I've been exposed to trademarked material and I have a few patents, so I am a strong proponent of enforcement, but only where it makes sense. Is BRE focused on limiting use by individuals making replica vehicles, or just going after those trying to make money off of their name? If the latter, I completely, 100% support their position. However, if they limit partial emulation or actual "replicas" of 30+ year old Datsun paint schemes by individuals, I don’t believe it to be reasonable. It's also a good way to hurt BRE’s reputation in the Datsun motorsports fan base... However your write-up does beg a legal question.__Is the BRE Datsun paint scheme a "registered" Trademark or “currently” valid Copyright? I'm no lawyer, (and am operating from memory here), but my limited understanding is that trademarks have infinite life span. Copyrights, like patents, expire after a period of time. My recollection is copyrights have a 28-year life span unless re-registered in the year it expires. If re-registered, they last a very long time. If BRE is using the "legal" card to limit use, it might be worth checking into.