Everything posted by 7277
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
hey carl....he doesn't tell ya. but it looks well cared for. not sure about the overspray on the (engine side) heater core hoses though.. minimal wear on the foot pedal pads, and 'choke' wording below the choke light is still very nice. underside is clean, but no photos of the forward rails..(odd). though from the looks of it i doubt there's any rust.. might be a couple of miles on it based on the amount of scunge on the diff.... overall a very nice car. i'm still not keen on the red interior though.....
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
here's another one just like the $19k car.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1972-DATSUN-240Z-ONE-OWNER-VEHICLE-SOCAL-NO-RUST_W0QQitemZ290252190459QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item290252190459&_trkparms=39%3A1%7C65%3A7%7C240%3A1308&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&timeout=1218451688593
Z dies after starting?
for starters...(you said it yourself). change the fuel filter/s.
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
i would have been one of those 'more people'.
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
been watching that one....worth every cent.
Just bought Z #3, 1973
famous last words! nice car good luck
puddle of oil
is it transmission fluid or engine oil? you can tell as they smell very differently. .....Either way, the transmission is going to have to come out again... ..agreed
welcome thomas. do some research and look on eBay. you can get a general idea of the prices for Z's and see how far your money can go. if you decide to buy one, try to buy from an enthusiast, or club member in your own area. if there aren't any around in Switzerland..you may have to travel a bit. good luck. pitfalls: rust, and every other thing associated with a 37 yr old car....good thing is that, in general, they're pretty easy to work on..
Pics of my new wheels!!
srbigbutt: how's your clearance going in reverse while turning the wheel slightly left. do the tires rub the R-side lower valence? i had Rotas on my 77 with 225-50 R-16's. they rubbed (lower R-side lower valence) with stock suspension, but i basebat-rolled the fender/lower valence to get clearance before the paint shop...
leaking rear main seal: 5spd tranny
hey daniel...yeah i know..it's probably a $0.20 seal,....the other consideration is that it's an 81-83 trans and the cable is a 72, so the new 'hat' (for a 72 cable) probably wouldn't fit as didn't the original one. the flat one i made gets squished between the 'hat' and male gear drive threads. as if the 'hat' now has a wider mating flange to the gear drive. i made it just slightly oversized to cover the edge of the male threads, but not too big in diameter that the collar wouldn't fit on. l also made the hole in my flat seal a tad smaller than the (actual) male speedo cable shaft. so it is now double sealed there...
leaking rear main seal: 5spd tranny
think i got it! pulled the drive gear and check the 'o-ring' the unit came out snug and pushed back in ok..didn't seem to be faulty. the 'hat' shaped seal was crusty, but cleaned up ok. it also didn't quite cover the edge of the male collar threads (on the gear drive-off the trans) and looked crimped and a bit folded. i added a 'custom' flat rubber seal to the front of the 'hat' seal. then tightened down the collar good and snug. took the car out for a 20 minute spin....waited 30mins.................crossed fingers and looked under there.................................................dry !! whoo hoo (hope it holds...) thanks everybody
leaking rear main seal: 5spd tranny
hmm...perhaps i posted a tad prematurely... climbed under there and inspected the area...to my surprise the speedo cable was wet. unscrewed the collar, and found the little 'hat' shaped seal to be crusty. hopefully i can fab up a new seal and it will fix the problem
leaking rear main seal: 5spd tranny
hey blue72. thanks! i'll climb under there today and pull the shaft... 'pop out old seal...' pair of needle nose pliers or something? pardon my ignorance, but i wouldn't have thought it to be that easy. thanks again!
leaking rear main seal: 5spd tranny
has anyone tried it? any special tools to get the seal out? -thanks again
leaking rear main seal: 5spd tranny
just peeked under my '72. it has 81-83ZX 5spd. noticed a tiny puddle of oil at the rear of the trans. is the rear seal replacable in-situ without a removal/rebuild of the whole trans? if so, any how-to tips would be appreciated. i did a trans gear oil change about 1000miles ago, checked for overfill, and it didn't leak at all since yesterday... thanks! ..must be the Brit car gods getting back at me on my post about Brit car vs. Z in Open Z car discussion
Brits vs. Z's
mally02: nice TR! (and Z of course)..very sweet. i do admit Jag XKEs kick the pants off most cars with it's classic styling...
Brits vs. Z's
funny thing too was looking at the engine bay of a Jag xke....and to see how many linkage-contraptions [V12, with 4 carbs (!) ] there were in there took to make the thing go. it almost seemed as if they tried to indtroduce as much slop and play as possible....
Brits vs. Z's
just a thought... went to a local 'British' car show today (drove my 72 Z and parked in the fringes:)). saw some fine examples of MG's, triumphs, Austins, jags, minis, even a 100% mint restored 1958 Lotus elite S1 However, it was (again) pretty evident why our Z cars strained the british market here in the US (no offense to brit car owners!!). very evident was the technological stagnation of the brit cars. saw late 70's MG's and triumphs with carbs and 'older' electronics....while our Z's were fuel injected by then. several other areas on the cars seemed 60's-ish by engineering standards....by 1979-80 the Z was much more modern....just a thought.. not to mention the price and reliability of the 240Z... yay!
Are These Carpets Original?
yes, they are original..
A 1970 Z car approaches $30 grand!
i agree...i had high 90's point 77Z in 1995..it wasn't much fun for me as i was afraid to drive it... was that orange car in Daytona last october? if so i met the owner...nice fella.. he said that finding and restoring each and every piece of the car was his hobby, not really driving it at all. awesome job!
A 1970 Z car approaches $30 grand!
fwiw carl, i'm a big fan of 'original' cars. they're only that way once. even with the slight wear and tear the gold one shows, it's an beautiful example.....with 50k though.... i'd go $25K for it...25K or less i'd give him asking price.
What are these parts?
cunniwj: thanks man !
280Z 5 speed, How bad is it?
grab it! you can easily eBay them. i sold two early 5spd's quickly. the buyers weren't that picky....anything is better than the 4spd's 4th (1:1) on the highway...
What are these parts?
weasel73240z: thanks! yours too!...LOTS of work, spread over the past 2yrs. i could agree with you about the insulation. then again yours has a clean 'stock' look. my WHOLE motor was an oil dripping/oxidized/dirty mess when i got it...
280Z 5 speed, How bad is it?
fwiw, i have the b version 5spd and am very happy with it. the 0.745 5th gear ratio is sweet for the highway. i turn 2900rpm at 70mph (kidding here)...i'll stop everyone before it starts : let's not get into a 100+post-reply session about tire-wheel size/rear end ratios/5spd vs. 4spd vs. automatics vs. rpm,...and on and on and on...