Everything posted by fuzze
Happy Canada Day
Hi all , he did not hit any animals , but swerved and slid off the road shoulder and took out the grill , left headlamp bucket and tweaked the hood beyond my repair . oh and punched the rear driver quarter .I can only assume a hard right from the damage . suction took out alot along with a drift from inside so really not so much . found a dead straight hood from a 72 on CL for 300$ . nos bucket from a member in calgary. thank you ., and some more hot rod blk and I should be back in business . as well my 71 shelby libre rear wheel will need some love from machine shop 175 $ and the rest is on me to do . Siteunseen , I bet the local costume rental has a lab costume you could rent . cougs love the dogs ! Patcon , thanks , limestone lacrosse program is considered one of the nations best . allowed our family to travel the US . loved every second . Happy july 4th Cya chris
Happy Canada Day
no deer for the cornering effort . stood there until he got out of car and yelled at the small herd . deer everywhere here in the lower mainland , they are trying their best to keep from being eaten by the cougar population , no kidding . where our family resides there have been two cougars shot by the CO,s in this last month alone . one took a full grown lab retriever right off a persons back porch and killed and ate it in the backyard . Patcon , you know about the deer herds in SC , our son graduated from Limestone college in Gaffney . class of 2014 , national champions , mens field lacrosse. deer everywhere there as well but probably very little cougar , except of course the midnight variety . please no offense to any cougars suggested or implied ! cya
Happy Canada Day
happy Canada day to everyone . just back in from the coolness of the garage where the unfortunate oldest son is learning a bit about being a panel beater . He ditched my 240 when a deer came into his corner effort . Not huge damage , but enough to have to pretend that i'm a body man . Have a great day all and to our family's in the states have a great July 4th . take care
Best Way To Clean Older Glass?
hello , I agree to ultra fine steel wool . This recommendation came from a restoration shop owner that I know well . The glass was washed well with soapy water and then dried thoroughly . then hand cleaned with the wool and nothing else . worked well for me . cya chris ,
Z spotted on the way home.
hey , wish I could say it was me , love another . will keep my eyes peeled for any new Z in the lml Z ya Chris
- Cobra Z
Off to ontario!
Hey , your plans sound awesome . 903 is beautiful , the sunshine brings it alive . Beating Greg Moore is a amazing task , he is one of our home town hero's . My 72 z had louvers as well . loved the look , had the same widow cleaning issue as you ! Will you think about install adjustable TC rods , I run the techno tuning tc's , the helped greatly with fine tuning the front end . Look forward to see some old school pics , I have some as well that I can scan . Maybe Whistler trip could be in the works for you , It is only a 15 hour drive ! Have a great weekend , and as a side note , ru working in the patch , the money is excellent and that is what you will need to do all the work as described above . Zya Chris
Off to ontario!
Morning from minus 10 , lower mainland BC . what all are your expectations for a restore . Will it be a rotisserie body job , a full performance drivetrain , suspension mods or all of the above . from the pics you look like you have a wicked driver already . What are the plans ? will you keep the louvers on the hatch or is it time to nix them . The blue is one of my favs on these cars . it serves the body style perfect .When it is all done send me a PM if you at all drive it to Vancouver . As the z community here in the lml is very welcoming to out of town guests . There is a good cruise to Whistler in the late spring and , unlike the roads in Alberta , we have lots of twistys to challenge your skills . Got to go for now , look forward to following your thread . Zya all ltr Chris
Spindle Pin Woes
Evening , I have to ask , why did u do them in the first place ? was there a pervasive issue that required you to go to all the effort and extra expense ? I asked the owner of the shop out in Surrey, British Columbia , that deal exclusively in Datsun and he replied that it would be one of the last, if ever jobs that he would want to do as the part , even after 40 years was very unlikely to make a performance difference in my Z or most any other Zs that r out there . I have followed all your threads , Hardway and it is obvious you take great detail in your resto . With all do respect , do you sometimes ask yourself if; what all you do is over the top ? I have at times fallen into the '' while i'm there '' trap , it it has been with some regret the decisions I have made . In the end it is strictly up to you what choices you make , I am just trying to understand why it all has to be changed , unless there is no other option . z ya Chris
Please Help ID my Transmission year !Clutch replacement gone sideways !
Thanks , I will take that info to my parts store . Chris
Please Help ID my Transmission year !Clutch replacement gone sideways !
hey all , I wrote a few weeks back about doing a clutch replacement and I had problems right away , I will add that my 71 z has had a 5 speed swap from the PO and I would like some help with a issue with the pressure plate . One of the respondents to my post said that my issue was to short of a PP . What came out when I pulled everything apart was a PP that is 5\8 inch taller than the replacement PP . What I am hoping is that someone can help ID the pressure plate with some cross reference #s . it is a Ampco , 8 and 7\8s dia , stamped # e4302 , 30210 , vu Transmission has stamped on top of the bell housing # 7922151 , L5 in raised letters at the reverse switch and written just below shifter freehand style with welder in large letters # 4-7-2 The spline is 24 teeth and in raised letters K , 5829 35 any help is appreciated as I am with out a car to have my fun in . Thanxz Chris
New owner of a 72 240Z
Great looking Z , I have always liked the orange and black . Speaking of the vent lines issue , is there any vendors offering a full kit as opposed to shopping around for suitable gas rated hoses . A kit would be far easier than hoping for the right parts . thanxz Chris
have finally learned a bout clutch replacement , Butt not enough !
Beer man pete , as I ponder what might have happened ,this makes sense what you say . My 71 has had a tran swap and a 5 speed put in as you see from my previous post the # I could make out is prob a 79 z so I will do some cross ref with parts people who know my z . thanxz for your input , the weathr is finally good so I need my z fix soon . Chris
have finally learned a bout clutch replacement , Butt not enough !
hello all , have just replaced the clutch with a new 4 piece kit , turned flywheel and reinstalled . wen't like clockwork , untill it came off stands and i tried to press clutch pedal down and it went from soft to nothing . was able to engage into first with difficulty and drove away to turn car around and that was my last fun with our new install . I put back up and looked at slave cylinder and the piston is bottem ed out and shows no return at all with a application . Everything was great before replacement for a slipping issue . could my slave chosen to die by coincidence or has something happened to my MC . transmission is now also identified as it came out and was able to see serial # 7922151 L5 and what looks like wire feed writing #4-7-2 , From a 79 280z my guess . Thanxz for any suggestions and enjoy your weekend Chris
Ahh Summer time setting
Hey , always summer here in Canada , it all depends on your mindset ! All jokes aside , I find as well that when I change my flap over my acceleration seems a little more responsive . Couple more weeks and I will be ripping up the roads of the lower mainland in the Z , in the meantime I will take my samurai out to the mudflats of stave lake and have some fun . z ya all later Chris
2/71 blue in california, really looks good
Hey all , that is a very nice car ! I did look at the engine bay pics quite closely as my Z and this car where both built within the same few weeks . Great reference pics for me . Have a great day Chris
Libra wheels
My 71 has Shelby vipers , Had all of the center caps as well , until the fateful afternoon of last November when I watched helplessly in the rear view mirror , my rear drivers C cap smash into the median barrier at near 80 . No I drive with the remaining three stored away . I like the look better now .
17 months later, my restoration is done
I have heard about the s\h show as Our family has close friends with a house on the cruise route , beautiful road all the way to the at Lund , except for the s\s breakfast ! Maybe this summer will work in our favor . Zya
17 months later, my restoration is done
Hey Ollie , good to see that the easy winter we are having here in the LML will let us turn out all our z's from their rest ! Your Z is perfect , and if you happen to roll out in the north Fraser valley and see a hot rod black 71 , pull up and share a lie or two ! Nice Work . Chris
240z rebuild / restoration right down to the shell
Granny knot , r u from the west coast a few years back , Pitt Meadows to be precise ? Chris
Rear Suspension Rebuild Thread
Hey all , the good stuff will smoke a bit when you quench the stuck fastener and I do have my fire extinguisher right beside me when I work , but when I refer to heat it is generally just to allow the metal to expand ever so slightly and when you cool down with the 50\50 mix the fastener then comes loose . And to all who want to make comment about the good stuff smoking a bit , remind yourselves that these cars are from the 70s z ya Chris , from very liberal British Columbia !
Rear Suspension Rebuild Thread
PB Blast no more ! Mix 50\50 acetone or lacquer thinner with ATF '' automatic tranny fluid '' in a small spray bottle and it will loosen anything and everything that you use it on . I like to use a bit of heat where possible and then quench with the 50\50 mix . This has only failed me once and that is because the stud broke, I welded a nut to the stub , resprayed and turned the stud out . I read about this concoction on this forum and have used it ever since . My drums on my 71 where so frozen that I was ready to trailer my z to a shop and let a pro tackle them , and my savior was this mixture . you will never go back to store bought . If I remember correctly , it was a member from Kansas with I think a blue 72 and it was his gramps go to as well, who wrote about this mix . We just call it the good stuff ! see ya Chris
Are either of these books worth buying?
Forgot to mention , Frank Honsowetz's book is ''How to modify your Nissan & Datsun OHC engine '' Chris
Are either of these books worth buying?
Morning , '' are these books worth buying '' ? In MHO any books that teach are worth every penny . Frank Honsowetz 's book is sitting beside me as we speak and although my z is not for the track whatsoever , the info contained between the pages has allowed me to understand in great detail all of the inner workings of the OHC engine , as well as carburetion lubrication and parts # for a multitude of applications . Even a better thing about books is that it will keep on giving you information every time that you refer to it . Get them , keep them close and keep on learning ! z ya later Chris
At The Crossroads of Color - Paint or Sell?
Thank you Julio for the compliment . I have had the good fortune of having a few careers that have allowed me to be creative . I lived in Whistler 30 years ago where I worked as a Chef and I have done Industrial work in the Mills and refinery's which taught me about mechanics , I painted the old style satellite dishes with electro-static powder coating and my current creative flow is sculpting stone into fine works of art . My point is that in this one life that we have to live , we should at least give things a try . My neighbor paints cars for a living and he advised me throughout my project . My former co-worker is a incredible welder and he as well advised me when the going was a bit tough and of course this site for all the help and encouragement that it has to offer . I hope that you are following your thread Hardway and you feel a little less stressed with the support that you have around you . Z ya ltr Chris