Now if you'd just schedule one of these events on a non-rainy day... I like my boat's decks wet and my Z-car dry. I'm proud to be a *wimp* with a rust-free, (as they come anyway), 240Z. I'm also a competent sailor, good ping-pong player, decent cook, fair shooter, great martini maker, inept computer gamer, marginally-trained husband and a short, old nerd with red and grey hair as well. Fact: Rain and non-treated steel = rust. Rust is bad. Rust is EVIL, and rust never sleeps. I don't like rust, especially on my Z. My Z doesn't like rust. My best friend doesn't like rust. My co-workers don't like rust. My wife doesn't like rust. Even my cats don't like rust. I am trying to keep my Z rust free, so I don't drive it in the rain. By the way, did I mention I don't like rust? I'll get to one of your donut days eventually... When it's dry! *grin*