New head in now having problems!!!!
I'm able to turn it on but only while holding the gas. And it smokes a lot . The noise is kinda hard to explain, its similar to the one your explaining. I know what your saying. I heard it while adjusting the valves. I wish I could post a video but I'm posting from my phone
New head in now having problems!!!!
Zed head. My lash pad doesn't come off no more. I got it rebuild but after I put the new head I turn it on and it seems like the same valve it making a sound. It sounds like pressure releasing. That's why I think that the guy didn't do a good job.before and taking it back I want to make sure it wasn't my fault
New head in now having problems!!!!
I did a compression test and all came out from 148 to 150. I would do a leak down test but I don't have the equipment. I'm also gonna remove the oil pump switch the position of the distributor. Making sure my timing is correct
New head in now having problems!!!!
I'm thinking that they didn't replace the guide. That is one of our conserns blue
New head in now having problems!!!!
All new. Tomorrow I'm checking the compression. Was 0.08 intake and 0.10 exhaust good.thats on cold. And 0.10 intake and 0.12 exhaust on hot. We also replaced the timing, sprokets, tensioner. But I'm almost 100% we did it right.
New head in now having problems!!!!
All the valves are new. That's the reason I'm confused. Can the head be bad and the person that rebuilt it didn't check it right or something.
New head in now having problems!!!!
I used 0.08 for intake and 0.10 for exhaust on the valve adjustment
New head in now having problems!!!!
Just finished reinstalling the rebuild head.now everything is back in and ready to start. We did a valve adjustment, checked the firing order.i guess everything to start it up. I gave it some gas and it started up but, my first valve(exhaust) was making a sound like air escaping .not ticking.going back to the reason I got my head rebuild. The same valve was dropping the lash. I put it back on about three times but it kept on coming off.i guess what I'm trying to say is that did we mess up installing it or the head was rebuild bad or the head was in too bad of condition to be rebuild. .sorry if the description is too brief ask any question if It sound to confusing
Head bolt torque please!
Just a quick question. I need head bolt torque specs and exhaust and intake manifold torque.
Questions about mild cam for 280z
Hey members, I currently rebuilding my n47 head and replacing the timing chain on my car. Before reinstalling I was thinking about installing a mild cam. I don't much about upgrading a cam, so I have a lot of questions. Do I need to upgrade springs or rockers. And is installing the same as a stock cam or Should I not bother?
Engine knock!!!
Just finished putting the keeper and lash pad back in. The car sounded back to normal, ran it around the block and it felt and sounded good. Hopefully it's stays in there. Took us about 30 min and improvising but got it done. Thanks everyone for the help .saved me money
Engine knock!!!
You're probably right, it's one of the keepers and the lash pad.is the lash pad were the lever sits on. Sorry don't know to Much about the names.im gonna ask around my area of mechanics to see if anyone has ever done what zed mentioned.
Engine knock!!!
My engine was running strong for the amount of miles it had. Just had my fuel pump Replaced by mikeZ in Whittier, and he said my car was still real strong.
Engine knock!!!
I was trying to figure out how to fix this broken valve keeper without taking off the head and I came across a complete l28 engine that was recently rebuild. The guy wanted 350 for the engine but the engine from a 76 280z, and my car is a 78, would that matter if I swap it. The price seems great, but I'll ask questions about the engine before anything
Engine knock!!!
Opened the valve cover and found that the first valve spring(next to timing chain) was missing the valve keepers that go inside the retainer were missing. The pieces were next to the spring. How bad is this.