240/260/280Z in Vancouver BC
I will be moving to Vancouver from New Zealand in September this year. I have to leave my Z car here and would love to step into a new one in Canada. Anyone know of a good Z??
Electric windows
Sorry Mike.... They're off a Jap import (1982) 280Z 2+2 .... not too many of those in Oz I think.... Ross.
Electric windows
While restoring my 280Z I have replaced my old doors (which had had the rust monster chew big holes in them) with doors from a car which had electric windows. Does anyone know whether retrofitting e-windows to a car which originally didn't have them is a big deal? Are the plugs present under the dash (I can't find them!) or do I need to wire back to the fuse box. Cheers, Ross
Mystery green box
Under the drivers seat of my 280Z is a green box. It was once part of the electrical system but is no longer attached to anything. What was it??? Cheers....
Glass removal
I am stripping out my 280Z for repainting. I tried to take out the front screen last night in the way described in Haynes but cracked it:( Before I try and get the replacement screen out of my parts car .... any advice??? Thanks
Black Beauty 280Z
Hmmmm, Perhaps I need to make myself clear. While snuffling around an old bookstore a few months back I saw a magazine with a Z car ad on the back .... this was for a car they called the 'Black Beauty' 280ZX. The car was some sort of limited edition, with black paint job and gold highlighting, and a well featured interior. Not being horribly smart I didn't buy the magazine, didn't check the date and now can't find it. (In my defence, my girlfriend was dragging me out of the store by my hair at the time!!) It is possible that this is some sort of local variant I guess .... doesn't seem likely. Anyone know anythin'?? Ross.
Black Beauty 280Z
Can anyone find me some pictures of the Black Beauty 280Z? I am thinking of making mine into a replica. Cheers, Ross
Stripping and repainting
Thanks for all the useful replies - keep 'em comin' .... another question. Inside the car I am planning to paint my new colour over the existing paint. Anyone got any advice on prepping existing paint for an overspray, or is it just not done:finger: !! And another one .... the colour loaded rust kill primers that you can buy now (over here at least!!) - anyone tried them? Are they any good? Seems too easy to me!! But I may just be a suspicious sort. Ross.
Stripping and repainting
Right, tomorrow I start on my 280Z. It is white .... I want it black. I fully intend to strip it back to steel, fix what I find under the paint (and that could be a scary thing) then get it into a paint shop for the paint work. Any recommendations on what to do or not to do? I will take the major panels off (hood, hatch, doors), but is it worth removing the front quarter panels? I am also going to pop all the glass out of it - any advice on how best to do that? (especially the rear side glass - I can't find any instructions on how to get those out and have rust at the bottom edge of each). While she's a shell ... what are the must dos? Thanks for any advice, Cheers, Ross.
rosst's 280Z
My 280Z on its final day of freedom ... tomorrow it's into the garage for a ground up re-build and a repaint in black
High revving Z
Hi all, My 280Z (carburetted) was fine yesterday but today ..... drove to work, she started revving high (approx 4500 rpm). Kept doing this even when warm (so I don't think the automatic choke). When I tried her before from cold she didn't do it while idling, but when I started driving she started doing it again. It's like having cruise control .... with my foot off the accelerator I can do 50kph! I DON'T HAVE CRUISE CONTROL. Nor do I want it! Any advice?? Will I kill my Z by driving home from work??
Introduce yourself to the class?
In reply to Alfadog... I think some 280Z's were imported new into NZ (I'm sure someone out there knows)... ... but most (like mine) were imported used from Japan in the late 80's/early 90's. Is this the last corner of the world where Z's are really cheap? looked at a running (road-worthy and driven daily)280Z for $400 NZ yesterday ... thats <$200US!! :eek:
Introduce yourself to the class?
Hi all, Since we are doing the brief history of my life thing .... I am a 27yr old living in Dunedin New Zealand, which makes this page's international coverage pretty impressive I think. I work as an Envrionmental Scientist for a local consulting company. I recently (1 week ago) bought a 1980 280Z with 97 000 k's on it .... I am driving it this week then its off into the garage for a ground-up re-build. Should be good fun. Previous restorations have included Ford (Mercury to those in the USA) Capris and other 1970's Fords. Any other Kiwis out there?? Cheers, Ross
Funny sounds from up front
I recently bought a 1980 280Z after a few years of driving and restoring lesser vehicles. When I turn full lock there is a clicking/clunking noise from whichever side I am turning towards. I can't find anything wrong with steering components and maybe they all do that but it is a bit unnerving... Ross Thompson Dunedin, New Zealand