Suspension issues on my new Z.
Firstly the car feels like its bottoming out the suspension on tiny bumps in the road. The previous owner decided to cut the springs Would it be more cost effective to find used stock springs or get some sort of after market spring? The car has a 327 SBC so its a bit heavier on the front end. What would you recommend? Secondly, at freeway speeds it has a nasty shimmy that is bad enough that I avoid the freeway. What could cause this? Bent wheel? crappy cut springs? Bad alignment? Thirdly, Will a 16x7.5 +22, 16x8.5 +37 set of wheels fit underneath the fenders? I have ZGs that came with the car, along with holes in my rear quarters Thanks for your time, Jake Im all ears
Do you think your car had Led Zeppilin played in it?
Mine will have it playing once I get the inside a little quieter.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Well she's driving great now. I just need a temporary solution for the brake lights. I have the switch and some wires. I'm really worried some girl will crush me with her giant SUV.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
alright, well How would I wire it with new wire? does it go battery-switch-fuse light? Or Battery-Fuse-switch-fuse-light? Something else?
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Well I got one from the parts store (I know I could have gotten one from the JY but its dark and raining). Its for a 260z, does that matter at all? I hooked it up to what I thought was the right wire and now it keeps blowing fuses. They DID work for a little bit though which is very encouraging.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
So thats where that thing is supposed to go. I don't have one unfortunately.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Well I didn't realize having a POS alternator would make it impossible to tell if my dash lights and turn signals work, but they do now. Haha, now the tail lights need to be sorted out. I can't seem to find the brake pedal switch. Its way up behind the dash right?
Bucking and then died and won't start again
its not the fuses. There isn't any wiring back to them
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Well it was a bad alternator. I changed it out and it seems to run fine now. I'll see if this positive trend continues tomorrow. The next issue to tackle is the lack of tail lights. No running lights/ turn signals or brake lights.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Actually come to think of it. My Mr2 did exactly the same thing, and the Alt. ended up being toast. Of course a 91 compared to a 72 is a bit of a difference.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
Wow... I am REALLY glad this forum is back up. Thanks guys. I'm going to try and sort it out tomorrow (day off). I sure hope its the alternator. Especially since its so easy to get to.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
So I drove the car to work today and shut it off, and just to see if it would I tried starting it again. It just clicks like a dead battery. I get jumped and make it half way home and it dies again ( the same bucking and not wanting to rev). I get jumped again and make it home. I decide to see what happens if I just let it idle. It took a couple minutes but it died again. Do you guys think it could be the alternator/ battery? Would the car buck and die like that with a bad alternator/ battery? Im really glad this site is back up too.
1972 240z, no wiring to the back lights
Mine is from 9/71 to 6/72. If some one has a FULL harness that is in good condition I need one. Otherwise, what do you guys think of the wiring kits? Should it be easy for someone with no prior experience to install tail lights/ running lights/ headlights/ turn signal (Wipers would be a plus) wiring? I figure the kit would be newer and less likely to crap out on me... but I don't know.
1972 240z, no wiring to the back lights
I just got this car and it has nothing running the rear lights. I was wondering if there is an aftermarket kit I can buy to hook all that up again. I don't drive it now because I really don't want someone to rearend me. The headlights are ghetto-rigged to a switch and are pretty dim too, but at least they come on. I was thinking a painless kit might work, but it seems like a handful to wire up. Any experience is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jake
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