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the Chad

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  1. well if any one thinks they might be interested or knows some one who might be the car is now in the classifieds.......
  2. Yeah I checked into the temp but in oregon you are only allowed 2 per car per year and they are only for 21 days each.
  3. I actual had my mustang at the shop untill we lost our lower parking lot and now have next to no parking. However at thi point it dosnt matter. The wife and I sat down and talked about it. Decided it realy just would not be worth it in the long run. If we could eventualy get out of it what we put into it I would do it but after talking to enthusiasts like you self and others, we have decided just to sell it. Beside I was not doing it for the right reasons it was her dads car and the family wanted to see it done and it is a RH Drive but other than the RH Drive the car dosnt get me all that excited.
  4. what is an MSA catalog ???
  5. surething you buy all four rims and you get a free car with them...
  6. ok hope this works here are a couple pictures
  7. Yeah i have looked into all that stuff. i miss exemption my a couple of years. and I talk with code enforcement and he said only option i have is regester/license it, get rid of it of put it inside a "legal" structure. It realy suck cause I also have a mustang that i am not driving cause it is missing realy bad and has no tags. That one is along side the house under the car port and they are after it also. So i will have picts up this week in any on knows some one who may be interested.
  8. 2+2 thats the one with the back seat right. Dosnt matter looks like my jerk neighbor and the county code enforce have made the decision for me. I has to go or be registered (it wont pass smog right now) or be moved in side a garage (which i dont have) So looks like I will have to put it up for sale. can any one tell me how to post a pictue in here. Or I can email them to any one who might want to see them of know any one who might
  9. yeah that is what I am trying to decide. If I start the repair I will do it start to finish. I work at a body shop so I have access to the means to do it. I just cant decide if I want to. Not every one has a right hand drive 280z so that is my interest factor in doing it. Other wise I will just sell it now and save myself the headache. I have pictures but dont know to put them in here
  10. Just wanted to say hello and get in the game here. I joined out of curiosity and nessicity. I recentley inheriated a car from my father inlaw. It is a 1979(or 80 he gave some long story about this confusion) Fairlady 280Z (or zx). It has RH steering. I am trying to decide what I want to do with this car. It needs a lot of help. The body is in very poor condition. Interior is useable but very faded and dryed out from living in Vegas for a number of years (and the dash pad is toast). It has a running issue starts fine but once warmed up starts missing very bad like it is dropping the #1&2 cylinders. I think this would be a very cool car once it is done but dont know if I realy want to embark on a project of this scale. Heck I dont even know what these car are worth. Some day I just wanna sell it and split the money amungst his kids other day I wanna be realy selfish and fix it up so I can have arealy unique and bitchin ride:knockedou. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks Chad

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