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Everything posted by Oiluj

  1. VERY interesting article. Fits with my recollection of reading about the early Z's racing heritage. (I was in high school and there was no way a could afford a car like the Z, so the closest I could get was reading about them).
  2. You might be surprised by the performance of a strong 2000 roadster. Have no data or numbers, but took a ride in one a while back. My "seat-of-the-pants" evaluation is that acceleration and cornering felt similar to a strong 240Z, maybe even a bit better. That is one nice looking roadster!
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Though I don't know much about the 280Z market, $11K sounds light to me. Here on the left coast I would expect a 240Z in that condition to be worth $15K.
  4. Wow! That black Z is really cool! I'd duplicate that if I won the lottery.
  5. Well, maybe not all... But cool!
  6. I'll second Arne's suggestion about having a back-up. On my 1st Z, I had a set of points fail on a rural levee road 10 miles from anywhere. My "spare" set of old points had me back on the road in less than 15 minutes. Sure beat a 10 mile walk! Though my Pertronics ignition has been flawlessly reliable, I have a set of points and a associated short wire in my tool compartment...
  7. Went for about a 45 minuted drive today with a buddy. Let him drive her on highway 92 to Half Moon Bay and back to highway 280 via Crystal Springs Resivoir road. Fun! No rain, but the roads were still very wet. I have to wash her and clean-up the suspension and under-chassis areas to get rid of the salty rain water residue.
  8. It's actually Mercedes silver. Those particular pics make it look a bit darker, but the "color" is very close to 901 silver, except that it has more metalflake. The local Nissan / classic Z body shop, Willams Auto Body, recommends it.
  9. You got a great deal! And, yes, you've obviously been bitten by the Z bug... I have about $25K in mine all told, including wheels, tires and the 5-speed I've yet to install. That should make you feel good about yours! Attached is a recent pic of mine.
  10. I'm in San Mateo. Not that far away. Rain today on Jan 1st, so the Z's staying in the stable... Looking at your signature, that's an early Z youv'e got.
  11. It's been dry last two days, so I took a short run in the Z on the last day of 2010. Ran a few errands, then stretched her legs on highway 280 for a few miles before driving her home. Not a bad way to end 2010... May take the bride out for breakfast in the z tomorrow morning as the first drive of 2011!
  12. Happy New Year to everone!
  13. 1. Install the rebuilt 5-speed 2. Find or fabricate a compressor bracket / complete the under-hood install for my A/C.
  14. Will be interested in seeing what the 4 spokes look like in 16" on a Z. If the look good and still look retro, I may have to switch wheels!
  15. I'll add my name to the list recommending using MT90. Great lubricant for our drivetrains.
  16. James, Don't have room in my garage at the moment, but if the weather clears, Perhaps we could look at it together. I'm off work till the new year. Give me a call if it works for you. Just a thought, have you asked Honza about this, I'm sure he's seen it before...
  17. Mine sticks-out about 1.5" past the bumper bar. Used to have more fumes in the cabin before extending the exhaust tip past the bumper. Still have a small amount of exhaust smell with the window rolled down, but almost none with windows up. I'm thinking of moving the tip out an additional inch.
  18. James, I just slid electral shrink-tube on the spring for about 1 coil to cushion the metal-to-metal contact between the spring & upper perch. No that I think back, I also applied a thin coating of silicone grease to the top of the rubber strut cap before installing the strut into the tower.
  19. Watching "Back to the Future" (1st one). In the begining scenes where Marty is skateboarding behind cars, there ia s red 240Z (with louvers) on the street shown twice. Did a search of the archives but did not get any hits for "Back to the Future"
  20. A Buick Skylark? Who would have guessed!
  21. James, I had the exact same problem after I R&R'd the springs and struts. I tightened everything, no joy. I R&R'd the right rear suspension, (twice), no joy. I did the spray lubrication trick, no joy. Went back and added shrink-wrap over the springs where the contact the mounts and that seemed to solve the problem. Thing is, I don't really know if that was the root cause of the problem or if I just did something "a little different" upon re-assembly... Good luck and let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Julio
  22. Oh yeah, and a T-Shirt with the following pharse on the front: "I do what the little voices inside my wife's head tell me to do".
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