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Everything posted by Oiluj

  1. Sounds like a faulty headlight switch or loose connector. Had a similar problem with my first Z. New column switch fixed it.
  2. I saw that auction as well. Was interesting to hear the "muscle car" guys talking about the Z. From the comments, it sounds like one of them has a track Z.
  3. Ditto on Ttiger's comment. Had the same problem on an MGA. Flush the cable housing with engine cleaner or solvent. Let it soak a day or so and repeat. Then blow-out with an air compressor. Relube the cable and re-install.
  4. Probably works as advertised, but seems like a gimmick to me. No need for the electronics, just install a battery kill switch. A battery kill switch It does the same thing. And since you would have to open the hood with a kill switch, you will "see" if there is any connector corrosion.
  5. Congrats on the Z and welcome! Guess I'll be the first to suggest you use the search feature on the website. It works pretty well for finding solutions to problems that have been covered in previous posts. You will find people on this site are very knowledgeable and helpful. Good luck with the Z !
  6. Also nicely said Adam... When done, I'll have about $24K in my silver Z. So based on that, if the oragne Z sells in the high 20's, it's a pretty good buy considering the Rebello engine and other upgrades. Except for the fact that I wanted to build my Z the way I wanted, I'd buy it in a second...
  7. Don't yet have any detailed pics yet. It's about 30 miles away, so I can drive it home, but have to wait till early next week to pick it up. Here's the basic stats: 1972 240Z__ White w/ Red__ Straight, clean body, only minor dings and older, serviceable paint.__ Mostly original interior, a bit worn and seat covers have tears. Dash has minor cracks. Stock drive train & suspension needing minor mechanical work, but driveable.__ When I told my wife I bought it, her response was:__ "Sweet!_His & Hers!" followed by:__"You need to make space in the garage."
  8. Won't be able to pick it up for another 10 days, but will post pics after I get it home. This weekend I have to clean the garage to make space. It's certainly not perfect but mostly orginal. __Needs some minor body / bumper work, some seat covers and minor mechanicals. Just what I needed, another project when I have yet to finish my current Z ! __Actually, I plan to do the minor mechanical repairs and drive it while I finish the silver Z. Can't have too many Z's!
  9. I'm torn on this one. The car would have been better left original as an investment, but the mods appear to have been done well and it's very nice... I think it will eventually sell for around $25 k, and it's a reasonable price for that car, given the cost to find and restore a less perfect example to that state.
  10. Interesting. It's possible that the shifter was manufactured slightly "off" and that wear in the tranny finally got things to the point where it became a problem.
  11. I drove a boxter recently, (non S version). While it handled well, it felt underpowered compared to our Z's. More e feeling of a lack of torque than anything. Have you driven an S2000? I think I'd take a used S2000 over a Boxter. Just one guy's opinion.
  12. Reminds me of when my car was at that stage. Nice work!
  13. I agree completely. When nothing changed after the 1st round of bail-outs, the follow-up bail-outs were a stupid move. I also agree with Jon that it's unlikely they will make it. I for one do not mourn their downfall. Quote: "Stupid is as stupid does..."
  14. It wasn't Obama that ran GM into the ground. The "Big 3's" downfall has been in the making for years. It was GM's short-sighted management that are fully to blame. In my opinion, it's about time they were held responsible for ingorning changes in the market, not to mention rising fuel prices and economic conditions over the last 8 years. That's why Toyota, Honda & Nissan have taken so much of their market share. Stepp'n down off my soapbox now....
  15. Stephen, What is your opinion of the self-piercing bolt-on taps? I was thinking they would be a good alternative. Was even thinking they could be soldered as well, but would be eaiser to mount on the hard line.
  16. I’m working on installation of my AC lines, bending the hard tubing. My question is where to locate the service ports. Is there any “best” location for the service ports? I’m assuming that anywhere that’s convenient for servicing is OK, but wanted to verify before bending and cutting more lines. I'm planning to locate my drier on the passenger side strut tower, but am open to a better solution. Thanks!
  17. I'll chime in o doing the work "with" your son. 1) He will appreciate the car more and will be less likely to take chances with it after putting a hundred hours or more of labor into fixing it up. 2) He will learn a lot in the process. 3) It's quality dad/son time! Have fun with your project!
  18. Thanks Mike. I'll do a web search for a converter. While I can do some 3-D cad (pro/e), I'm graphically challenged when it comes to other formats.
  19. Let me try this again... Perhaps I didn't communicate what I was trying to say very well. I'm not criticizing your add in any way. In fact, I looked at the original ad on eBay and thought the car looked pretty good. What I mean to say is that as long as you have disclosed any issues with the car, (ie. the photos), I think you've done what is reasonable.
  20. File type for the icons is: .srf
  21. Sorry, didn't fully read your question. First, as you indicated, I'd cancel the current auction. I'd simply state that there is some moderate surface rust in areas and show the pics. Indicate that it is nor rusted though, (if you are sure of this). Should be good enough...
  22. I'd disclose it. Add additional pics to the ad.
  23. Ok, here's a challenge for you graphicaly gifted Z people... I got a Garmin GPS yesterday. There are downloadable car icons you can put on the screen. I put the Speed Racer Mach 5 on mine. The icons are a 3-D .swf file. Anyody capable and interested in making a 240Z icon? (if you do make one, please make a silver one as well...) Julio
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