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  1. Recovered! http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php?/topic/90352-rb26-240z-stolen-in-lakewood-ca/page__view__findpost__p__858393
  2. That's what I'm hoping. I couldn't find the S# or anything, but it's rarity should be enough for it to get spotted eventually. Unless I'm the next victim on Overhaulin' the car was definitely not towed. When you file a report that's the first thing the police check, and tow yards are supposed to report all vehicles they pick up so it would get flagged. Also there are several other cars that were parked near mine, one has been covered for months. Unless I'm missing something or the guy who took the report was incompetent.
  3. That's a freaking good idea. I don't know about the car, but the parts for sure. I don't think it got stolen because of the emblem, more likely would be that someone saw it on the forums, but then they'd have to find me...witch hunt. My thoughts exactly, if it's the kind of kid that has a shop and can yank and ship an engine, or basically a chop shop, why not steal a car that is either worth more or at least less conspicuous and easy to move. I thought people only steal hondas and mercedes for this reason, but I guess mine was apparently easy enough to steal that the joy ride would make it worth it. Forgot to mention earlier: Also stolen with the car was a white iPod video 5th Gen 30GB (MA002LL/A). What makes this stand out is that I replaced the center button with a black one, so if you see this unique ipod on craigs or anything let me know! In retrospect I wish I chiseled my name into it. I used to think my home town was fairly safe. This is the second ipod stolen from me, which means that there are at least two thieves out there with an ipod named "Blessed Warrior"
  4. Thanks for the support guys, hopefully it will end up abandoned somewhere, a missing stereo I can live with.
  5. Contact me asap if you see this car. It was stolen from the alley between my house and a Vons mini strip mall between two days ago and now. 562-881-5345 1972 240z, RB26DETT w/ RB25 5spd Alpine CDA-9887 deck, PDX-5 amp, 2 Pioneer TS-D902P 6*9s, TS-SW1241D 12" sub Spread the word, engine, rims etc are probably going to get parted out now has chrome mirrors and hatch louvers, missing airdam

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