Everything posted by warcmalla
Kia Sportage weatherstip rocks!
Brian called me a few minutes ago from kiaparts.com and told me some guy from Canada bought 12 and they don't have any in stock. He also said that they didn't have any left anywhere in the states and that mine would be coming on the slow boat from Korea. He told me to expect them around the first week in June.
Kia Sportage weatherstip rocks!
I ordered a set from kiaparts.com $40.93ea. They appear to be out of Olympia, WA.
Western Wheels on parts car
Back of wheel has markings W.W.C.-KH w/ J.J. Below. One spoke has 5146. Made in USA. The car these are on is really close to your VIN Arne, just realized. HLS30-37832. Build date 7/71.
Western Wheels on parts car
Window channel felt
I went down to the local glass shop in search of the window channel felt. Twin City Glass was very helpful, but they did not have a close enough match. They took my samples into the back and compared it to what they had on hand and came up with something very close but just a little too small. They said they could get it, but it would be too expensive for them to bring in a large roll. I understood that my 15' or so that I need was not a significant enough request for them to justify bringing the channel in and have it sit in their inventory. I didn't get the feeling I was wasting anybody's time and actually gave the cute counter girl something to do for five minutes.
Window channel felt
I never thought about going to the local glass place. We have a great glass place in town that my family has done business with throughout the years. I can't even count the number of times the front doors were broken at our old c-store. I guess because I am looking for an automotive application I dismissed a traditional glass place as being an option, and having a known solution from JC Whitney just an online order away stopped me from a local investigation. I like to support local business so I will check it out and maybe save some money altogether. Cali-thanks for answering my question that using the channel throughout the entire length of the window frame is an option.
Window channel felt
Can the JC Whitney channel felt be used as one continuous piece in substitute of an upper felt and lower rubber channel? My doors have been stripped for two years and nothing remains in the frame for me to go by.
Help identifying mystery holes.
Those holes are for bolts that go to the fender. Fender has nuts attached.
What is this part???
The picture of the thingy in Palmer's post looks to be different than the thingy posted in the link by Stephen. Stephen's link shows a plate below the level of the mustache bar whereas the the picture in Palmer's post is above it. My first thought was bracket for electronic fuel pump, but that is on a 280 and I don't know if those have an electronic fuel pump there like on a 73 240z. I took my electronic fuel pump off, but I think that is where it would go if it was still there. Marc
Rear Hatch Louvers
I found this on craigslist for $25. http://corvallis.craigslist.org/pts/1060390629.html It looks like his dog took a leak on it though. Marc.
act your age. Wait no... Post your age
I'll be 28 next month. My Dad bought a '73 510 new before I was born. He autocrossed it quite a bit until his children arrived, but he still took my sister and me for drives on the weekends. I'll never forgot how cool it was and decided that I needed a Datsun of my own so I bought a z almost two years ago. I attached a picture of the 510 from 1980 very shortly before Mt. St. Helens blew. Unfortunately he sold it to my older brother who managed to wrap it around a pole long before I could have ever driven it. My Dad said he wished he would have bought a 240z in retrospect. Marc
Time to say hello.
Hello classiczcar members. I must say that I have been on the site searching and searching for a quite a while. I decided it was long over due to introduce myself. I live in Longview, WA and I have had my 1973 240z for a little over a year now. I picked it up down in Portland, OR and have done quite a bit to it to get it on the road and recently started tearing it down for some rust repair and paint prep. It had been sitting for 10 years in a garage and was the same owner for last 20 years. I've loaded just a few pictures in my album to start, unfortunately I didn't take many before I started taking it apart so most of them are just repair shots. To get on the road I've replaced the gas tank, installed poly bushings, replaced a stub axle, installed a R200 3.9 rear end and ZX 5speed among some other little things. It has some rust, but overall could be worse. I've replaced the dog legs and hatch sill so far. The floor pans and frame rails are not showing major problems that I can see. The worst rust seems to be in the doors. I plan on painting it the original white. I appreciate the knowledge that this site provides. Thanks, Marc