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  2. Thanks to everyone that made it. See you next time. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v652/knucklez/July%2011%20meet/?albumview=slideshow
  3. This event is this saturday..take out your z's from the garage have fun and drive them...it's summer time.. be at the Shell gas station or sport chalet parking lot at 8am 4530 angeles crest hwy la canada flintridge, ca SEE YOU THERE..
  4. The Date has been set...JULY 11TH 2009... A nice cruise through the Angeles Crest Highway and BBQ Lunch at Brookside Park in Pasadena. The Last 2 Cruises were awesome and we're hoping this one will be even greater!! After the cruise, join us at the park for a BBQ meet and greet ! Fun for the whole Family !! Come Out and Make Friends !! Drive that Car you Love So Much and Enjoy the Summer with Fellow Enthusiasts !! Good Vibes ! Good People ! Good Food ! Hope to See you there ! Drive Safe ! email me if you have any questions: nsbjr7898@yahoo.com
  5. until

    The Date has been set...JULY 11TH 2009... A nice cruise through the Angeles Crest Highway and BBQ Lunch at Brookside Park in Pasadena. The Last 2 Cruises were awesome and we're hoping this one will be even greater!! After the cruise, join us at the park for a BBQ meet and greet ! Fun for the whole Family !! Come Out and Make Friends !! Drive that Car you Love So Much and Enjoy the Summer with Fellow Enthusiasts !! Good Vibes ! Good People ! Good Food ! Hope to See you there ! Drive Safe ! Meet at la canada Shell 8:00 am. 4530 angeles crest hwy la canada flintridge, Ca email me if you have any questions: nsbjr7898@yahoo.com
  6. Thanks to all that made it. It was an awesome turn out. See you on the next one. link to the pictures: http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii238/mazedatsun/japanese%20classic%20fun%20%20drive%20II/?albumview=slideshow&mediafilter=images
  7. until

  8. This event is this Saturday the 13th. Hope you guys can make it. Email me if you have any questions. Thanks. Shell gas station 4530 angeles crest hwy la canada flintridge, CA link to our last event: http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii238/mazedatsun/japanese%20%20classic%20%20fun%20%20drive/?albumview=slideshow&mediafilter=images
  9. We will do it again in 2 weeks which is the 13th of June. Hahahaha...my son is actually taking the videos.. he was just having to much fun that's why the video was shaky..it will be better next time.
  10. The drive was a success, Here are some pics..thanks to everyone that made it, see you on the next one. http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii238/mazedatsun/japanese%20%20classic%20%20fun%20%20drive/?albumview=slideshow&mediafilter=images
  11. until

    I know a lot of you guys want to drive your Z's. I am planning to have a fun ride this weekend maybe Sat. morning ( May 30th ). Angeles Crest. Meet at the shell gas station at 8am and head out at 8:30 am. The gas station is located on the LA Crest Hwy. exit. 4530 angeles crest hwy la canada flintridge We can head out and drive up to Newcombs Ranch Restaurant and have breakfast. http://newcombsranch.com/ I'm trying to invite as much people so we can have a good ride, so please let me know if you are interested. You can email me @ nsbjr7898@yahoo.com if you have any questions
  12. Couple people have sent me emails. The gas station is actually shell Here is the address: (818)790-7836 4530 angeles crest hwy La Canada flintridge Ca

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