well executed V8-Z on EBay
its beautiful! i wish i had a spare 15k koz i think its worth alot more than what he is selling it for...
- Hot Broad Alert !
She's almost done! StIll need 1 part, though.
mate... save some money... buy it new or order in second hand from jap... there are quite a few decent guys online that do that sort of stuff... unless you enjoy the sweat of ripping out an old one and having to recon it before putting it back in yours... peace.
Bucking and then died and won't start again
great to see the alternator was diagnosed earlier... obvious 1st problem... i had a similar situation with the same symptoms in my gti-r... eveything starts ok then while your driving no juice, then slowly all the electrics start dying down and then the car finally switches off... stranded... ... non the less i identified the problem was that all nissan/datsuns seem to have limited alternators aka they are never going to last as long as u expect... change the alternator and watch the wiring koz sometimes the shut off causes a load of short circuiting in the systems such as all the electric prollems you described after the alternator change... my advise is to get a trusted guy in to do ur electrics koz they are pretty complicated... i have resigned to the fact that i can handle mech work but elec needs a specialist... non the less good luck and just thought i d give me 2cents worth... ps - try and get a works alternator - i managed to get a sweet works alternator and running my cibie's and everything with no hickups... take it easy...
some dash fire damage = ignition problems
yep... i ve dealt with a similar issue partaking to another make and model... at the end of the day you will need to rip out that dash, take out the harness, inspect it (although to be fair your better of with a new one), repair any other fire damage and replace it... seems easy but you will run into loads of lil tricky prollems... good luck!
Hot Broad Alert !
... nice nice... take it easy...
Hot Broad Alert !
you hit the nail right on the head there mr datsunologist! although i was just gonnae say that it would really be a toss between her and that trick'd out evo behind her... koz as soon as you got the evo and won a few shows you could prolly chase down summin insane... ... no harm intended... ps: wouldn't mind her number koz dont have that evo... take it easy kenyaman
new driver in town
Congratulations mate! i used to love working on the rally cars and Z's wi my grandad... sure it ll be a great experience... take it easy... enjoy! kenyaman
. nice! yeah thas my background... good old throw the thing together best you can! build it tough! try and make it last and race it till its bone dry and start over... and i aint loaded so its only happened a few times... but i gots my range for the racing... . also parts are a big issue where i come from... luckily alot of parts are easily replaced with other nissan/datsun parts... figure coming to north america will get me some good parts liaisons for overseas shipments as well... thanks... read up... peace... kenyaman
East African Safari Classic Rally 2007
hey folks! just joined and this was one of the topics is was chatting about in my new forum bla-di-blah! i have attended this event live for 4 years in toronto this year so missing out although i did have the opportunity a few months ago to see some of these cars go through the motions and let me tell you they were BEAUTIFUL!!! i ve spent me life working rallies so we did help out a few of the guys... here is the best pic of a Z in the rally yet! btw savage is also a veteran Z racer in the KNRC 2wd championship! FLATOUT AND SIDEWAYS!!! peace. kenyaman
hey people! been a fan all my life... had a 260z back in africa... addicted to 4x4's but Z's have always had a spot in my life... anyway i love my rally not my clean... the cars we build are for offroad use... some of the sweetest Z's i have ever had the chance to see have just finished racing in east africa for the east africa safari classic rally... check out some of the piccies @ http://www.eastafricansafarirally.com/index.htm... anyway good to be here and looking forward to sharing some Z for rally/africa stories and ideas... koz i like them built tough and ready to race! cheers... kenyaman