist ad along. Two vintage bullet mirrors for $50. Add says one is loose. Some restoration / painting required. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/pts/5760336410.html For the price, it's probably worth getting, especially if you just need one... Saw "new" ones on JDM parts website for $850, (but none available). I've got spares, or I'd buy them. Julio
  7. Yes, retiring was my idea. I'm doing some part-time work till they find my replacement, but it under my terms. So nice not to fight the commute traffic every day... I'm really looking to spend more time driving the Datsun, as well as finally installing the 5-speed. Before that can happen, we need to finish moving into the new place. The house is on a 1/2 acre lot, and my 1st big project is to design & manage installation of hardscape in the large back yard. Part of the project is to also build a 16' x 22' workshop to house my wood, metal and automotive tools. I've always wanted a dedicated workshop! Next year I'm thinking of restoring another Datsun, perhaps a roadster.
  8. So I'm now retired. Big changes. We also relocated from the SF peninsula to the far East Bay, (Brentwood), about 70 miles. Drove the Z to it's new garage today in a light rain. It wasn't an easy start though, (literally). My battery was dead and wouldn't accept a charge. Had to buy and install a new one before I could drive her to her new home. She ran great and I declined a street race with a brand new Maserati coupe. Really? The guy wanted to race, "in heavy traffic", in the rain! We did both rev our engines inside the Caldecott tunnel. His engine sounded cooler, but my car got a lot more thumbs-up from people in other cars, (especially those who saw I wouldn't go along and do anything stupid. After about 10 miles he finally got bored and zoomed-off, zigging & zaggiing through traffic. Good riddance!. I'll need to wash her when the weather clears. Don't like the idea of salt and wet grit from the road coating everything... Pics of the Z in it's new garage to follow. Julio
  9. A lot of work but well worth the effort. Nice Job!
  10. Mine has a fiber gasket with a LIGHT coating of RTV on both sides. No leaks.
  11. The pics I posted are the only pics I have. Like I said, it was just sort of "cobbled together"....
  12. Too "tatoo-ish" for my taste, but incredible artwork.
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