Everything posted by JonnyRock
20 Vintage Datsun/Nissan commercials
Check out these 20 vintage Datsun and Nissan commercials over @ Jalopnik. Ad Watch: Datsun/Nissan
New Z is Home!
I checked into that when I first got my Z because I too have broken plastic clips. Unfortunately that reproduction is old news and they are NLA unless someone is selling their own.
240z Valve Cover
You won't be able to find a "new" one. These cars are between 30-40 years old and any cover you find will be off an old engine. I've seen polished and painted ones available on eBay with some regularity. Otherwise, look for parts car listing in our classifieds, other forum classifieds, and craigslist. You live in CA, which is mecca when it comes to 240Z availability. BTW, I believe the covers from 69-83 are interchangeable. A 260 or 280 cover will fit a 240.
Car info
Start reading, and looking at pictures. Figure out what you want to do with it. Spend a good amount of time reading past forum posts and learning. Use the search feature to find out more about specific info. Browse the galleries and see what you like. Check out these websites. THat OTHER forum ZCar.com ZHome.com Motorsport Auto Black Dragon Auto Classic Datsun And enjoy!
Those aren't dents, the are speed dimples!
do you have trouble with speed bumps and your muffler? i'm trying to figure out if i can mount my twice pipes vertically so i don't have to alter the rear valence.
Low miles Z31 FS in Portland, OR
Even though they're a POS to deal with and maintain, I just love those mid-eighties digital displays. Such a quintessential sign of the times.
Pantera look a like Rear Lid
No info other than these pictures from an earlier thread. This lot of Z's has come up many times but I don't think anything is said about the Pantera Z.
Twice Pipes
ZDemon - What did you do to fit both pipes out the rear valence? I'm getting mine installed soon, but am unsure of what to do about the fittiment at the very back. I don't think the pipes would fit vertically stacked, so I guess I'll have to have the cut-out enlarged. Should I just have the exhaust shop do this?
Series 1 Engine Paint Plan - Details Please
I suggest you look for user 'kats' posts. He has a website which details his amazing restoration and has a lot of great photos and documentation. I'd give you the link, but I'm not at my place right now and don't have the bookmark.
help with wheels
You can find a lot of information on this subject by using the forum 'search' function. There's even been a number of posts about it in just the last month.
Mood altering event
It's been nearly 2 months, no luck yet?
Best "performance" tire for a 70 240z
Here's an excellent tire size to speed/rpm calculator. Tire Size Calculator Very useful.
Exhaust Header Wrapping
Here's where you are confused. The heat wrap will keep the header hot, but this is a good thing. By keeping the exhaust gases hot, you'll minimize system heat loss while keeping ambient engine bay temps down. You've insulated the rest of the engine bay from much of the heat, so your engine will actually run cooler. This is true of coated headers as well (which I have and will be installing soon!)
6 spoke 280zx wheels
User JSM has a set listed for $65 plus shipping. They're in the classifieds section. I've included a link. It's always best to check the listings first.:bulb: http://www.classiczcars.com/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3384&cat=4
Missing "Vendors" forum
It's just called "Z PUBLICATIONS" on the "Forums" index page.
Third times the charm
Very nice. I love that color. More pics!
30+ Z BBQ Auszcar photo
Coolant Leak
After some searching, I've found that black dragon sells both hoses and two grommets for about $30 + shipping. Thats versus the $47 + $14 shipping that 'reddat' is charging. Here's the link to their catalog. Black Dragon Auto - Catalog Z - Page 76 The part numbers are: Heater Hose Inlet - 54-420 Heater Hose Outlet - 54-421 Grommet - 54-423 And MSA has them for a comparable price here: The Z Store - Heater Hoses I've decided to go ahead and order from MSA. They're good guys that I like to support, and they give us all a club discount!
Coolant Leak
OOOH, those are from 'reddat' I'm going to look around as he is loathed here on the board for overcharging for items that are commonly available and gouging customers on shipping.
Is it worth trying to save..
Can you post some pictures? And how do the frame rails look? As long as they're ok and your Z has little rust, I think it'd still be worth keeping. But it's hard to know without pictures.
Coolant Leak
How do I get to the heater core? Can I reach it alright from the passenger footwell? And do you know where I can get new firewall gaskets? Mine are all dry and cracked, and yours look new Garagegoon.
Anybody looking for a winter project?
Still, it's definitely a restoration candidate for someone looking for a '69 Z. And since the parts to restore it aren't quite 'Unobtanium' yet, I think it's probably a good candidate. But then again, I'm fairly new to the Z scene, so what do I know?
Coolant Leak
Hey guys, A little over a week ago I started up my Z for the first time in about 7 days. After driving for less than 10 min, I noticed that she was quickly overheating. So I pulled over and carefully popped my radiator cap. Whaddya know! I couldn't see any coolant. After waiting about 30 min, I started refilling w/water and found I was about a gallon low! So ever since then I have been refilling it before I take it out. How much goes in depends on how long it's been sitting, but it's a pretty good leak. I immediately located the leak, but with work and finals I haven't been able to address it yet. Early next week I'll have plenty of time, so I was hoping you guys could help me out. I've included pictures of where the leak is. It appears it's coming out of the heater core return line where a Prestone Refill Tee was added. But it also looks like it may be leaking form the line leading from the head to the heater core as well. I bought a new Prestone kit and was planning on replacing the Tee and the post-tee return line, but thought I'd ask what you guys thought. I've also included some pictures that show some seeping around my valve cover and pcv hose to see what ya'll think about that too. However, I am not losing oil.
MSA 3 into 2 Headers and Twice Pipes
Balls. Looks like it'll have to wait till January. Fin Aid sucks. I'll keep ya updated.