turbo header anyone?
I've been looking all over for a header for my 280zxt. It's a p90a/f54 combo and there's nothing on MSA about it. Also, I called MSA and the associate I spoke with said that it would be a custom job and that he couldn't recommend anyone to make me one. Anybody have a header on their turbo z? Also, since I'm swapping this motor into a '74, I'm taking off all of the smog, and since there's not going to be a catalytic converter how would I get some performance from that aspect? I have no use for a cat-back because I don't have a cat, right?
Why is my VIN different from the others?
does this mean that my Z is more valuable in any way?
Why is my VIN different from the others?
Alright! I didn't see it before, since it's covered with a white mist from the crappy paint job the PO had done >.> it's a 10/74. late models started after 8/74 right?
Why is my VIN different from the others?
My VIN is RLS30-064858. All of the threads I've searched have had VINs starting with HLS30-. Are all of them 240Zs? Because mine is a '74 260Z. I'm trying to find out if mine is a late model or an early model 260.
machine shop costs?
yeah, it's timing kit. like i said, his handwriting is crap >.< and, as far as i know he's not putting it back together... i should ask him how much that would cost because as it is, i was thinking $2k was a bit much... which was why i asked you guys!
machine shop costs?
Good news guys, Dan gave me a list of all the stuff he's doing to the engine. Here it is for you! - tank block - shot pein head - bead blast block - bore & hone - dock block - clean & polish crank - clean traps (what's a trap?) - resize rods (6) - fit pins & align rods (6) - complete balance - valve grind - resurface cyl. head - resurface exhaust & intake side - clean and tap "balleys" (his handwriting is pretty bad here, maybe pulleys?) And then he gave me a complete parts list. - pistons - rings - rod bearings - main bearing - oil pump - tuning kit - gasket set - freeze plugs And this is coming out to about $2000, parts included. Is this a good price?
260z air cleaner on 280zxt engine?
It doesn't have to pass smog any longer. I have the ECU and the AFM as well. Oh, and the intake manifold. I know that almost all of the ancillary parts have to be replaced (alternator, starter, rotor... that's all I can think of but I know there's more).
260z air cleaner on 280zxt engine?
Are there any books concerning the wiring of a Z then? Or could I possibly get by with threading the ZX harness directly next to the 260Z's harness?
260z air cleaner on 280zxt engine?
If you don't mind me asking then, why does everyone claim this swap is "drop in"? I realize that it fits without any fabrication, but is that all you meant? I really don't know exactly what these things entail, so if you could enlighten me, please do.
260z air cleaner on 280zxt engine?
I don't have the wiring harness, but im planning a trip to the junkyard soon to rip one out. What the general plan was: Take all the smog off, run the EFI, header, (maybe) a bigger turbo and some other minor things.
260z air cleaner on 280zxt engine?
Can it be done? I have a 260z motor that's completely dead, and a 280zxt that's being rebuilt as we speak. When I bought the engine though, it's only the long block, intake and exhaust manifolds, the AFM and the turbo ECU (and engine mounts). Can I swap over the 260z air cleaner to fit the FI 280zxt?
machine shop costs?
I'm gonna get that list from Dan today guys, I'm not sure if it's worth it though for him to re-grind my cam just yet, since I'm spending much of my savings on this rebuild. He tells me that there's no point in doing that unless I'm gonna mess with the turbo and compression. I've never really understood the relationship between the two other than the basics, and Dan once again is going off on technicalities. btw, the turbo I have is stock. Problem being, it's got a TINY amount of play in the shaft. It's hard to explain, but it's less than 1mm of movement. I've had some buddies of mine say that it's no big deal, and others say that I should replace it. and on thezstore.com a replacement turbo is almost $600, with an upgrade being $1000ish. Should I just spring the $400 for a bigger turbo?
machine shop costs?
He's already done that stuff though... I think right now he's onto bead blasting. I would call him, but the shop's closed for the day...
machine shop costs?
I think I can trust the guy, but I do understand that he's a salesman, so it's his job to sell the work. Some of this stuff supposedly does amp the horsepower a bit, though he's yet to give me numbers. Also, he's going to have a list of parts and processes for me tommorrow, so I'll have more info then. Uhm... another side note would be that I'm taking all of the smog off of this engine. I'm not sure if that would alter any opinions, but I thought it might be helpful info. And this doesn't include him putting it back together or installing the motor. I can do that myself! XD
machine shop costs?
A little back story is in order here, I think. First of all, I work for my grandpa, who is a fairly well known rental shop owner, so basically all of the construction workers know him. A little down the street is the local NAPA store and machine shop, where Dan, a friend of my grandpa's works as the machinist. Dan says that he's going to cut me deals and all that, because I work for my grandpa, he can give it to me at wholesale prices for parts. What worries me is the labor though... So, I have a '74 260Z with a shot motor, hasn't been run in 10 years according to the previous owner. I opt for a ZXT swap and get lucky on craigslist with an '83 F54/P90a combo @ $180. It was just the longblock, so I have to get all of the outside pieces, and replace a few inside ones. Anyways, I know I'm going to be driving this car a LONG time, so just to be safe I send it off to Dan, asking him to tank and mag the block and pressure test the head. You know, to make sure I didn't just buy a POS motor. A week later he calls me back and says the engine is in great shape for how old it looked. (previous owner said 130k miles, which Dan agreed was correct) (side note: Dan used to work for a Nissan dealership as their machinist, so he's done thousands of these motors) Anyways, I say since it's there already, let's bring this baby back to her prime! And I asked him for the works, basically. I'm probably way of on terminology, but I'll give it a shot. - initial testing - hone and rebore (appx. .002) - crank regrind (he said there was barely anything to do there, iono) - internal balancing - bead-blasting the block (he said something about destressing the motor) - bead-blasting the head (purely cosmetic reasons, no mechanical value) There were a few more procedures he was talking about that involved re-grinding the cam for a more aggressive lobe, which I probably won't need to do. And all of this (minus the cost of parts) is running just under $1500.00 as of last week. Again, I'm going to tell him not to do the cosmetic work, or send my cam away, that should knock off about $300, which is funny, because that's what I laid down for a deposit for my parts. By the by, parts are going to run just about $700.00. (which should include new pistons, rings ect.) he wasn't very specific) That's what is frustrating me, Dan talks in technical terms that I don't fully understand, so I'm basically left standing there going: "Uhh, whatever you think it needs..." which is a TERRIBLE idea! But it happens anyways. Main question being: Is, let's say, $2000 a fair price to get this engine completely renewed?