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Everything posted by Oiluj

  1. Stephen, Thanks for the compliment. Our cars are almost clones! Looks like you have the same Panasport rims as mine. I just painted them with Duplicolor urethane, metallic charcoal from a spray can, then gave them a coat of matte clear. Trick is to clean them well and wipe down with acetone before painting. It was really quite easy. So far they are holding-up well with only one chip, and that's where I dropped a wrnch on one... (don't ask).
  2. Ah-mazing car, but $50K? Hope he gets it, but I think it's unlikely...
  3. I agree. 1" to 1.5" improves handling and appearance without creating other suspension problems. 2" and lower starts to look too "high school" low-rider.
  4. Unless you are going for originallity, you can go with the blue strip. On my previous Z, I just peeled-off the remaing chrome and polished the blue plastic. I thought it looked pretty good! Eventually, I did cover it with self-adhesive, iron-on RC model "chrome" mylar. It actually worked very well. Still, when I was done I didn't think it really looked any better than the polished "blue".
  5. It doesn't have to be "pretty" to post pics Cozeye. Most of us with "pretty" cars started where you did! Even a dented, primered Z is pretty to my eye, so don't be embarrased to post pics. Mine wasn't a bad 50 footer when I bought it, but it had lots of "huge" warts when you got within 10 feet. And mine was pretty darn nice compared to most un-restored cars.. So please share a few progress pics. You will find lots of support here.
  6. Not only that, too much advance and pre-ignition, (pinging), can ruin your engine! Stick to around 5 degrees BTDC.
  7. A little too "ricer" for my taste, but a nice looking car.
  8. Yep! Just finished watching that same episode. It's an S30 race car, but I couldn't see enough to tell more.
  9. Some can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the aftermarket, cast aluminum "racing" mirrors installed by Datsun dealers were also used on the Mustang. Attached is a pic of my car that has said mirrors.
  10. Arne, I fully understand and agree with your rationale. When I do have to drill holes, I make sure the edges are sealed as best I can, but it's very difficult to effectively seal a drilled hole edge in sheetmetal. As you've seen in my other posts, my Z is allergic to rain. Only because I plan to keep mine out of the rain am I not adverse to drilling additional holes. Means I can't drive it approximately 3+ months a year here in the SF Bay Area, but that's OK with me.
  11. I have a set of the 1970's "dealer option" aluminum louvers with the curved ends, as well as the lighter, MSA aluminum inside-the-window mounted louvers. I'm in the camp that likes the function and look of louvers on cars with no rear spoiler. I prefer the look of the curved=end, screw-on spoilers and have no qualms drilling into the hatch. However, to my eye, they visually seem to "clash" with my rear BRE style spoiler. I'm still stuggling to decide if I'm going to install either of them...
  12. Cool! That's the type of exposure that our S30's need to gain more recognition as classsics.
  13. Yep. I used a 5 lb dead-blow hammer to loosen mine.
  14. I'd like to see them a bit less protrusive, but they look great! Very nice job.
  15. Oiluj


    Like the stripes, the help to show the lines of the car. The 1973 Z I bought in Dec 1978 had stripes.
  16. I don't know if this is the "right" way to do it, but this is what worked for me. Before the door seal was on the car, inserted the door frame into the door, window-down. I closed the door to give me a guide to general position of the frame to the chassis. Then I opened the door and aligned the frame "tilt" to match the window rail. It seemed to work fairly well.
  17. Now if you'd just schedule one of these events on a non-rainy day... I like my boat's decks wet and my Z-car dry. I'm proud to be a *wimp* with a rust-free, (as they come anyway), 240Z. I'm also a competent sailor, good ping-pong player, decent cook, fair shooter, great martini maker, inept computer gamer, marginally-trained husband and a short, old nerd with red and grey hair as well. Fact: Rain and non-treated steel = rust. Rust is bad. Rust is EVIL, and rust never sleeps. I don't like rust, especially on my Z. My Z doesn't like rust. My best friend doesn't like rust. My co-workers don't like rust. My wife doesn't like rust. Even my cats don't like rust. I am trying to keep my Z rust free, so I don't drive it in the rain. By the way, did I mention I don't like rust? I'll get to one of your donut days eventually... When it's dry! *grin*
  18. It's supposed to rain, and my Z's allergic to water. Perhaps next month!
  19. Sunny & nice now, but it's supposed to rain all weekend.
  20. Yep, you're hooked. And most of know exactly how you feel... *grin*
  21. SF Bay Area - No Price w/ V8 Conversion Here's the link if anyone's interested. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/cto/2030423051.html
  22. Nice Pics! I have the same camera (D3000), but not that nice a lens or as much skill as demonstrated in your pics. Gives me some inspiration to go take some pics!
  23. We had plenty of aftershocks, but nothing like what you are experiencing. Most of our aftershocks were in the were in the 1 to 2 range. Hang on to something!
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