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Everything posted by fuzze

  1. Thank you to everyone for the awesome advice . Jim I refer to your site all the time for help,it taught me how to stitchweld and understand home body work and Ron and Enrique confirmed what I believed to be true . The por and zero rust are really meant for the hidden areas as you both mentioned . My neighbor will be painting my car in his booth and he spoke of using ppg products for this project . Crossroads , I am not familer with the line you talked about , but will do some research on it . Ron , there is a company in Coquitlam BC , that supplies Zero rust in spray cans and qts and I believe gallons and in colors as well . They are called KMS Tools , maybe they can ship to you or pm me and I could help you out . As I've said before , Great site , Great people ! Thanxz chris
  2. No love yet I see . The reason I ask is I read about people painting por-15 in the engine bay with excellent results ,then top coating with a final coat of color of choice.Also correction with the primer name , it is tie coat primer made by por . I see geezer uses zero rust and from all indications it may be the better product for ease of use . Please pipe in without e-flaming , I just need some solid advice . Chris
  3. Afternoon all , I've removed and stripped and prepped my front end parts , hood ,cowl fenders , and valence .I used aircraft remover and then d\a and hand sanded all to bare metal .Once done everything has been treated with ospho , slight sanding again , then metal ready . I painted por 15 on the inner fenders and stopped there . My ? is can I, should I por the outer steel then use the tie bond primer and then epoxy prime on top of that, and then proceed with filler where needed or am I way off base .I'm thinking that I should just do the inner portions with the por and call it done .I've read over 25 pages of opinions and I am now a little overwhelmed . Bty ,all the metal is in excellent shape to start with . I know long question and respectfully await the answers and flames . Thanxz Chris
  4. fuzze replied to Sailor Bob's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Sailor Bob , to keep the moose and for that matter most wildlife away from the trees and garden try hanging a small bag of mothballs '' I know , you will need a little knife to get at them '' from a nearby tree and the smell will deter most animals from getting in the garden . My parents are ranchers in northern BC and this is how the protect their small orchard from the bears and I hear this is the same way the ganga farmers on Van island protect their plots from the deer ! Give it a shot and let us know how it works out . Chris
  5. fuzze replied to Cornbreadxd's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    As you can well see ,every old car has some kind of issue . Take a deep breath and dive in as nissanman suggests ,it is only metal . assess all the resources that might be available to you for help , starting here of course for inspiration and motivation . Next see if you have a trade\skill that can bartered to someone that might be able to help you out .Next , start chipping away and you will be blown away by your progress . I am a artist and when I start on a new stone sculpture it always takes me back a few steps because of the enormity of the project , however I seem to finish them all through mind over matter type of thinking . you will beat this demon and we all will be here for you when times seem tough . Sblakeo1 , here is another one for you ,'' Boat means , Bring out another thousand '' . Anyways , time to jump off my soapbox . see ya Chris
  6. Evening all , when I bought my Z last sept in Kelowna , I drove home to the lower mainland along the Coquihalla highway , and when I stopped at the toll booth to pay , the girl taking my loot said to me that my car was a rare sight as she see's very few a year . We then pulled over to use the restrooms and as I was waiting for my son , this guys walks up to me and says that he saw me drive by him at the Merrit interchange and he was hoping to catch up to me to talk the Z talk , seems he was a former owner of a early z back in the day . Here in the great white north our Z's are totally noticed every where we go . Later all , gotta go to the garage and continue pecking away at my resto . Chris
  7. fuzze replied to Earthcruiser's post in a topic in Introductions
    Evening to all , Hello Earthcruiser . When i bought my Z last year the door jamb plate was removed and I had the same question . RBtaylor answered back to check the seatbelts if they are still original as they have info inked into them on a little white tag as to date of manufacture . After a little cross-ref with my vin and some help from this board , my car was built in feb 71 . This is a great board that I'm sure you will enjoy . see ya Chris
  8. fuzze replied to rtaylor's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    So tell me all . did my 02 -71 come with a sway bar stock or was it a later stock addition . try as i might i can't make a rear sway bar appear on my z , although I can see where the end links would fit . When is the question then , '' when did the factory install rear sway bars as a factory oem . Next biggy , my car handled very tight without the rear bar and now that I will be installing tokikos springs and shocks , should I be considering a sway bar kit to complete the package or stay to stock . Input is valued greatly . Thanx And to all the half dimes and 240s that I see in my hood , thanxz for keeping me motivated in my restore Chris
  9. Here is my friend's 70 with polished drums . Looks very nice zipping down the freeway . I'm thinking along the same lines for my libre's 0n my 71 . talk to later Chris
  10. Morning PD , 23215 is my vin # and as far as I know it arrived in Vancouver in March 71 and was sold in Kamloops on april 29th at Riverside datsun . My car lived in Kelowna until last sept when I drove her home to the Vancouver area . Another member pointed out to me to look on the seatbelts for date of manufacture and mine say , lot # 0502 which I assume is feb 5th . Car came stock with 4 speed , am radio , rear defrost in the vertical layout and all black interior . All my #'s match and the car is still stock except for the libre's wheels and a Alpine stereo. When I redid my front end bushings , some of the one's I took out literately crumbled in my hand , t\c bushings for example . I replaced with ES throughout the front end and couldn't be happier with the end result . I took a lot of referance pic's as well so re assembly when real easy . As far as the 920-gold , the second owner painted the car black so that he didn't resemble a manila envelope blowing down the street ,''No offense to current 920-paint jobs out there '' . I like the gold btw . Have fun with the Z and enjoy this board Chris
  11. Good day all , another 2-71 in 920 gold I see in our midst ,I was 920-gold when I was born as well. Like most of the above info that has been given I have gone through my front end as well and have gone with poly . The one thing I was told about squeaking was liberal grease but the clerk suggested to avoid the Red poly from ES and go with black poly because they are graphite impregnated and do not squeak as bad as some have reported the red bushings do . Any thoughts about this ? BTW , I do not squeak at all in black . Still working away and having fun gettin er done ! Chris
  12. Very nice choice of paint color , I think that when mine goes to the booth it will wear a similar shade of blue although with a stock black interior . looks great Chris
  13. morning all , awesome to read about all your experience's with new drivers . I believe my boy will make a good driver in the way that I learned from my Dad who drove Semi-trailers all of his working life and he drove to age 62 and retired with a spotless driving record . Myself I turn 45 next couple of months and have never received fines or had any accidents on my driving record and I drive everything from our family vehicles to Dump trucks with snowplows , heavy equipment , loaders ,ect . My dad taught me from probably age ten on how to drive defensively and what to look for in traffic and what the privilege of having a license meant , and I am forever thankful for the lessons. I believe I have instilled the same values in our son and we hope for the best for him . As far a driving the Z , that is just on special occasion's such as Grad or something along those lines . His Ranger will be his go -to and as far as safety goes a full size truck would afford more protection but the price of fuel would kill his bank account , 1.34 $ per liter this morning in Van . Thanzx again for all the feedback ! Chris
  14. thanxz guys for the comments and encouragement for my new driver in the house . He is a good kid , very calm and so far he has made great decisions in his life . Now son # 2 could be a different matter as I've watched him carting and witnessed him on his dirtbike as well as bmx racing when he was real young and he has the speed bug bad . He has his eye on a sweet 5\10 in Coquitlam that is reported to be race ready , good thing he 's only 13 so I can still control him for a while '' if that is possible '' , more experienced parents can chime in at this point ! All in good fun though and we look forward to our boys enjoying datsun's for many years to come . What a great board to belong to ! Later Chris
  15. My oldest son turned 16 yesterday and he passed his knowledge test to get his license to drive . He received a 92 ranger 4x4 as a gift from us, amongst other nice gifts , although he can't wait for the Z to get back on the road so he can learn a stick and really feel what it is to drive ! Remember the feeling of getting your license back in the day ,I know I couldn't wipe the smile off my face . Unfortunately things have changed over the years here in British Columbia and it now takes up to two years for a full license but he hopes to have it fully within the year . He's a great kid and we are very proud of Him . Talk to you all later Chris
  16. fuzze replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Seem a common problem , I have the same leak at the weep hole . Can the diaphram just be changed out or do you need a new pump all together ? thanxz Chris
  17. fuzze posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    hey all , here is another of one of many projects that a re-fresh takes . I sanded out the powder coat and re newed the wheel paint using dupli-color rattle can in the '' HWP graphite . Stuff sprayed on very nice , no runs at all . 3 coats later and new wheels on the cheap . Now to go get them balanced and then the center caps polished and soon to go back on the car , and a quick note to the purist's, they are shelby vipers , not the coveted AR"s as I'm sure you all have noticed . Not a nick or rash to be found on these though so I'm happy with the end result . Zee ya later Chris
  18. fuzze replied to fuzze's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Thank you nissanman for your response and confirming what I thought as well . Chris
  19. evening all , I just took off both front control arms and will be re-re bushing and ball joints . the question is are the control arms identical or is there a right and left side ,I can't seem to find any marks to indicate otherwise . I searched before I posted , but didn't find a answer . I did tag and take pics just in case though . thanxz Chris 71-240
  20. fuzze replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Anyone here had the displeasure of having to support the Canucks . What a dismal showing last nite in Minnesota . As least the beer was cold and strong , and tomorrow is another day . Long live the dream ! Chris
  21. fuzze posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Advice needed for painting my hood hinges . I've removed and stripped to bare metal the hinges and hoped to paint with por-15 then top coat with the por chassis coat black . I don't think I'm on the right track because the por-15 will seal in the pivot points , so what should be my approach . Thanxz for any advice to this question . Chris
  22. fuzze replied to ToXIc's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Hello all , I have to agree with MarkDixon , if the cost is a concern then you are way better off to purchase a completed project . If however you want to learn and experience a refresh such as what you are doing ,keep on the path that you have chosen .The benefits of doing things on your own far outweigh the instant gratification of just laying out cash and driving away . The process , and I think most on this board would agree is why we all here in the first place . Enrique , thanxz for the kind words and the reinforcement of our beliefs and thoughts .As a kid growing up I used to hang out at my friend's older brothers bodyshop and I remember clearly when a customer would come in a pick up a completed project and the smile on their face would tell the picture . I would then see Brett smiling as well and it wasn't for the money . It was for the opportunity to engage himself in a process that brought great satisfaction . Just like what we all are doing here . have a great day all Chris
  23. fuzze replied to ToXIc's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    hey Zak , fellow refresher here , I like to think of costs in such a way as what I am doing is , by doing most if not all the work on our 71z we are investing in ourselves in the form of hands on education . We believe to truly appreciate and understand how our car functions , we need to do the methodical tear down ,refresh and rebuild so that when the z gets back on the road the joy of bleeding knuckles and sore arms from scraping and the like is time that is spent in the most positive way . I might add that '' we '' is my wife and our two teenage son's , 13 and soon to be 16 . This family affair is one of the most positive things that we have done together , so to us if 10 0r 15 k is the bottom line to do this project it is money spent in the right direction . My younger son can't wait to finish this one so that he can start one of his own ! Seems a small price to pay for this kind of education . I'll post a couple pic's of the students at work .My reply may be a little off track , but I just want to share our perspective of what a resto costs . have fun with your refresh as really that is what it should be all about . Chris
  24. fuzze replied to fuzze's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I like the list tomohawk , I'm 45 this aug and your play list puts me right back at the wheel of my 5ndime with van halen blasting and my time was just that , my time ! Rock on , I 'll have my teckie load those beauts for my list . Chris
  25. fuzze replied to mally002's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    you know , the sense of smell is one of the strongest senses for jogging memory. When I bought my Z last summer , when I first opened her door it was the smell of Z that sold me right away . To me it smelled of old times , my youth was back in my hand's again . It made me think of girlfriends that I had not thought of in years , and no they didn't smell , although they did smell great sitting in the z ; I used to own a 72 -z back in the day . Makes me want to head out into the shop and take in that scent that is 240 . I will breathe in real deep . Good thread Chris

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