Won't Stay Running
best advice is to take a noid light and see if injectors are getting a signal...If it is F/I...(just taking a guess it is)
Is this a joke?
He wrote me back saying he threw 50k into it and it has 450 HP. He says he wants 25k for it.
Is this a joke?
wrote to him expressing mine (and maybe the rest of your) feelings on the matter. Wasn't to nice maybe even on the borderline of prickish, But I think it's just ridiculous to have a price that high on something that isn't really a collectors Item, but a piece of one. told him he'd be luck to et $50 out of it and so fourth.
parking lot war?
the shadows on both cars almost make it look believable but I wouldn't think the cura would hold up to (as funny as it seems to be saying this about a saturn) that much weight.And we know the guy is photo shopped in for a fact. A for effort to the artist tho
NISMO vs. aftermarket
I'd go with nismo if you have the money, It's a quality product for the price. but in general it's a craps shoot, you could buy the best quality and have it glaze in a week, or the lowest quality and have it outlast the motor. Or vice versa. And I've had nothing but smiles with nismo
Destiny is not with me, or my Z
Just be thankful yours isn't a dog crap flat brown(I have to deal with it until I get money to paint it >( that'll be a while )
1975 datsun 280z 2+2 won't start
Not trying to argue, just saying a test is simple and eliminates components, using stuff that happened to a buddy in the past to try and solve this problem, not saying I'm right or wrong just suggesting a test, If it works congrats if, it doesn't at least you know the part's still good.
1975 datsun 280z 2+2 won't start
you'd be surprised, my buddy had a similar problem and all he did was replaced the cold start injector and it started an ran beautifully, and you could always just get a noid tester and just test the injector, easiest way to go about it. No harm in that. and a voltmeter to see if there's power coming to it, simple and rule that out.(I'm almost at this point on mine, only a hundred more steps to go!)
1975 datsun 280z 2+2 won't start
did you replace the cold start injector too?
well it's been sitting not running for about a year now. (I pour gas in the intake to work the bearings and what not every now and than), the tank is off, going to throw the lines into a plastic tank full of gas and see if it was just the tank, the fuel pump is new, gas lines are rusty, might want to replace those. And yet another question, does anyone know how to bypass the vapor control to put in a fuel cell? the fuel cell's cheaper than a tank but the vapor control unit worries me (I think that's what it's called).
YAY! A forum dedicated to NISSAN! And The Z car especially! I love my 1978 280z. It's comfy, and makes me want to drive fast! The only problem is it's not running right now and hasn't been since I got it. There's something wrong with the fuel delivery. I pour gas in the intake and it runs, but it won't run just turning the key. The cold start injector is fine I was told. the injectors might be bad, but I don't think all 6 went bad at the same time.But that's enough of that. If there's anyone in the forum in Marquette MI that would be willing to let me take one for a drive, I wouldn't mind seeing how mine might turn out like and if anyone wants to throw me pointers on my car, be as brutal as you want.
Pressure and running
I just bought a 280z and am having fuel delivery problems. I can't find the spec for fuel pressure in my book and I don't know if that's the problem. I pour fuel in through the intake and it starts. but I don't know if everything is right. Is there a common problem that I might be overlooking? All help is appreciated.