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Everything posted by Oiluj

  1. Very impressive! I'm a fan of the original steering wheel, and on long trips use my old MG driving gloves to improve my grip. Makes a huge difference! Have thought about doing a leather wrap toa spare wheel rather than refinish it, but maybe a custom rim would be a good Winter project... Have to think on that one.
  2. Did your engineer check or replace the dizzy shaft bearings when it was upgraded, or just put in the electronic ignition? Also, how "much" is it wobbling? If it's got less than .020" total side-to-side slop, it's probably OK to use with the electronic ignition. Most electronic ignitions are very forgiving of dizzy shaft wobble. If it's got more slop than that, I'd keep looking for a root cause. Even so, I'd check it after your trip to see if it's getting worse...
  3. They do look a little bit forward, but not enough to notice unless you are "looking" for it. I agree with the others, if it tracks fine and tire wear is normal, I would'nt mess with it. And your car still looks great! What kind / % window tint did you use on the side windows?
  4. Very sweet! Nothinng like good "engine" music!
  5. At my age, I could be considered vintage, so the grainy, odd color of the pics probably helps!
  6. Phil, If I do sell the tool, it won't be for a few months. My neighbor's 240Z is still in the paint shop and I have to finish her car first.
  7. Yep. A good tool is worth having, and I have no complaint with this one. Easy to use and works as advertised.
  8. Thanks. I wish the quality of the pics was better, but they were taken with my buddy's phone.
  9. I made and installed my A/C hoses on Friday. To crimp the hose fittings, I used a Mastercool 71550 Manual hose crimper and it worked like a charm. At $200, it’s expensive as a “one-time use tool”, but I was quoted about $100 to have a shop crimp the hoses. Given I’m going to have to make new hoses for my neighbor’s 240Z, I decided to buy the tool. Might sell it on Craig’s list when I’m done with it, or maybe I’ll just keep it… I still need to install the hose restraints and wiring in the engine bay this week, but that should only take a couple hours. Then it’s off to a local mechanic to get the system evacuated and charged. It’s going to be nice to have air conditioning. I’ll post some pictures of the installation later this week.
  10. My buddy & I went for a 220 mile joyride through the Sacra-tomato delta last Saturday and got quite a few bugs on the windshield. The curving levee roads were fairly smooth and mostly empty. We even found a nice long straight where I let the little Z stretch her legs… One of the highlights was the Z went for a ride on the J-Mack Ferry. It operates on Steamboat Slough between Ryer Island in Solano County and Grand Island in Sacramento County While moving along at about 40 MPH, a honey bee flew into the cabin and smacked me in square in the forehead. He landed in my lap, stunned. Before he could wake-up enough to sting me, I stopped, opened the door and placed him on the side of the road just as he recovered and flew-off. Wonder what story he'll be telling back at the hive… "Hey guys, I went for a ride in a classic Z, but the driver had a really hard head!"
  11. Nice idea. Many years ago I did something similar with teflon o-rings. Difference is I turned a slot in the shaft andsipped the o-rings onto the shaft where they sealed against the bore of the carb. Worked fine, but my machining skills were not the best and it could have been better...
  12. Jerry, Les is a great guy and will treat your car with care. But I have one question: Why not redo her yourself? These cars are not hard to work on and can be a lot of fun...
  13. measured & cut my A/C hoses. Need to order one fitting before crimping & installing the hoses.
  14. I'll also put in my vote for MT-90. Great drive train lubricant.
  15. Mine was "stock" and un-rusted, (mostly), and was galvanized zinc color.
  16. If your old fan is going, and you are not planning on keeping it perfectly stock, I'd go with electric fans. Less power draw from the engine and more efficient.
  17. There is always next year... Was great show and venue.
  18. Had this same exact problem on my MGA about 4 years before I sold it. I wish Jon hed been there to explain it to me then. Took me several weekends messing with the all the brake components before I figured it out...
  19. Installed my A/C compressor bracket and Sanden 508 compressor this afternoon. It's mounted where the air pump was located. I should have the A/C components installed by the end of the week. Then I need to get the hoses made. I've also decided to redesign the center dash ducting to provide a bit more "directed" air flow. Hopefully I'll be able to get some time on the 3-D printer this week to fabricate it. The goal is to have the A/C working for my trip to SOCAL.
  20. You guys are reading wa-ay too much into the post. As I said before, The WSJ recently "re-published" the article. One can assume that the WSJ still thinks the information to be of some interest. I never said it was current or valid, only that it's nice to see classic Z's getting some press. FWIW, I never use the WSJ in making my personal investment decisions. By the time it's published in the WSJ, generally the opportunity for making a killing has passed...
  21. FWIW, she's no trailer or garage queen. I drive her about twice a week, as long as it's dry out. In early September I'll be driving her to the LA area, and have tentative plans for a drive to Vegas with a buddy. I have made plans to do a fun-run autocross this Summer, but have no intention of taking her on the track. I don't have track tires, but more important, don't want to add more rock chips in my nice paint. I look forward to attending one of your Sacra-tomato gatherings one of these weekends when I don't have "honey-do", sailing and family obligations. It's just a matter of time.
  22. I'm with Arne, that I built my car to drive and don't expect to ever make any money on it. I had my MGA for 17 years, and made about $1,500 when I sold it over what I had invested in it. While it's a 2004 copyright, it was recently re-published. My take is that it's just nice to see our cars getting some recognition.
  23. Displayed my car at Burlingame's "Cars-in -the-Park" today. There were about 240 cars of all types, with the majority being 70's muscle and vintage 1930's to 1960's. I was parked next to an swe-ee-et 1963 split window corvette. The corvette owner & I were joking that one could buy 4, (or more), 240Z's like mine for the cost of his classic vette. I was very surprised to find my humble little Z garnered maybe 3X the interest than the corvette! I must have heard 40 stories of people's fond recollections of riding or driving one years before. Also received a number of compliments on restoring a classic Z. It clearly resonated with many of the people who attended. I was even more surprised to win one of the "Sponsor's Choice" awards. Kinda nice to have the car and my efforts recognized.
  24. Anybody see this article from the wall street journal? It's about what cars to buy, hold and sell. The 240Z made the "buy" llst with a potemtial price increase of 195%. http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/info-invcar04.html
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