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Everything posted by Oiluj

  1. Wow! That's really the way to do it. Get some primer on that baby quick. Or Just clear coat it and pretend it's a Delorean... *grin*
  2. If you go with the 3.1 stroker, add the expense of adding stich-welds to stiffen the chassis to your project. Otherwise you risk twisting the chassis it out-of shape. If this happens, you risk being unable to align the wheels or have alignment issues with the drive train. Knew a guy who learned this the hard way...
  3. Rebello built my engine. I took it to them and put it in mayself. Give them a call...
  4. I'm thinking of buying the MSA short throw shift kit. Has anyone installed one and can you give your opinion on how they like it? Here's a link: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/PRC02A
  5. Given it's an aluminum head and will warp if overheated, I'd replace the head gasket sooner than later. Replacing the head costs a lot more than a head gasket. You can R&R the head in an afternoon.
  6. The cracks at the rear quarter are somewhat common, especially if the car was driven "hard". The roof is joined by spot welds covered with lead filler. Hard cornering or accidents can overstress/flex the joint and the paint cracks. Not neccesarly a bad thing, but an indicator that you should look more closely for evidence of damage to the chassis.
  7. Try cleaning the battery terminals and checking the starter cable / ground connections. You can have a good enough connection to run low wattage items, but not turn the starter.
  8. OK, that makes sense... I had considered it might be a ground problem, but hadn't fully thought it through as you did. I'll check that out this weekend. Thanks for the input!
  9. Everything they said. I found it takes two people. One outside pressing down where the rope is and one inside working the rope.
  10. If you have dyslexia, would'nt you have called it lisdexia? Sorry, couldn't resist....
  11. OK, here’s an interesting observation / dilemma. I have a strut brace-bar in my engine bay, the typical round, chrome bar as sold by MSA. (attached pic) When adjusting the idle on my front carb, the screwdriver shank contacts the strut bar, making a metal-to-metal contact. When adjusting my idle speed the other day, I noticed a weak “ignition spark” from my screwdriver tip to the idle screw, just before it touches. So it looks like I have a high voltage leak somewhere in the ignition system, but can’t find it. At first I thought the ignition wires were to blame, but it happens with both my old and new ignition wire sets. I’ve verified that the high voltage ignition wires are not contacting metal anywhere, and are at least 1/4” from any grounded metal surface. Same for the high voltage wire from the coil to distributor. Further, I can grab any of the ignition wires without feeling a jolt. - (Dumb mech engr type of test). After all, if I can’t see the electrons, they don’t exist and can't hurt me, right? Any thoughts on what to look at next?
  12. The rod broke-off on one of my tail lights during dis-assembly. I removed the chrome strip and drilled two small holes in the lens under the chrome strip. Counter-sunk the holes and used long 4-40 machine screws to capture the lens to the housing. Applied a little adhesive to the srew heads to prevent them from turning and to make them water-tight. Worked great.
  13. That's the color, (white), of the one I rode in. Belongs to a vendor that took me to lunch. Pretty amazing car. Maybe in my next life...
  14. Quite a car! Very quick and it does well in the corners, though we didn't push it that hard. Acceleration felt similar to the Z06 Corvette I was in a while back. Had some fun scrolling through the various screens on the central display, and the G-Force screen is interesting for the passemger to watch. My only complaint is the funky door handles that could use some re-engineeing. Other than that, I was impressed.
  15. I'm not thinking of them doing thier occasional destruction derby runs w/ classic cars, and doubt they would be able to damage a sturdy L24 in a few runs around their track. I'm thinking more of a driving impressions and possibly a few laps with "The Stig". They say his blood is blended with oil leaked from a hundred MG's...
  16. E-mailed the one hosted by Jeremy Clarkson on BBC, so I guesss it's the UK show. Figured they might go for it given the most popular sports cars in the 60's / 70's were of British origin.
  17. E-mailed the TV show "Top Gear" the other day, suggesting they do a show or sequence of stories on classic sports cars from the 60's and 70's. This was the time when sports cars were in their hey-day. I thought it would be interesting to hear the host’s impressions after test driving some of these older classics. Older cars like our Z's have less horsepower than most modern performance cars, but I think there is more of a visceral connection between, car driver and road. And now we wait... More requests just might get the show producer's attention. Anybody else want to contact them?
  18. or a "Mr. Fusion" coffemaker...
  19. Far from being my first car, it was my first "sports" car. Had my 1st Z in the early 1980's when I met my bride & got married. Rebuilt my second Z in the 1990's and we drove it every where. Everytime I sit in my current Z, it's like I'm 29 again... Not to mention, they are just beautiful cars from every angle! I sometimes find myself stopping to admire my own car!
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