Everything posted by gogriz91
Homebuilt by Jeff just got a '71 240Z!
Jeff is in Australia, did a youtube series on a 911 he is wrapping up, really insightful videos. Better news is he just picked up a 240Z and is contemplating a rotisserie rebuild, should be some well thought through quality DIY videos as he gets going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvHckyZrWWE
Hello from across the pond! Searching for a 240z
Fuel to the fire, right hand drive too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8uuuBOWI6Q Neat old footage of G-nose race Zs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZe0BcsUyuk&list=PL2425F0B0807477AF&index=2
ZX turbo remote oil cooler question
I've got one on order, thanks for the lead.
ZX turbo remote oil cooler question
Thats what I was wondering myself, is the stud still there. I don't think it is because the adapter bolts on to the block and I don't have a stud readily available..
ZX turbo remote oil cooler question
I've got a factory remote oil cooler from a ZX turbo on my Z but one of the fittings between the mount and the radiator is leaking so I need to remove it and repair it. I didn't mount it on the car and am curious if the threaded fitting on the block is still there so I can remove all of the oil cooler components and just screw the oil filter back on to the block or was it removed to put the remote mount on. Any help would be appreciated.
Aluminum oil pans / external coolers?
I live in the South and got a 280ZX external oil cooler as insurance on a setup similar to yours plus an aluminum radiator. Not sure which pulled the temp down more but I figure its insurance against the heat of the Summer.
After completing Lands End to John O'Groats rally - '73 240Z
I'm re-reading Bill Bryson's "Notes from a small island", I think I prefer your method of seeing the UK to his.
1978 SCCA National Championship
There were a bunch of Zs running, I wonder what happened to all of those cars, not just the ones that were featured?
Disaster Recovery Services
Backup to a cloud type storage or hard drives at work stations?
BRE Tribute
Is this Ron Carter's old car?
F*** the Internet
Download ghostery, it keeps ad content down and you can customize what gets blocked.
Ever see these valve seals before on a L series?
I read some posts about Ford valve seals on HybridZ, maybe that's what this is.
Race prepped '70 on EBay
Race prepped '70 240Z prepared by the late John Williams. Posting this link with the consent of the seller. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Z-Series-/252155356652?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3ab5a165ec:g:CO0AAOSwAYtWONnC&item=252155356652
Packaging and support from MSA
Ordered the 6 into 1 header and an exhaust system, all bubble wrapped, one 2 in gash in one of the boxes, stuff was intact, never had a problem with MSA.
Passing of Todd Walrich (Wolf Creek Racing)
Bought a set of 44s from him two years ago, he was in the process of moving from NY to VA and was excited about living in the country. Really a sad loss for his family and the Mikuni community.
Road Test - 2400 Miles in the Z Car
Going through Utah to Green River affords an opportunity to go by Arches and Canyonlands NP. Another highly, highly recommended route would be to cut over to Grand Junction then down to Ouray then over the pass to Silverton and down to Durango CO, the Rockies are fantastic.
Road Test - 2400 Miles in the Z Car
Download Waze to your smartphone, great app for figuring our where the speedtraps are.
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
Talked to Oliver at ZSpecialties, pulled the alternator, am sending it to him and ordering a replacement plus a Napa alternator and an external voltage regulator from MSA, one of these options has to work. Thanks for all your help and recommendations
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
Ammeter shows slight positive, I will check the fuse on the headlight harness, ordered new alternator from Z Specialties.
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
Swapped from an N42 to a F54 block, just had about 200 miles or so on the swap. I'm wondering if a weak belt that is not aligned could have caused it to burn up? The pulley for the alternator is ever so slightly offset towards the rear of the car from the water pump. I'll have to check the connection to see if it is sealed, maybe water splashed on it from the rain we got yesterday while I was driving it?
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
I got rid of the external voltage regulator after one failed on my 260 and the battery blew eating through the wheel well. This is a ZSpecialties 125 amp alternator with internal voltage regulator, i got it about 7 years ago and have put about 5K miles on it. Not sure if it's related because it had rained and the connections may have been wet but my headlights were flickering, I have Dave Irwin's headlight harness that runs off the battery. http://www.datsunstore.com/high-output-alternator-p-1.html
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
On the car, hooked up to the battery terminals.
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
Update, went to the local Advance Auto Parts and asked them to check the electrical system. Tester says the battery's got 100% charge but is bad? Said the diodes are working in the alternator but that the voltage regulator is bad. Wondering if I need to call Oliver and order a replacement HO alternator...
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
I hope so, thanks for replying.
Alternator bearing?...squeal from dead stop plus...
I will do that. I also have a H.O, alternator from Z Specialties and it says it requires a special belt, I emailed Oliver asking for the replacement belt part number.