Everything posted by SoopA
My 71' 240z project ... =)
go Mull go
this is beyond me.
hey thanks bud!
this is beyond me.
and i discovered my car doesnt die at 3k revs on a full tank. im assuming that this inconsistency is bad. my car does die at 3k on a quarter tank or less, but only in 5th gear.
Save S30-0002
we gotta get this thing rolling...
this is beyond me.
its expensive... not only that, but the car i have now was literally all of my money and some of somebody else's. And , getting on the track is my number 1 priority (on the bike). but it is so far! the closest track is where? Holtville? thats extra far. then there is willow in bakersfield. thats about a 6 hour trip (assuming you respect speed limits). All i have are the backroads of campo and palomar. and driving there is no exception for driving on a track. but i think smashing at autocross on the weekends might vent all my urges so im going to start as soon as the car is ready. which actually might be tomorrow! i could probably catch autocross this sunday. problem solved.
this is beyond me.
alright im sorry. im just frustrated about my car.
racing documentary
check out this stuff. i know the one that race will appreciate it. its called "Faster" and its about MotoGP. Here is the sequel called "The Doctor, the Tornado, and the Kentucky Kid" Wish you could do that? Me too.
this is beyond me.
how about you cut that $^!# out and help me get my car faster.
this is beyond me.
where is the vent for the gas tube?
this is beyond me.
your car calls you mommy?
this is beyond me.
ok i changed one fuel filter and cleaned the other one. and i also cleaned and oiled my air filters. it was driving a lot better but i still cant get past 4k revs in 5th gear. in my car 4k in 5th is about 110 mph... which isnt nearly fast enough. im thinking i need to clean the carbs out
this is beyond me.
more info: the motor is a l28 with 2 SU carbs which im assuming are round tops, because the top isnt flat... i bought this car from a kind of creepy dude so im not sure how much stuff he f***ed up... and he did f*** it up... just yesterday i pulled off the hideous 'california wing' he had on it to find 4 massive holes in my hatch... tragedy. this is why motorcycles are infinitely better than cars.
this is beyond me.
its a 73 and it has an electric fuel pump
this is beyond me.
i know i know... i thought building a racecar would be a lot less expensive than it actually is.. so i decided to take my car and build it into something i could escape from a bank robbery in.
this is beyond me.
when im hauling arse sometimes the revs will go down to 2k and i cant bring them back up until i kill the motor and let it sit for a while. does anyone know what is going on?
I am starting my racing career
i see, well since i am a little broke right now, and im very new at this, and especially after the videos Jmortensen showed me, i think autox is the way to go. and since i already have that 260, the 7K ITS car is a bit out of reach!
I am starting my racing career
thanks fellas i really appreciate it!!! i heard that driving Zs is pretty hard, but I enjoy challenges and until I finish fixing my bike, the Z is my vehicle of choice. As soon as I get the money im going all out on this project and I hope I am successful. But now I have a different set of questions for you guys. So I have this 260Z, and its completely stock. I need to know what of each to get. 1. Motor Internals 2. Exhaust 3. Intake 4. Seats + Straps 5. Other things I need for go-fastibilty and im thinking about some BRE bodyparts
I am starting my racing career
the only time i ever watched autocross was in the parking lot at qualcomm stadium. and it was boring... very boring. im hoping the people i was watching were bad drivers and that actual racing is faster. and there was only one car on the track at a time! i want to see the looks on peoples faces when i pass them!!!
I am starting my racing career
oh dang, it seems this might be a lot more expensive than i thought. i am getting $20000 in april, and then combat pay when i get back from afghanistan, so i might be able to do it. other than that, i guess sponsorship is the only way to go. but, you guys are the experts, so do you think sponsorship is realistic?
I am starting my racing career
hey can you guys recommend an intake and exhaust system for the 260z? or any other modifications i can use for speed? i dont mind to much about looks or sounds, im just trying to run fast and turn sharp, so any advice would be appreciated!!!
I am starting my racing career
thanks brother! i appreciate it.
I am starting my racing career
do you know how i would get started in ITS? i really have no idea how to go about doing all this stuff, and if you have some info for me, my email is Joe.Caudillo@us.army.mil, thanks guys!
I am starting my racing career
the thing is, my older brother and i want to do all the work ourselves. we want to fabricate everything and put it together on our own, just so we could say its home built. but i will look into the the rulebooks and find out what i can. thanks for the help guys.
I am starting my racing career
hi! im about to start my racing career and i was looking into buying a Z car to race in. i dont know a lot about Z cars, but everything i have ever read or heard makes them seem incredible. as of right now, i have a couple deals, one is a 1972 240Z with a L28 turbo swap. this one looks good, but the left rear quarterpanel is completely destroyed and when i looked in the engine bay, it seemed like there was a little rust on everything except the newer turbo parts. the other deal is a 1974 260z which is a lot cleaner, but it doesnt have a turbo. the 240z is $1500 and the 260z is $1600. what do you experts think i should do?