Everything posted by chicago240z
240z race build head work ?'s
thanks jon have it, I just wanted some real world input from people who have used both the e31 and early e88 to race 240s
transmission/diff setups for 240z vintage race car
Hi, All I was hoping to get some ideas of what some others are using for 240z race cars in the trans diff dept. is a 4 speed better all around than a close ratio five speed and what diff gearing works the best, my friend bought a 240z gt2 car that runs a truck 5 speed and the 4.3 gearing in a r180, can I use the r200 lsd and cv joints?
240z race build head work ?'s
Hi All, any one that races I am building a 240z to race in vintage class, I was lucky to get a stage 5 according to msa chart but its the scnheider 300f good for 4-8,250k rpm and all the goodies, what head with porting/valve change will give me the best performance i have every model the e31 early 71-72 e88 and the 73-74e88 since i scored on the camshaft i can throw a few more dollars at a head job,I also scored by trading my room mate for a new set of 44 mikunis never run so thats what will be fueling this set up Thanks for any input, from what ive read, so much to read,the e31 or early e88 sounds good but i'd like some real world input or ideas
Speedometer year ?
I have a nos speedo and cant figure out what year it goes to the posts i have found were somewhat helpful but the one i have wasnt mentioned it is a speed that starts at 10 and has km in smaller light blue lettering and goes to 160 the main harness on it has 8 prongs and numbers on it they are11660-aj5000 then f-7-2 Thanks
autocrossing engine choice
Ok the race prepped car is going by S.V.R.A. rules it will be SCCA prepped also lets just leave that out then itll be built for one purpose. All I was aking is can a stroker motor be used L28 bored to 3.1, 3.2 or would that put me into a more modified class? its my understanding of the rules that I can use any of the L series blocks since they group the 240,260,280 into one group. Im not wanting to go that route if I was id put a vq35 in that I have or a v8 Thanks for any help
autocrossing engine choice
Hi All, What I have is a 240z and well 2, 240z one is being built to race vintage and the other is my street car. I would like to start autoxing the street car from what I understand in the rules I can use any of the L blocks but if I went to turbo, it would put me into the next higher class. Can I use a stroker motor? or am i limited to the stock sized l28. Coluld the race car be used?or is it too built for standard class in autox? I've read somewhere that full interiors are needed Thanks for any help
Convention Awards
Has any one gotten their trophys in the mail from the convention yet?? im still waiting I am surprised there were alot, well a few restored perfect 240's there as well as what was it car 14 there
New ground prob in brake lights
Thanks David, the side markers had wrong watts also p.o. was more of an idiot than me getting new lights in a few and putting new fuse panel in not the msa upgrade though have to get it fixed this a.m. going to widespread panic next two nights ill also regroung the fuse panel Thanks again, Andy
New ground prob in brake lights
like I said Dave Im not the electrician it was the parking lights not the brake but the brake solinoid thing felt bad so it was replaced, i'll be running grounds to the brakes anyways there is no ground there. since a couple were 1156, would the extra load cause the overheating in the lights? do I need to change/check all the running lights as well?
New ground prob in brake lights
Larry should all the lights be 1157 for the 2 pronged ones what are the single ones? I had a 1156 on one of the sides do the 1157 replace the 1073 the book says to use?
New ground prob in brake lights
I have your parking light kit to get brighter running lights and dash lights would this help, yeah I know I still havent installed it, , electrcal isnt my strong point David I have a guy coming over who knows how to check with the amperage tool/grounding so far i cleaned out the light terminals they were crusty inside, the spare set of lights dont mesh with the 73 240 they were a 70-71 I will go check for that wire you mentioned Larry I will check it, funny I just took one of those out of a parts car larry are the bulbs the same size? Thanks guys
New ground prob in brake lights
Hello All, went and got a laser alignment the other day on my 73 240z got my car back and since they need to suppress the brakes, the fuse over heated and melted a hole in the fuse area on the hot side, I took off the rear panel to look at the brake lights which were all just replaced on the right(passeneger) light are notes jotted on housing looking to be good grng bad ground my question is do each of the brake lights have there own ground? would tying into ground and regrounding to frame help? would grounding the fuse panel more help? I didnt have this problem till after I had the alignment or maybe I did but it revealed itself after that I have another perect fuse panel and another ste of brake lights to put in but dont want the same thing to happen to it ,if it is a problem.going to go buy a voltage tester today Thanks Andy
Differential dispute
Thanks for some input, I will offer him to bring it back to my house and give him refund, I cannot give him money back It took me a while to get it out and deliver it so I basically sold it for 60 bucks and 20 towards delivery, feel bad I didnt know it was supposedly a 160, looked like a 180, this is what you get when you go out of your way to try and help someone, he needed some parts for his 510 rally car I knew I had in a parts car Im on disability and this definately wasnt worth the time or pain oh well lessen learned Thanks all
Differential dispute
I need an answer to my problem? first the problem, I sold a differential from a 1972 240z with automatic trans under the impression it was an r180 for 80 bucks delivered to milwaukee 40 miles from my house fair price right?his buddy met me to pick it up there,now hes telling me that it is a r160 diff and wants money back because according to him they are worth far less than 80? does a r160 even fit in a 240z with automatic? it was from a parts car but i cant see why the p.o. would have used this if possible the diff looked like a r180 wish I took pics of it Thanks all
240z wheel base length front to back
thx what page did you find it on?
240z wheel base length front to back
Ive looked at 4 manuals numerous searches two dealerships I cannot find the correct wheel base front to back for the 240z I have fully adjustable everything and the laser alignment I got is off and need to fix it Thank you in advance
240z steering column problem
While taking my steering column out today the lower shaft freely comes out of the column is this normal? the manual doesnt address this nor has instructions to do repair on lower just upper. pages st-5, st-6 If any one has had this problem or can offer a solution it would be much appreciated. Thanks
How to correctly use a carb sync
Hello all, My question is how do you know how much to open the breather dial to get correct flow on a carb sync. I watched the z therapy video but am still stumped.
horn spring reassembly??????
Thanks John, yeah i always forget to say i have an early 73 240z, this picture is perfect ty
horn spring reassembly??????
I need to know the order of how the horn spring and various metal and plastic rings go back together to make the horn work. I have been looking everywhere, i have manual but it doesnt go into detail of the spring reassembly, any help in simple english would be greataly appreciated:cross-eye
Do i need FUEL PUMP OR????
tank dropped now, total of 11 gallons of gas came out surprised at how clean tank is. Im having it cleaned out by a radiator shop and have a new holley blue pump and a regulator for 1-5 psi ,i had to go to truck shop to get correct venting size hoses napa,advanced auto do not carry them going to change out bushings today while im waiting surprised the sway bar is still there with how bad these bushings are disintigrated, im going to blow out hard lines with an air compressoralso thanks for the info hope this works
Won't rev above 3K - running short of ideas
my cardid same thing it was vaccumm advance was frozen and bad vac leak off thriootle shaft on 1st carbb
Do i need FUEL PUMP OR????
oh yeah po had by passed mechanical fuel pump i dont see any powere does it just work with the flow coming into it?
Do i need FUEL PUMP OR????
jim beutiful akita,i had a akita chow mix ,bitch ex girlfriend kept it we put it in her name when I picked the dog out we called it a chakita breed like the bannanna, had plenty of gas plus i put in 1.5 gall just to see,plenty of spark. new fuel filters, just no fuel getting to them siphoned tank today pulled out 7 gallons sure there is more ill get the plug on bottom tank tomm im positive i need new overflow hoses due to an overflow prob recently, dont know if po had tank lined or not, can i just replace hoses ,fuel pump ,regulator or do i need to pull some type of siphon unit that goes inside the tank? i planned on using the red or blue holley electric fuel pump with the regulator that goes 1- 4 psi does this setup sound correct and i believe the regulator goes on b4 the return hose correct? how would i do preventative maitanance to blow hard lines out? like a computer air can blaster?
Do i need FUEL PUMP OR????
I had a half tank reading on fuel guage , i put in a gallon and a half in just in case, ill start from beg. tank ,electric fuel pump,filter, lines, filter, engine there is no gas in first filter directly off fuel pump it whines but no gas flowsi know i need to change the overflow hoses and return. maybe i am losing pressure to from the return lines im goona drop tank change hoses and put on new electric fuel pumpi believe in cya