Everything posted by gogriz91
Wangan Midnight movie link
I can't believe how bright its headlights are myself. Leave it to the Japanese to take a masculine theme and effeminate it.
2300 mile road trip for $250.00 240 worth it?
If you'll be kicking yourself you should make the trip. Whether or not anything good comes out of it is still to be determined and rests solely in your lap. Chalk it up as a road trip and enjoy the scenery.
Wangan Midnight movie link
The folks on HybridZ.org have really come through on this one. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=107279&highlight=wangan It's in Japanese and a little corny but the S30 looks great and the street scenes look pretty sharp.
240Z Parking Light upgrade harness's for Sale
Since the initial rush seems to be waning here Dave have you thought about posting on ZCar.com or Hybridz.org since there are probably some Z owners who don't hit this site but might hit those instead?
Before you Buy, check Summitracing.com
If you're coming to the SEZ shootout or the Mitty, they have a huge store on I-75 just south of Atlanta near Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Nice SR20DET 260Z on EBay
I think he's bored with it and wants the money to do something else. I'm just curious if he'll do another 1st gen Z project.
Nice SR20DET 260Z on EBay
This car was well done, can't believe he's selling it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-1974-SR20DET-240Z-500hp_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQitemZ4614944592QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Related thread on HybridZ.org http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=104692
Rebuild a wiper motor in an hour
Go to HybridZ or even do a search here for the Honda wiper motor "upgrade". I've heard it's been done and I may be having to do it myself if my original wiper motor doesn't work any better soon.
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
I do!...but I'm in Middle GA right now....I guess I'll have to wait until I retire.
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
I'm getting all three to hedge my bets against God knows what. Is that a good answer?
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
Dave, got the P/L harness yesterday, thanks for the quick turnaround. Will let you know how the install goes. Todays project is the 105 amp alternator install. The reason I posted that your headlights might work better with it was based on this thread. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17571&highlight=105+amp I'm not planning on disconnecting/re-connecting my old wiring to test the new alternator so it's a moot point providing everything goes ok getting the alternator put on.
Determining paint code
That trouble light is one of the most reliable pieces of engineering on the car!
Classic Motorsports "top 10" Japanese Race Cars of all time!
My motto at work is no surprise...just dissapointment. I'm not surprised Nissan isn't going to put any effort into showing the flag at the Mitty, I'm just dissapointed because the decision chain that lead to a no answer from 3 separate sectors of the company would have made a great albeit dark episode of Seinfeld. Remember, Mr K was a pariah in the organization and was sent to America in part to get him out of the home office, no surprise...just dissapointment.
Classic Motorsports "top 10" Japanese Race Cars of all time!
It seems like it would be a great venue to pair a BRE 240 with one of their R or S tune 350Z's, 5 generations of racing. If nothing else, they could sell a ton of NISMO labeled crap and probably cover their investemnt.
Classic Motorsports "top 10" Japanese Race Cars of all time!
I bought an '05 Pathfinder last summer and just got a customer comment card after 6 motnhs of ownership. I guess I'll add a line or two about their support for their grassroots racing legacy.
Classic Motorsports "top 10" Japanese Race Cars of all time!
I just posted something on that thread that hopefully Ron McDonald will see and respond to. Hell Ron, I'd send you a $100 to defray costs if you were willing to make the trip just to see your cars and meet you and whoever else was willing to make the journey.
Classic Motorsports "top 10" Japanese Race Cars of all time!
Would a strategically placed email barrage to the right person(s) help at all? I've gotta believe if Nissan knew that CMM was trying to put this together, they'd help out?
Found on EBay again
IMHO there's no denying that the car is in exceptional condition and is a very nice car. Whether it is everything its owner says it is starts the interesting conversation for me to see how different people value their Z whether it's originality or performance or the effort they put into a restoration or remanufacturing effort. That some folks get wrapped around the axle about their own or someone else's boasts puts a lot into perspective for me about what my car means to me.
Classic Motorsports "top 10" Japanese Race Cars of all time!
I would say the 240 and the 510 campaigned by BRE would be at the top of lthe list with Bob Sharp's ride up there too. What's the good word from Nissan about sending you and some vehicles from the West Coast to the Mitty?
Is the asbestos fuel line cover necessary?
I always thought it was asbestos and had it on my 260. The only real cure I found for vapor locking was to put an electronic fuel pump somewhere on the system.
Found on EBay again
Hey, I just want to see how much the car goes for and if it no kidding sells. The E sparring is morbid entertainment for when I'm bored and can't go outside.
Found on EBay again
This should prove interesting to follow...again. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240z-1971-DATSUN-240z-15-334-ORIGINAL-MILES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQitemZ4613179573QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
I had read previous posts that said the 105 amp alternator provides some improvement to the headlights and before I knew about Dave's harness that was my solution to my weak headlight problem. When I found out about the harness, I jumped on it because it was a quicker solution. I'm still getting the alternator but, in part, because it has an internal voltage regulator which will free up space on my wheel well to properly mount the headlight harness. I hated the idea of having to drive flat out on the old system to get mediocre performance out of the headlights. Thankfully Dave's harness solved that problem.
NISMO grill install in a post 7-72 240
I knew the Z432's had a mesh grill that was not even an option on a US market Z. Over half of the Z's I've seen in Japan with grills had the mesh but I didn't know that it was an non-original part on the car. That there is a difference is nice to know.
5-speed tranny problems, Godawful steep driveway!
The fluid on the floor is clear with a dark yellow tint to it. When I check the clutch at the reservoir, it looked like it was low, but not as low as the amount of fluid that was on the floor. I wondered if it might be the clutch too but when the car is in what I think is neutral, if I let out on the clutch, the car tries to move forward. I had a Centerforce clutch setup put in the car in '97 but it has less than 2K miles on it since that was done. I'll go inspect the clutch slave cylinder to see if it is leaking and see what I find. My concern in getting another 5-speed is that I don't want to be in this situation again in 6 months because I don't know what the internal condition of the transmission I'm getting is. I may not have a choice as I really don't want to eat $800-$1200 for a rebuilt one if the one I have right now can be repaired for less. Ronnie, I may be PM'ing you later this week to get contact info to get another 5-speed if it all comes down to that. I'll stick with the 5 speed because I want the overdrive, highway mileage and top end are what I'm after.