How to get info from my VIN# edit
http://www.blackdragonauto.com/icatalog/z/t.asp?page=8 That will give you some idea what you have but from what I understand it's hard to match engine/trans. #'s to the body.
I'm looking for a 'new' Z (year?)
Looks like a nice car! I have the headlight harness,parking light harness and waiting for the signal/park light harness(side markers flash with signal lights) and upgraded to a 120amp Alt. All well worth the money for the improvement to the car. Funny how a guy will figure out ways to spend money on something before he even has it.... Fun stuff!! Sharp looking Z!!
new driver in town
Congratulations, not a Grandpa yet but it's coming...that mean I'm getting older??????????
Just curious....
Trouble is, common sense isn't that common nowadays
Just curious....
On a 2600 mile round trip drive to the west coast this summer my son and I never seen another Z car. With all the major centers we went through I thought for sure we'd see other Z's. I guess that's why mine attracted so much attention. I like "living out of the box". Everyone knows most of the classic cars out there (camaro,corvette,mustang,etc.) Alot of people we talked to on the trip never heard of Datsun let alone a 240Z.
eBay Scam
I guy left a message on my cardomain page saying someone has a Z with my description and pictures for sale on eBay. I checked and couldn't see the listing so maybe it was caught and pulled. If someone happens to see it listed again, know that it is NOT for sale and is not my listing and PLEASE report it. Sometimes I wish I had a "set on fire" command on my computer to deal with ****s like that. Thanks, Doug K
side markers yes or no?
Hey Dave, Thanks. Yes I received my order early last week and I just may have time this weekend to install it and take the Z for one last drive before winter hits here. I picked up a money order today for the sidemarker conversion so you can be expecting my order for that soon also.
side markers yes or no?
"The Combo/turn signal service is known as the CTS" So what does this do?
side markers yes or no?
"or even a ZXP (Arnes other baby)" What is a ZXP?
side markers yes or no?
Excellent add on to the Parking Light Harness. Spending cash on the Z doesn't hurt near as much when it adds safety as well as "cool factor" Order will be placed tomorrow. Thanks for the ingenuity guys!!!
New Member
Thank you. They are hand formed steel flares that were molded to the body.
Canadian Z's whats their history?
Thanks. Just spent countless hours on the computer searching for a Z that was what I was looking for. Suspension in it now is just springs, shocks and bushing upgrades, brakes are still stock (disc front/drums rear). Arizona Z has some very trick control arm/mustache bar/brake conversions that would cut some weight and improve performance. Fairly pricey but looks like it's worth it. Other than that I'm happy with the engine setup/performance about the only thing I'd like would be a 5-speed.
Canadian Z's whats their history?
Picked up my 71 on eBay almost a year ago from Colorado. Rust free car that was never driven in the rain until I went to Victoria this summer with my son...then it was in the rain for pretty much 2 weeks:(. Haven't had any issues with the car and I plan on throwing as much money into it for upgrades (better brakes, suspension, etc.) that my wife will allow or not find out aboutLOL. There's not too many Z's in this part of the country so it attracts alot of attention. It's a absolute blast to drive and at this point in time I don't think there is enough money in the world that would tempt me into selling it. The Z bite goes deep and I'm pretty sure there's no cure!
New Member
Hey all! New to the board and thought I'd say hi. Looking forward to learning a few things and yes....I LOVE my Z!