Everything posted by gogriz91
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What is your car's nickname?
I call it the beast. Every now and then I'll take it to work early in the morning and the header will set off 3-4 car alarms in the neighborhood.
Tell us about your Z!
It's more reliable than I give it credit. Got me 300 miles last week to the Mitty!
Gasoline Prices, and your Z
When anyone who drives a V-8 powered vehicle complains about gas you should ask them, "Are you driving that to make a living or to support your lifestyle?" In my book, there's a difference, and I see alot of V-8 powered vehicles with one person behind the wheel and have little to no sympathy for just about anyone who complains about the price of gas unless they have a business dependent on a vehicle. My uncle is a farmer and I know it's really hurting him on the bottom line. Not so sympathetic for Suburban soccer Moms or the guy who traded in his sports car for a pickup truck because it was popular. I could do what I do in my Pathfinder with a Subaru but I prefer the Pathfinder, so I pay what it costs to drive one, for better or worse.
Gasoline Prices, and your Z
I remember in 1991 paying $1.05 for a gallon of gas and feeling it was expensive. In 2001 I paid about the same and couldn't believe how cheap it was. Did anyone ever stop and look at the historical rise of the cost of gas or how expensive it was, adjusted for inflation, in the past?
Gasoline Prices, and your Z
my Z gets alot better mileage than anything else in the garage. if I didn't smell like exhaust after a 10 mile haul in it I'd drive it to work more often. Just saw race fuel for $7 a gallon and wondered how long it'll be before 91 octane is that much.
Loren, welcome to the club. If you're the least bit mechanically inclined or enjoy driving the Z you eventually find, then you'll be hooked and wonder why you didn't buy one 35 years ago.
HSR Mitty '06 to feature Japanese Sportscars
I'll be there all day Saturday but the Z may stay at home, can't find the keys!!!???
wont to buy 260z
Yeah, the US really got shafted on the 260. The UK got a great deal all the way around with the carbs and the available 5-speed.
What Zs are meant to do
My problem isn't the ride it's the exhaust and the noise. I'm exhausted (no pun intended) after about an hour in the car, the fun factor just starts to drop after that.
wont to buy 260z
If you're in the UK which it sound like you are there are several model years of the 260 with round top carbs and 5-speeds. Look for rust in the floorpans, rocker panels, under the battery tray, and on the lip of the wheel wells. There's a Z car register in the UK that may be able to help you find a good condition 260 for less money. Don't know what their webpage address is but you could probably find it on Google.
1st post
Here's a set of round top SUs on EBay. There's almost always one set at any given time being listed so if these aren't up your alle wait alittle while and something will probably turn up. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/datsun-nissan-240z-260z-280z-carbs-carburetors-su_W0QQitemZ8056730904QQcategoryZ33550QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
been lurking for a while... its time
Once you get inside a Z car, a Z car will get inside your wallet.
Where to start?
Ronnie you sly devil. I knew you picked up a couple of parts cars but didn't realize this was the situation you were in. I've got the Wick Humble book, the Bill Reagan "book", a Haynes manual and the Zclub CD and highly recommend all of them as reference material to help you bound the scope of what you think you want to do and what kind of time, labor, tools and knowledge will be required to return 913 to the living. The Bill Reagan book can be ordered from the Z Club of Texas and is a true bargain at $10 http://zcluboftexas.org/ (I met Bill Reagan in '95 and got mine for free luckily enough) At the time, I think he had adrenaline for blood and it didn't hurt that he was a TI engineer with automotive skills and a good income married to another TI engineer that indulged him on his passion for Z's. He had found another '70 with a lower VIN than the one he restored and he was essentially going to repeat the process all over again. I got to see that car finished in a video on the Z Car convention in Denver and it was as if it had literally rolled off the showroom floor. Trouble is, he was willing to work 40-50 hours a week on the car which I can't even do when I'm at my paying job! Kinda rough on my self motivation to see the extremes he went to to restore/remanufacture the car.
How long have you had your Z?
I bought a 260 in 1986 as my daily driver for 5 years. Bought a '72 when I graduated college in '91, sent the 260 to the crusher in '97 and the '72 followed in 2002. The '73 I own now I bought in 2000 finally getting everything I wanted in terms of color, conveniences and a minimal amount of rust. I've contemplated selling many times but just can't bring myself to do it. I just go for a drive and the reasons I bought the car to begin with remind me I can't get rid of it no matter the cost to maintain.
Production Numbers Per Color?
I've seen one 240 in 20 years that had that same color but I didn't see it listed at zhome.com. http://zhome.com/History/ZColorGallary/index.html If I ever seen one again, I'll have to hope the hood is popped and the color number still visible.
been lurking for a while... its time
Outstanding and thanks for posting the pics. I'm biased because I have a '73 with the same interior and exterior colors as yours...well, it was that color when it left the factory. Any ideas how long the injection set up has been on your car? If you need extra motivation to work on your Z, the Mitty is in two weeks and there'll be some beautiful cars out there. http://www.hsrrace.com/HSR/HSRHome.nsf/weblinks/EJEN-6MBJP6?OpenDocument
"Nitty Gritty" about the upcoming Mitty Challenge
Well, despite a recalcitrant corporate Nissan the pleasure to be derived from attending the Mitty this month can still be found if you look hard enough. Nitty gritty Mitty.pdf