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Had to pack the family up and go visit the grandparents today, but I was able to sneak in to check the forums. I cannot say enough how glad I am to have signed up here. This is definetely not a 'dead' forum. I believe the engine has been swapped, but I will go and recheck the engine block as soon as I get home. Many Many thanks again.
Hello Hello
So... here comes the Z Car newbie question(s) of the day: How do I translate the info you so graciously passed on to me? Is this lady a 76 260 FairladyZ? Is she a rarity and worth keeping my hands on? As earlier mentioned, I've gotten her to start up (running rough, but nothing my mechanic buddy and a bribe (6 pack of NewCastle Brown) can't fix). Why am I having such a hard time of finding similar cars on the web? I have a funny feeeling that I'm going to need a bigger driveway here soon at the rate I'm going. There's a 71 240 down the road that's gutted, but the shell looks great and I'm starting to lose sleep. Plus, there's the 82 280 zx Turbo I'm trying to sweet talk my way into at work. Is the Z addicition something I should be wary of??? Many, many thanks for the info, Shane
Hello Hello
Good morning/evening to some, Kinda chilly this morning, but my excitement of maybe figuring out what's in my driveway heated my desire to get this posted. I've included some pics of the lady and I created an image of the side plate mounted in the hood along the side wall (it's embedded in a word doc). Any info given would be great. Here's the info Carl asked for as I could find: 1: Engine plates: 1st: L28 2nd: 034849 2: Firewall number: GS31-001088 3: Not sure if this is the datatag info or not (this is the word doc I created), it says C-GS31, 1998, 130ps/6000 rpm, 2605 nm, 120, GS31 001088, 0-12. I've included pics of the tags mounted under the hood, but they are in Japanese. I've got a friend at work who's wife is going to translate for me. I have no level of expectation here so no worries. From what Carl said, I'm sure the engine isn't original so no worries there either. Any help is appreciated, so thanks all in advance. Shane (I threw in a pic of my 82 280zx I'm working on also, just for grins). HoodSidePlate.doc
Hello Hello
Thanks for the info. From reading information here tonight, I'm not sure if the engine is original because it is fuel injected, but I really don't know enough about z cars to even say that. I've seen the GS# you referred to, and will look in the morning for all the info items you gave me. And yes, I do have a digital camera. I'll post everything I can find and pics in the morn. Until then, night all.
Hello Hello
Thanks for the quick reply! I already have the fairlady. She not purring yet, but I've got some more timing work to do. The advice I'm looking for at this point, is how do I verify what I've got? Is it really a 76 260 fairlady z? I can't read any of the stickers cause I can't read Japanese. I've got a friend at work who's wife can, and I'm going to take some pictures of the stickers so she can translate. Sounds like it may be pretty rare... I think she's gorgeous even if she's a 2+2!
Hello Hello
Browsing the web looking for z car information and found you guys/gals. I currently have an 82 280zx that I am fixing up/driving daily (just cause I like it and want to). My main quest though is this: I recently got a car from my brother. He started messing with it, let it roll down a hill and dent the door, and told me to come get it. He says it's a 76 260 fairlady z. It's RHD and all the stickers are in Japanese. Not that I don't believe him, but I can't find any information, and have only become a z car owner recently. I'm looking for advice on how to identify the car. I've been messing with it for about 2 months now and just got it fired up 2 weeks ago, so I'm pretty jazzed. Any direction and advice would be great, if not, no worries, still happy to be here. Another tidbit for the group: I work with a lady that has an 82 280zx turbo that has been drained and on blocks for the last 17 years that I think is ready to give it up to me... I really want it! Take Care, Shane