Ben, I've found it also depends on "who you talk to" at Hagarty. My first conversation with one of their reps sounds alot like what you describe. After getting similar feedback from club members, I spoke to them again and got a much different feel from them. For example, driving the car to work a couple times a month to show co-workers, (in a safe, relatively secure parking lot), was OK with them. Same was true for short pleasure road trips, (weekend or 3-4 days). They have no issue with driving at any time or any distance for club or classic car events. Basically, they just don't want you using it in on a regular basis in rush hour traffic or as a daily driver, where the risk of damage or loss is much higher... I'd try speaking to Hagarty again, but modify your planned use a bit. My guess is you will probably find them pretty accomodating.