Everything posted by gogriz91
Japan Grand Prix Grille Badge
I've seen many "swastikas" at Japanese religious sites...not sure why though.
Big bore SU experience?
I'm finishing a replacement N42 head plus a retune of my existing SUs. Got a great deal on another set of SUs plus intake and am debating having them bored out and dropped on my refreshed top end motor. I'm really debating breaking down and getting a set of triple Mikunis but the bored out SUs seem like a better deal in terms of cost, reliability and ease of tunability. Engine is an L-28 with an N42 head, a Schneider street cam and a header. It's a street car with an occasional run to the track for HPDE/autocross. Anyone have big bore SUs? How do you like them? Any tricks to tuning them? Should I have the machine work done then buy the Ztherapy rebuild kit or vice-versa?
New 240Z Owner
That is one clean looking S30, I hope the nooks and crannies are as clean as the exterior. You got a great deal from what I can tell, looking forward to updates. Where are you located?
Found in a pile of old books
First time I've seen one like that, looks like a little treasure piece.
I am starting my racing career
Pro-Solo is not a bad option and was meant to be accessible to as many people as possible. Pay attention to the classes as modifying your Z may put you into the V-8 realm where you're up against another realm of competition. I'll bet there are a ton of people who would be willing to help you learn the ropes and become competitive if you're serious about running. You may also want to look at the different classes before taking the plunge in a Z unless your'e handy with a wrench. Can't believe I'm saying it but there are alot more opportunities for someone running a Miata than an S30 Z.
JDM 240Z on Craigs
Seen it before, nice car. Some wish $22K for a Z in that condition would be seen as a steal...I'm not there yet.
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
I need to find $250 for the taillight conversion. Ever since I saw how nice they looked on a well cared for classic sports car I've wanted to bite the bullet. http://www.japanesenostalgiccar.com/article.cgi?section=profiles&article=toyotaCelica1975LBTopSecret
I am starting my racing career
Awesome advice, do some homework on SCCA's and NASA's webpage. You'd feel really stupid showing up at the track after having spent a ton of time and money only to be told the car will have to be modified to run. Racing is not a poor man's hobby, your homework is figuring out what class you can build something to run in, not what to strap on the car in order to make it a "racecar". You could even check out HSR or SVRA vintage racing although I'm betting they're more expensive. For $10K, you could probably run a competitive Honda in NASA if you're not liking the idea of Pro-Solo. One of the IT series in SCCA might not be a bad choice if your handy with a wrench. www.improvedtouring.com $7K for a 75% ITS prepped race car is a steal. Don't let your fascination with the idea of racing screw the reality of fielding and competing in a racecar. If nothing else, befriend someone who does race and go to a couple of track events with them and crew. I watched one guy run 3 laps of a 10-15 lap race only to have the pin break on the cam dropping the top of the timing chain off on a Sunbelt prepped motor $$$$$$. That poor guy worked his a$$ off to field two cars and lost one in 5 minutes plus the cost of reconstituting it. Not for the faint of heart, dimwitted mechanically or strapped for cash.
1970 ITS SCCA racer for sale
Saw it, wish I had the time to put into it to make it worth owning, there's alot of goodies there for a reasonable amount of money.
I am starting my racing career
Go with SCCAs pro-Solo series. Alot cheaper and you can use a daily driver.
I am starting my racing career
Here's a prepped ITS car looking for a new home! $7K seems like a decent asking price not having seen the car in person. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/car/520892542.html
Engine Swap vs. Bore & Stroke Job
While more expensive I don't think you would regret going with Rebello. My next question would be "What am I now prepared to pay" when Rebello says more work is needed based on what they find when they get into the block.
What does your Z want for the Holidays?
It's getting $3500 in a head replacement, R200 LSD swap, Toyo 4 piston vented upgrade, SU rebuild and some interior work, replace weatherstrip, passenger window regulator, door latch mechanism.
'73 240z needs engine and su help
try searching, there's a ton of stuff here, on zcar.com and at hybridz.org on how to "tune su"s. Another option might be to change your fuel filter, maybe something n the lines or the tank is gunking things up?
New to the forum. Bought a 1970 240z. Told you guys would like it.
There's a Z car place in Nampa, or there used to be. A guy from Boise just took a beautiful JDM Laurel to the JCCS and won an award. If you could get ahold of him, you'd probably find alot of what you'll need to restore the car.
Whats the best head?????
Here's a great write-up on heads http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=104420 Do a search for stroker on hybridz.org there's a ton of info there too.
JCCS DVD available!
I've got mine reserved, just in time for Christmas! http://www.japaneseclassiccarshow.com/store/JCCS-storeDVD.htm
California Zs
John from Betamotorsports' Z is on EBay? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1971-Series-1-Datsun-240Z-Carbed-L28-5-Speed_W0QQitemZ300176983306QQihZ020QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
EBay poseur?
I'm pretty sure the car was listed previously, Tony D, I', curious what you'll find.
EBay poseur?
Wasn't this on EBay awhile back? I thought the car was from the Carolinas? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-1973-DATSUN-240Z_W0QQitemZ110196668588QQihZ001QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Phantom Grip ????
It sounds too good to be true but I guess someone will have to try it to find out.
Destiny is not with me, or my Z
I like that stock paint color, I hope you stick with it when fate intervenes on your behalf.
Awesome in car video at Autopolis on Kyushu
This one I hadn't seen before, wish there was more! Sorry Mike, couldn't find the ebed on youtube, I'm working on a public education here!
ARRC this weekend, Road Atlanta
I'll probably call him on Saturday, will PM you with whatever I'm able to find out.
ARRC this weekend, Road Atlanta
I don't but John does. You could call him 770-806-2926 or I can ask him the next time I talk to him.