Everything posted by gogriz91
SU throttle bodies
I saw a 280 at the Mitty that had what looked like a TB setup. I'm going through the mental gyration of Ztherapying my SUs, getting triples or exploring what the options might be in a TB setup.
SU throttle bodies
Anything like this or better available commercially for an L-series engine? http://www.twminduction.com/ThrottleBody/ThrottleBodySU-FR.html Would the setup designed for Weber applications be able to be directly bolted on? http://www.twminduction.com/ThrottleBody/ThrottleBodySU-FR.html
How to tune your su's
So what's wrong with my SU settings when the back one misfires? Is it timing, mixture, both, or neither?
What's the longest trip you've made in your Z?
2 X DC to Missoula MT, once over New Years, once on the 20th of Dec. Took my 260 the first time, had to stop at a gas station next to the Corn Palace and put every stitch of clothing I owned on because the heater couldn't generate hot air! Same time of year in my 240 and the heater worked great???
'72 on EBay
I can't believe how clean this thing looks. Someone may get a steal on it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-DATSUN-240Z_W0QQitemZ260130951003QQihZ016QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
The Long Road Home
I'm assuming you worked at the ROCC at Tyndall?
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
This is hilarious! I can't help but wonder how many pages we would have gone through if they had been crushing Chevettes and Pacers instead of Civics!
The Long Road Home
Cold Lake eh, went there for Maple Flag once. If you get a chance, update this post with your trip adventures and how your Z and your wife fared.
R200/half shaft rebuilder in Atlanta?
Thanks for the info fellas, I really appreciate it.
R200/half shaft rebuilder in Atlanta?
I live near Macon but am looking for someone who knows what they're doing and can put a VLSD in the R200. Any idea how much this might cost?
Hot Version Vol 87 features S30 Wangan Midnight Battle
Hopefully I'll be able to get this dubbed somewhere. http://www.bestmotoring.jp/HV/087/
1970 240z Brochure on EBAY
Count me in!
'75 Fairlady on EBay in VA
Looks like a good deal if someone wanted a resto project. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/54218215_W0QQitemZ190118885253QQihZ009QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Man, I've got to take the plunge and get a set of triples.
Sweet Z Video
Aaah another of Smokey Nagata's Frankenstein projects. I wish he would run one in the Silver State Classic with Dai.
So I hear they are making a Speed Racer movie.
Tough choice
Few choices in life worth making are easy, no reason to look back...right?
1970 240Z Dilema
I'm sure someone would be interested in it, it's just a function of whether or not they'll give you what your interest is in it. It would be a shame to see so clean a chassis go to the crusher or worse.
L28 turbo
Go to hybridz.org, register and do a search or just cruise the L-series forum, there's a ton of info there on different turbo setups for L-engines.
SRL311-00004 (with documented race history since 1967) on ebay
I'm curious to see if it goes. There was a Roadster up for auction at the Mitty, don't know if it sold or not.
Toyota Calipers @ Autozone - $76/pair, loaded (+core)
Link no worky.
'72 Skyline on EBay
No one bid on it, wonder if it will get relisted.
'72 Skyline on EBay
No bids with 7 hours to go. Wish I had $15K I could put into it.
'72 Skyline on EBay
I wonder how hard it is to get parts for it over here?
Check this out...
The game is based on the manga series Wangan Midnight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wangan_Midnight These guys are nuts about the game, the manga and the DevilZ. http://wmexpressway.net/ http://www.wangan-midnight.com/
"71 on EBay
I would love to take my kid to school in that car!