Everything posted by gogriz91
Best Motoring does Wangan Midnight
Try this one, we'll see how long it lasts. http://www.gtchannel.com/content.php?cid=7398
C/S Repaired, Parking Lights work, don't when Headlights On!
Got my combo switch in the car today, thanks for taking care of me Dave, I appreciate it, they look brand new!
Best Motoring does Wangan Midnight
I'm not sure alot of that would matter, if the Porsche's nose was wandering, imagine what the Z would be like at the same speed. Would the turbo necessarily do anything for top end or just improved acceleration? (I'm unashamedly turbo technology challenged)
REDLINE TV show last night!
Yeah, I freaked out because I had just switched over to Speed and low and behold, there was a beautiful 240 making most of the other cars look like glorified grocery getters which, of course, they were.
Best Motoring does Wangan Midnight
Thanks mike, I'm a total neophyte when it comes to attachments etc.
Best Motoring does Wangan Midnight
Not overly accurate comparo but a great edition of Best Motoring anyway. the rep from Star Road has the S30 bug, he's hard bit for lack of a better way to put it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kldVQ-cCfhE
More youtube, 240's running at Road Atlanta/Roebling Road
That's John Williams, he's running at the ARRC next month in what I'm pretty sure will be the same car. I think he would have been able to hold his place if that FC hadn't helped him off the track.
More youtube, 240's running at Road Atlanta/Roebling Road
Peck through the list, a great shot of John Williams "departing controlled flight" with some assistance from an RX-7 and the same of an RX-7 on the Roebling Road edition.
May 2004 vintage racing article (Willow Springs)
So what kind of lap itmes were you running? I'm curious how a prepared Z could run against a newer car with "newer" technology and Willow Springs seems to be the yardstick for many "tuners".
L24 (Modest Upgrades)
How about a header with a bigger exhaust setup? I would recomend the Ztherapy rebuild kit for your carbs too.
Rick, Since 1917 Aussies and Americans have fought side by side in various places around the world. But for their sacrifice in New Guinea in '42 and '43 we probably would have had an additional 6-12 months of Pacific War. The Aussies serving now in OEF and OIF are exceptional in every endeavour they undertake and I point to Col Rowan Tink as an outstanding example. Thanks for standing with us in something you believe to be worth fighting for...fewer nations than you might think are willing to do same.
240z Carb choice
I've had the downdraft Webers and the SUs and I'm sticking with the SUs. Get a rebuild kit or even just the video or bite the bullet on zsondabrain's SUs but stick with them, they're reliable and give good street performance while being pretty easy to maintain.
Online tire purchase experience?
I'm thinking the new Falken Ziex RT whatevers and I heard they'll ship 'em to a local tire shop. I've got a set of Koenig Rewinds I'm finally going to get a decent set of tires on.
Project Angie II's engine
Online tire purchase experience?
I'm buying a new set of tires in Jan-Feb and am considering getting them online. Any experiences either positive or negative would be appreciated.
Your Caption Goes Here.....
When whaling at the club last night goes terribly awry.
Your Caption Goes Here.....
Mass transit ain't what it's cracked up to be.
Why no Datsuns in Historic series?
I figured Nissan knocked it off because they stopped selling the Z and the budget for what they were spending on racing wasn't being made up in sales. It's still a shame when you see how Mazda is running with their Miata series and the Speed whatever challenge that's dominated by 626s. Other than drift, you don't see very many Nissans out there.
What suspension for my SR20 240Z?
Check EBay
Illegal window tint
Get out of state plates!
Weber DCOE's on EBay, some ?'s
I'll probably end up going to Todd Walrich when I decide to pull the trigger...thanks for the info.
Weber DCOE's on EBay, some ?'s
I want to do the 44 swap at some point, just trying to find a good deal on all the pieces. Between the Mikuni, Cannon or Nismo intake, if I have a choice, which is the best option?
Weber DCOE's on EBay, some ?'s
Might be a good deal for an L-24 build. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Weber-Triple-40-DCOE-Carburators_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33550QQihZ006QQitemZ160146271108QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Would this intake fit a set of Mikuni 44's as well or would it have to be ported out? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cannon-manifold-for-Weber-40-DCOE-Carburators_W0QQitemZ160146272908QQihZ006QQcategoryZ33550QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Yet again, another 4x4 brake question
So what's the part # at Autozone?
First Car: 1972 240Z
Let's see that engine bay!