Everything posted by gogriz91
Warning....Newb Carb Question
Take the screws off of the bowls and lift the bowl off. You should then be able to gently take the cylinder off too. Take some carb cleaner and clean off the cylinder and the interior of the bowl. The needle attached to the bottom of the cylinder should be reasonably straight too. Hope this helps, I'm no SU rocket scientist but this is the gist of what I do twice a year as a form of lazy SU tuneup.
VSRG Brock Racing Enterprises forum 11 Oct.
http://vsrg.org/enews/vsrg_en_0908.htm Looks like a blast if they have any tickets left...all the BRE big names are going to be there.
240z import questions
There might be some decent deals on 240s to be found in the UK, it would be cheaper than shipping one all the way from the states.
L28 Stroker project
Try hybridz.org too, if you aren't there already.
Classic Motorsports (Nov. 2008)
Isn't that the car John Williams helped to build, he has a shop in Sugar Hill?
Atlanta guy needs 240Z help
So how about an update, have you found a Z yet?
MR30 Skyline on ebay
Hey, it's 80's styling, they're unique but not ugly...an Aztek...that's ugly.
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
Glad you got the magazine, Hanns Ruth is a member here and I sent him a copy as well.
4th Japanese Classic Car Show, waiting for you!
Where's the Nissan goody bag opportunity? Is Nissan going to be out there with a booth or something promoting the GTR and the 370?
Sakura rims F/S...got $4k lying around?
Maybe in Arkansas but they will fetch a pretty penny in the JDM world.
Sakura rims F/S...got $4k lying around?
- Paul Newman
Why aren't YOU going to ZCON 2008?
It definitely sounds like a blast, I missed last year due to work and I don't think one will get closer to me for awhile.
Why aren't YOU going to ZCON 2008?
Can't afford to make the trip.
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
They're gone.
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
I did not see your car in this issue. There is coverage of West Coast Nationals but all of the cars either featured or pictured are S30s or S130s.
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
I've got one magazine left, haven't made it back to Book Box yet.
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
I made it back, have 4 extras to let go (Chino 240Z, I have yours separate) that I would like to get $18 for apiece. (The magazine is $10 plus roughly $4 for USPS first class) PM me if you're interested, first 4 PMs get them. I'll take Paypal and will ship them first class next week when I return to the states.
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
I get eyeballed by the "Honda with a wing" crowd and the "Neon with a fartcan" exhaust crowd as well. There are a few 350's running around but on only one occasion did one ever recognize my car as an early Z. I'm tooling home and notice a 350 behind me at the light, no big wup, but after the light turns green, the car pulls up beside me and it's the Wing CC, a one star General. He says "Nice Z" then lays on the gas. I follow, couldn't pull on him but slowed the gap until we hit about 85. (I'm trying to figure out which of my kids band instruments I can sell to fund either the ITB, turbo or triple Mikuni transplant that is in my future to "close the gap")
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
I will try to get back down to the Book Box on Friday or Saturday and empty out their copies of the magazine. (I'm in Korea now) Doh itashimashta gozaimasu!
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
It's in there, you got alot of exposure! Kinokuniya? I may have one more day shopping in Japan that I can grab one.
US Z's in current issue of Vintage Auto (Japan)
Couldn't believe this when I saw it at the bookstore. A few I've seen before, the obligatory Rocky Auto car and an impressive write-up on Hans Ruth's Z-racecar. Might be available at Kinokuniya for you West Coast dwellers.
Pushing for more HP on the L28
I would argue you need to figure out how much HP you're making now, how much you think you want to make and how much you're prepared to spend. The general idea I get is an N/A L-28 can get to 225-250 hp and be streetable, a turbo can get between 300-350 hp and be streetable. There are a ton of threads here and at hybridz.org that explore the pros and cons of a variety of options. The number one determining factor will be how much you're prepared to spend.
Atlanta guy needs 240Z help
Try this site, a great compilation of online ads. http://www.jaxed.com/cgi-bin/mash.cgi?cat=cp&itm=datsun+1970s&state=&fil=&ys=1970&ye=1973&submit=go
Atlanta guy needs 240Z help
See where the guy is in a month or two, if he's eager to sell, he may back off raising the price. If you're out and about you might drop by Radatz Motorsports in Kennesaw or John Williams' shop in Sugar Hill. They could give you a better idea of what to expect or where a good '70 model Z may be waiting for a new owner.