Japan Quake
hey guys hope yall safety..
1978 280z help
uhmm did u try black dragon auto>?
1970 240z, Please help me! thank you
wow the rust doesnt look too too bad.. but for the price is kinda steepi would go witht eh 5000 dollar rule... then minus what these parts will cost to fix, change, paint.. etc.. from there u can estimate how much the total project will be worth.. at times u will go over but making a budget and planning wil give you a good idea on how much this investment will be.. from there u can estimate how much u are willing to spend on car itself
240k coupe on ebay
ohh wow what style? r33-34?
240k coupe on ebay
hey how much is urs? ger i so would if i could get it shipped here
tune up please :P
Sorry for the late reply so sorry been trying to finish up my classes to get into a program to grad soon.. but thanks so much much appreciation Mr. Mikey:)
tune up please :P
haha so true.. im hoping to grad by this summer... btw how much were u thinking of dumping in?
tune up please :P
haha thanks dave! this helps a lot i will do some research b4 talking to him..
tune up please :P
hey thanks guys! @Travel'n Man- yah its though tho.. i had this car since i was a jr in high school and has been sitting for about two years now.. i kind of just want to get her to run a little @74260ZMan- thanks this site helped a lot.. btw where ru guys from? do u know any one from hawaii??
tune up please :P
hey thanks for the web site but awww i so wish i had the fundings for some round tops.. college takes a toll
tune up please :P
hey guys i was wondering if any of yall know a good site to learn how to tune flat tops from a 260z. thanks guys much mahalos!
Took my little Zed out for an afternoon romp
nice car.. btw how did you attach your front lip?
RB25 det swap wat to do?
Hey guys looking to buy an rb to throw into my z, just wondering what is involved in throwing this bad boy into my beast. Some questions I’m most concerned about is does anyone has intergraded the stoke harness with the rb’s wiring harness? Does anyone make custom motor mounts for this swap, and does anyone make transmission cross members for this swap. thanks guys!
hey guys need help!
hey thanks man! much appreciated
What I did today
BAWHAHAHA MAN I ENVY ALL U GUYS... ahhh right now i'm stuck having a wet dream over my baby... i soo cant wait two more days till i c her again!