Turns over but that's it!
HI All, I have posted re: this topic before but still have not had success firing up my '73 240z (9/72). When I turn the key the engine will turn over but will not fire. It will fire briefly with starter fluid but only runs for a few moments. I hear intermittent clicking from under the dash but that's it. I have checked the fuel lines and there is no fuel coming from the fuel pump. The fuel pump may be the problem or lines or tank... but other problems lead me to believe that there is no power runnning....well ...anywhere. The only power I have while the key is on is to the starter and to the headlights (no signals, radio, heater, interior lights, brake lights... nothing). I have replaced the fuse box but still no success. I have been told to check the inline fuse but am unable to find it. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know - in layman's terms please :nervous: Thanks! CJK
Refreshing 6-spoke ZX wheels
Thanks for the advice. I used LePage Poly Super Strippa Gel Stripper and an SOS pad and the clear coat came off really easily. A couple of hours of scrubbing and polishing later and the wheel looks great... three more to go! Thanks again!
Refreshing 6-spoke ZX wheels
Just bought some new wheels! A few questions... What is the best cleaner for 6-spoke ZX wheels? The coating on the spoke portion of the wheels is peeling off - what is the best way to remove it? I am hesitant to sand this area since it has very small groves and I'm not sure it this would damage them. What is the best polish to use on these wheels? Anything else I should know? Looking forward to the advice! CJK
Newby needs info re: jack stands
Hi All,I recently bought a '73 240z in need of many repairs... I would like to get it up on jack stands.* My question is - What is the best way (the steps) to jack up the car onto jack stands on all four corners.* What end/side do you start with and where do you end?* Just as importantly... where do you place the jack stands.* This appeares to be a very "well discussed" issue on this and other forums.* There are no really clear photos, pictures or diagrams that I have found showing the exact points of support under the car.* I'm just a new guy with a million questions... and I don't want to get squished under my car before I get a chance to drive it!:nervous:THANKS!!!
Steering column cover question
Thanks a bunch - you just saved me some money and headache!
Steering column cover question
Does anyone know if a '71 steering column cover will fit a '73? I am in need of one for my '73 Z but can only find one from a '71. Happy new year!
'73 240z not starting
Thanks for the tips so far, I think I am narrowing things down. I tested the electric fuel pump today and found that it has no current running to it... I'm thinking that's a problem. As I indicated earlier, the dash and console condition lead me to believe that the wiring has been an issue prior to me buying it. I traced what I belive to be the fuel pump wires from the passenger side kick plate but did not find an inline fuse (as I have read, there should be an inline fuse somewhere between the kick plate and the fuse box) - it just connects into a bundle of wires behind the radio. Here's another puzzle, once I completely removed to console I found an extra connector (unconnected). It has one green and two black wires... but where does it go/what is it for? and could it be related to the fuel pump? I have included a picture of the unidentified connector. I anyone has suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. Thanks and happy new year. CJK
'73 240z not starting
Thanks for the great info everyone!!! The learning curve has been steep but a heck of a lot of fun. This afternoon I sprayed some starting fluid in the carbs and she fired up briefly - a small victory. I checked the fuel lines running to the carbs and they were bone dry. I also checked the line running into the fuel filter and it too was dry. My question then is... should I begin replacing fuel lines and pumps or should be looking into an electrical (fuse) issue related to the lack of fuel pressure? As I indicated earlier, I have no gauges - in some other threads it's been suggested that this may be related to fuel pump problems. Thanks again to everyone for the great advice!!! Cheers from Canada! CJK
'73 240z not starting
Hi, I am new to the forum... just bought a '73 Z a couple of weeks ago. I does not start (I bought it very cheap). It had been sitting for several years. The previous owner was not very chatty re: the history... other than to say that when he parked it, it ran. The exterior is in reasonable shape but inside, the console has been removed and the glove box is missing... tell tail signs of some electrical issues. I have replaced the battery and it will turn over but will not fire. I have also replaced the plugs... nothing. All guages are out except for amps. I have replaced all the fuses in the fuse box... still no fire. The third fuse from the bottom on the right side of the box (tail light - I think) is melted and the clip holding one end of the fuse has broken loose; however, the wire is still connected. I have spent quite a lot of time reading threads related to wiring, fuel pumps, inline fuses (which I can't find), etc but have gotten nowhere. I should also mention that I don't hear anything (fuel pump humming) as I turn the key. The question I'm throwing out is where should I start??? Given the condition of the console and glove box, the absence of dash function and the lack of fuel pump hum, I am thinking electrical... concerning since I have a very limited knowledge of automotive electronics:ermm: If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks, CJK