It's been 18 months since I got hergan tearing her down. Today she rolled out of the driveway for a "real" drive, not just a few blocks. With my wife in the passenger seat, we drove for 45 minutes on the closest windy road. Went up Highway 92 to Skyline, (highway 84), which is very curvy with multiple small elevation changes. The car drove great and handled like she was on rails. It was a great drive for breaking-in the engine. Lots of speed and rpm changes with a significant amount of engine breaking. Never pushed it hard, but did make an effort to load the engine in short bursts where possible. Also did a few hard stops to "bed" the brakes. Found I have a "squeak" in the driver's seat I need to eliminate, as well as a few small rattles, but other than that the interior seems pretty tight. She won't br truely complete for another 6 to 8 weeks, but she's driving! Will post pics as soon as I get the sterring wheel refinished and the HVAC controls installed.