Everything posted by gogriz91
Need a good source for door hardware
I need to replace the latch/locking mechanisms on my passenger door and haven't seen any on EBay recently. What does a new/used set go for and where besides MSA or VB could I get them?
Wats on EBay
I've pretty much decided I'll stick to Konig's unless I find an ncredible deal on Wats and get promoted this Fall. You rarely see Wats on EBay though in any condition. I'm not sure I could own a set anyway, if they were to get scratched or damaged the thought of what it would take to repair or replace them would drive me nuts.
Wats on EBay
I wonder if it would be worth it to buy the set to act as spares for an existing set you might already have?
Wats on EBay
Not the best example I've seen before but they seem like a good deal. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-WATANABE-14-RIMS-DATSUN-510-240Z-AE86_W0QQitemZ8039002675QQcategoryZ43954QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
How many people fit into a Z?
Dead or alive?
Japanese GP at Fuji Speedway in 2007
When the race gets boring you can enjoy Mt Fuji.
New 240Z Owner Saying Howdy
Wait 'til you can marry up the pleasure of driving your Z with sharing it with your new bundle of joy! Wife says I can do it when I get the exhaust smell out of the car!
Honda Civic Heater Blower Motor upgrade for 240z's--My personal take
Outstanding, I've got one of the Honda fans sitting in the garage waiting for a cold day and a bit of motivation. I've been hoping something like this would come along.
1970 240Z at Road America
SEZ shootout this weekend!
If you're close to Atlanta this won't be bad way to spend Sunday! http://www.freewebs.com/sezshootout/
NostalgicHero Nagoya show & swap meet?
Don't know how much you like Japanese food but man, there are so many good places to eat, or just wander in to any convenience store (there's one every 200 yards) and grab some kind of ice cream. (Have some Pinos for me, those things rock!)
Long time lurker
Outstanding and welcome to the forums. There are plenty of folks from MI, they don't seem to think much of the highways for some reason or another.
Top 10 Japanese race cars of all time As per Classic Motorsport
Thr new Mitty poster has two RX-7's leading what looks like, the Electramotive 280-ZX. (That's depressing) No Mitsubishi racing in America at all?
NostalgicHero Nagoya show & swap meet?
Eric, is it out of the realm of posibility for you to take some vacation days and stay in Japan long enough to make the show? I'm able to do it if I plan far enough in advance, this is a once, maybe twice in a lifetime event.
Top 10 Japanese race cars of all time As per Classic Motorsport
They all sound like reasonable choices considering the source.
Building just for function?
If it were a show car I'd never drive it which would take the real pleasure out of owning it for me. I struggle putting money into it because I know I won't recoup it if I were to sell. I spend $400 on parts to make some thing better then something breaks and I just curse the damn thing for breaking after I just put money into it. I've come close to selling a few times but just can't imagine not having a Z around to tinker with and drive every now and then. I'm even willing to go to the desert for 3-5 months of tax free so I can feed it into my Z, although you wouldn't know it to look at the car close up.
Why So Many Project/Parts Zcars For Sale?
Looks like a serious case of "Bring out yer dead!"
NostalgicHero Nagoya show & swap meet?
I went to the one last Spring in Tokyo and it was great, lots of Nissans and a bunch of Toyota 2000 GTs. The swap meet was so-so as most of the parts were for newer cars than S30s but, there were two vendors with a bunch of old magazines that featured older Japanese sports cars and I got some nice S30 magazines. It and the Sagamiko Spring meet would almost be worth the cost to make the trip and stay there long enough to attend both events.
As the Old Saying Goes-If it Sells Too Quick
Beautiful car, almost makes me want to go into debt to buy it. I think the sale will go through. The seller low balled it because he undervalued the car and wanted to make sure it would sell. (Just my HO)
Carpet and plastic panels
Any recommendations for a carpet set up that includes the transmission tunnel piece?
Tis as sad day for me, but a great day for someone else
Are you going to get another Z, or another sports/GT car, or are you trying to put food on the table?
Anyone in Anchorage?
I'm going there next week for business and would like to do dinner at Humpy's one night (Tues-Thurs) with some fellow Z enthusiasts.
Wangan Midnight movie link
You're dedicated, I just farted around until they showed the Z. I'll bet a screenplay could be written for Wangan Midnight that would be a great movie, a cult classic today, not 20 years ago. This may have been posted here before but oh well, it's the intro to the video game. http://www.zippyvideos.com/70747806453375/w_m_intro/