Everything posted by ZwolleY
Shifter Knob
Glad to help. If you get the shift knob from MSA let us know how it compares with the $50.00 knob. Mine just unscrewed.
Shifter Knob
tttz Here is your link: http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=C2865-S3001 MSA has one listed in their online store catalog: polished walnut with the four speed pattern for $13.00 but there is no picture. Probably is not the same quality as the one from Courtesyparts which is $50.00.
Shifter Knob
tttz -- if it is the complete wood knob you want, I can give you a link. $45.00
Shifter Knob
I am refinnishing my original wood shifter knob and am looking for the plastic insert with the shift pattern for 4 Speed. Tried MSA and Courtesy Nissan with no luck. There are plenty of the wood knobs out there to buy. This part may be next to impossible to find. Any leads appreciated.
Thank you President Clinton
Hey Mike--perhaps we need a forum titiled politics. wayquick32--I had a good friend that lives nearby and I worked with him for about 20 years. He has read all of the books and seen all of the video tapes (as you must have) purporting to build a case for making Clinton responsible for all of the deaths you chronicle. He also tells me that black helicopters flew over his house frequently. The only thing I could tell him was that it seems that I would have noticed them also. He firmly believes this b.s. I can give you a list of names too: George Bush, Rumsfield, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, Rove, Feith, Adeleman, Fox News, National Review, The Weekly Standard, the Wall Street Journal editorial board, and most recently, Newt Gingrich ("I'm Baaaaack"). These people and organizations are not the casualties. The casualties are truth, the American people and, ultimately, the United States. Nerviness, absolutism, smiting enemies and leading by fear, aggression and force of arms are what this administration is known for around the world. Well, Clinton will not exactly be known for being a truthful man. Nor will Johnson, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1. Hey, that pretty well includes our last few Presidents does't it! What does that say???? But yes let's not forget what brings us all here: the love of a beautiful car.
Original Hub Caps
Go here for "z" wheel covers. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2412776367&category=33744
Proposing a meeting, Northwest Z's...
Someplace in Portland would be more central. Probably will be some more ideas comming in.
Running Rich/Spark Plug Gap
My '72 with stock L24 and SU's chronically runs rich. I know that there are many factors that can contribute to this. But, can the plug gap be set to eliminate some of this rich running? High end of the range?
Proposing a meeting, Northwest Z's...
I did a quick search on zhome for Portland and came up with a couple of dozen Z owners. These guys can be contacted by email to see if they are interested. Some are sure to be here. Sure that there are many others in the outlying communities. I think this is a good idea. Not too formal. A meeting a month (Sat or Sun p.m.?), if that, and a drive or two during the summer. I think EScanlon and Beandip had a chat room set up-something to consider. It is impressive to see a large group of like cars. There was a group of gull wing Mercs in Stevenson last year, that was cool. I think that they gathered at the Skamania Lodge. There was also a very large group of PT Cruisers:sick: in Cascade Locks last summer. PT's are as common as Camrys. A group of Z's would be much more impressive than a bunch of PT's.
Back from the body shop!!! New Paint
You have a beautiful car there. Whenever I decide that I can go a day (let alone 4 + months) without driving mine, I might do the same.
Thank you President Clinton
I agree, Texans are not all bad. Three notable Texans whom I admire are Bill Moyer, Molly Ivans, and Ann Richards. Richards indeed got a bum rap laided on her by Carl Rove a few years ago.
Thank you President Clinton
Bush will never be confused with a man of culture.
Fuel sending unit o-ring
I got one from MSA about 4 month ago.
Thank you President Clinton
Sorry. I should have identified the "good" President as Carter. I edited my original post. Enough politics for me. I will not even respond to flame.
Thank you President Clinton
Shame on you moderators of this site for allowing such foul language. Lib**al bashing is alive and well I see. The problem with we Lib**als is that our attention wanders too freely from the environmnet, social justice, hunger, peace, feeding the hungry, educating the underpriviledged, a woman"s right to choose and, well the list goes on and on. Con*****tives, on the other hand seem to be focused on - and I become a target of flame here- if you cannot hate it enough, kill it. I reallize that I am sterotyping here. I do not mean to paint all Lib**als and Con*****tives with the same brush. I agree with all of you, Clinton was a bum. Many people were killed and much harm was done as a result of his foreign policy. There was only one "good" President in the past 40 years and he was a failure as a President - Carter. Maybe being a failure as a President made him into the compassionate person he is today.
What have we done to deserve this?
Working on the car is indeed a good alternative to TV. But then, so is watching the grass grow. Especially now with so much "reality" junk. They do it because the folks with disposable income and not much sense watch it and, as mentioned before, it sells products. And our youth are growing up with this! Well, some of us grew up with Glligan's Island, and most of us turned out alright I guess. We need to remember that the TV set has an OFF button.
Voltage regulator
I bought one of those Furuhashi regulators off of eBay. It is almost identical to the one on my car. Here is a picture of the one I took off. Could it be original? Also on the side are 5 or 6 Japanese characters with "Heat Compensated" under them.
Thank you President Clinton
The amazing achievements of the American military could not have been accomplished without the defense policy of former President Clinton. Even those of you that are blinded by ideology or partisanship must admit that the military might of the U.S. was developed prior to Dubya. Bush has been throwing money at the pentagon but none of it has resulted in the development of the high tech weaponry used in Iraq. Clinton had 8 years to get ready for Iraq. And yet Clinton was accused of gutting our military capabilities. All honest Americans must give Clinton some credit for this victory over such the huge and overwhelming threat that Iraq posed. I hope that el Presidente, Rummy and Wolfy do not gloat over the outcome of the invasion. It was sort of like Hulk Hogan beating up my 5th grade niece and bragging about it. I am very happy the Sadam is gone, at least for now he is gone. So now Bush rationalizes that, in addition to Bin Laden, capturing or killing Hussain is no longer a priority. We just pick someone else to topple to take the masses minds off our failure to accomplish our goals of capturing or killing these guys. Who's next?
Are you asking the preident of NASCAR to change his name from French to Freedom? Will you boycott all NASCAR races if he doen't? Send the Statue of Liberty back? Change the name of LaFayette Square to Liberty Square (it was named LaFayette for a reason you know)?. Changing the name of French fries to Liberty fries in the Congressional dining room was laughable. Reafirms my cynicism of our politicians! I would wager that Halliburton has some French ownership. By the way Haliburton, or a subsidiary, was awarded the first contract to rebuild the Iraq oil fields, no bidding, national security you know. $800,000,000. Smash up Peugeus? Read some history, see how much the French had to do with the founding of our country. Oh yes, our country was founded by protestors. They were called patriots, if you remember.
Leave stock or not leave stock
Beautiful car. Keep it original. Replace the wheels with stock and get a nice set of wheel covers. Are you getting the message?
Voltage regulator
Any opinions on this brand of VR: Furuhashi Auto Electric Parts Co. Ltd. (F. D. Japan)?
Attention All Rust Free Area States
Maybe too far but: '71 in Bend Oregon, central part of the state. Third paint job, very little rust, a few bubbles under the paint, (according to owner), 138K total, 58K on rebuild. New interior, new susp, 5 speed, "too much to mention". $4,600. I haven't seen the car. Will supply phone number if you want. An 800 number.
Pass this on to your women.
1 BRAVO: Bravo! thanks for that story. My wife is a survivor of 6 years and still going strong.
Z availablitity
About 1 a month in the Portland Oregonian. One advertised this week in Bend, Oregon.
Voltage regulator
Now it is time to change my VR. Will get a new one rather than try to fix the old. In shopping I have come across several brands with prices ranging from $16 to $64. Is this just pricing or is there really that much difference in the quality/performance between them. Wells, Echlin are among brands I have found. Also another with a Japanese name which I forget. Any reccomendations as far as brand? I am not sure if the old one is original.