Ira sets new EP track record at VIR
The BRE type spoiler is legal provided it does not protrude forward of the leading edge of the hood ( if no bumper is used ), if bumper is used no part of the air dam or spoiler ( including splitter ) may protrude beyond the leading edge of the bumper. It`s really just a personal choice, the BRE type is cool looking etc. however the air dam that Greg runs is really more functual that the spook type. Greg, nice run.............keep`em honest!! P.S. If you broke an outer stub axle ( strut end not diff ) I`d suggest using the later stub axle from the 280-Z . It`s stronger and has better machined radiuses in critical machined areas. Jeff Winter
15" Track Wheel Suggestions?
A local has broken five Kodiaks in the last three years. :stupid: My local race tire rep thinks they`re awful as well. Light yes, fragile yes. Be careful , you`ve been warned.
15" Track Wheel Suggestions?
John, That surprises me.......big time. The `light` has material removed from the outer spokes and rim. As far as I know the centers ( hub ) are the same as the standard FS. With all due respect my opinion of Panasports remains unchanged. That said, no wheel will hold up much to `contact`. Jeff
15" Track Wheel Suggestions?
Having been a dealer for Panasports for some 30 years I can say that I`ve never seen a Panasport crack. For that matter I`ve never had ANY issues with them. They have always been my first choice. I race on them because they are the best. Jeff Winter
Member Greg Ira wins most improved SCCA Club Racer and receives the Kimberly Cup
Carl, Next time you see Craig Ross ask him about the `chilli dog in the helmet` incident at Sebring in `72. I was one of the builders of the 240-Z we raced that year. Keith Pritchett and Chip Scudder along with Roger Busch were also in on it. Wish I could remember the other guys but my mind is fading. Seems we went out around mid race after a Camaro spun in front of the Z and the front end got pretty `puckered`. My memory tells me that car was later sold to Spencer Buzby and later raced in IMSA. Spencer Buzby Tropical Fish Farm was the sponsor ( even though the fish farm had no fish ). We all grew up around Don Kearney`s `Foreign Car Service` in Clearwater Florida. Rather than chasing skirts on the weekends we grew up sweeping floors at Don`s. ...........ya gotta start somewhere. neat thread.......... keep it up! Jeff Winter Rallye/Sport - Winter Racing Engines Denver, Colo
Member Greg Ira wins most improved SCCA Club Racer and receives the Kimberly Cup
Welcome to the club stud! I too was bummed in that I was not to be able to keep it for a few months........ man, now that`s a REAL trophy. It was presented to me by David Donahue........... I was speechless. Cheers to ya! Jeff
Darrel, give me a call. Jeff Winter Rallye/Sport 303 427 0510
Greg Ira E Prod. 240Z Runoffs thread!
Just saw results of the race......... Greg third. Even though it didn`t come out as you might have liked Greg, you gotta be pleased making the podium......... not many other Z guys have been there......... especially considering the tough competition. I lift my glass to ya brother.......... it`s tough at the top!! Jeff Winter
AMAZING racing brake pads!!!
I`ve used nothing but Porterfield R-4s for years........ too many national wins to count......... including a national championship. I have had ZERO fade issues with them AND they are very rotor-friendly on the race track. Their R-4S is a great street pad as well. Jeff Winter RallyeSport - Winter Racing Engines
early Z rear brake conversion
thanks Greg, I`ll see if I can find Sam`s #. The caliper spacer should not be a problem however I`d sure like to find the caliper adaptor that mounts to the strut. Jeff
early Z rear brake conversion
Anyone out there familiar with a rear disc brake conversion for an early Z (280-Z ) race car that utilizes a 240/280 Z front caliper which uses a `spacer` to split the caliper halves to gain 3/4" in width which then slip over a 1" wide 11" dia vented rotor? This is what is on my vintage 280Z race car. It has a nice hub mounted bolt-on caliper bracket ......... I`d like to duplicate this set-up. This car came from the SE part of the country many years ago. Any info on this set-up would be appreciated. Jeff Winter Rallye/Sport - Winter Racing Engines 303 427 0510
Pueblo vintage race
Rocky Mtn Vintage Racing is holding its` Trans-Am Invitational vintage race this weekend at PMI. Numerous Datsuns are entered including yours truly in his 280-Z. Entry is said to have surpassed 175 entrants so far. Admittance is free and the weather for the drive down and the entire weekend will be perfect. Darrel, pass the word. See ya there. Jeff Winter
Sorry, not about 240z but Does anyone have a Mikuni intake manifold for L18/L20B?
Eiji I have new Nissan Motor Sports intake manifolds in stock as well as my ( Rallye/Sport ) custom intake manifold which has been on RunOffs winning cars. Jeff Winter Rallye/Sport-Winter Racing Engines 303 427 0510
Good luck Greg Ira!
Pretty zooooomie! But I just have to say that losing all those stickers alone will be worth 2 seconds a lap. :classic: Good luck at Atlanta! Jeff
- Greg Ira