As many of you know, I recently had an expensive bad experience with an eBay purchase. However, with exception of that one purchase, I've found eBay to be a good place for many items. I limit my bidding up to about %80 of store retail, Maximum). If it goes for more than that, I figure I may as well go to a store. Regarding the purchase above, I'm currently in dispute-mode with Pay Pal, though I don't expect to win. I don't get satisfaction through Pay Pal, I'll just re-sell the items for less and move on. My take on it is "You win some, you lose some..." Even with this one bad experience, over the last 10 years, I'm still way ahead moneywise. On the other side of the table, when I sell things on eBay, I am VERY careful to fully disclose item condition and take good pics. That way there is no issue. In fact, I'm in the process of selling some left-over MGA parts at about 50-80% value. I get some cash back, an MG owner gets what they want and the stuff doesn't end-up in a land-fill.