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Everything posted by ZwolleY

  1. ZwolleY replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey Dozer171. How about you go over there to give them a hand. Your local recruiter is probably looking for more canon fodder. Looks like the opportunity to eat sand and c rats and get shot at may be open for awhile.
  2. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    DAN. You assert that the protesters do not have a clue what defending their country is like. Protesters in our area include: decorated vets of WWII, vets of Korea, Viet Nam, Gulf War 1, Somilia, and Kosovo. They include families that have lost loved ones in combat. They include families that have loved ones in Iraq now and feel that the best way to support them is to get them home before they become a casualty of this unjust, illegal invasion of a soverign nation. These people protest based on experiencing the horrors of war first hand. I presume that many of the prowar chicken hawks have no first hand experience in getting shot at, or seeing mutilitated bodies, seeing young men dying calling for their mothers. Ideally all of the people that would send young people into battle would be there as well serving their country rather that sitting in the confort of their homes. I respect the ideals of people that feel the need to defend their country. It is a great sacrifice to go off to war. I also reallize that many of them are there because they were ordered and most of lthem must be scared s---tless. To my sadness, the body count grows.
  3. ZwolleY replied to mperdue's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I remember when I first saw one of these in 1970. It was about the same time I saw my first Z. I like both of them and thought I need to get one of them sometime. 21 years later there was a Z in my driveway.
  4. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    A couple of things really bother me about this invasion of Iraq. Politically, el Presidente comes out a winner on this. He will be reelected in 2004. The plutocracy run by far right wing religous zealots will be firmly established in Washington. He will appoint one, perhaps two right wind Supreme Court justices. More invasions to spread democracy and the "western wayof life" will occur. A gift from Bush to people who may fight back because they want to determine their own future and preserve their culture. This invasion is for oil and it is pay back time to all of the large corps who contributed to Bush's "election". There are billions of dollars ready for the taking, and contracts are already being awarded to big contributers and those with connections to Bush and Cheney. All of this from a guy who is not really our elected President. Am I bitter about what happened in Florida and in the Supreme Court? You bet I am. Could/would Gore have done it differently? Who knows. They are all in the pockets of the money people. And the Democrats just sit back sucking their thumbs. Who do the Democrats have that can take Bush on? Really nobody but a bunch of Senators and a Rep or two. Howard Dean sounds good but he will probably go as far as Bill Bradley. The American people do not want intelligent, thoughtful leaders. They respond to 30 sec TV pitches and talk show b.s. All of you guys are exceptions of course. Guess I will have to cheer myself up with a drive.
  5. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    :mad: Now I am really mad . NPR bumped Car Talk for invasion coverage! Seriously tho I do rely on NPR and public television for most of my information about the invasion because I feel that I might be getting more objective coverage. This might be too simplistic but: do you see any irony in our pro life elPresidente leading us into battle where many innocent children may be killed or injured? A life is a life.
  6. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    This is from a recent Wall Street Journal article. el Presidente is proposing to privatise the rebuilding of Iraq (didn't he promise to not get involved with nation building?). Contracts for this work are being put out for bids secretly. Bidders include Kellogg Brown and Root a subsidiary of Halliburton Co. Remember Halliburton and Cheney? Other companies are Bechtel Group Inc, Parsons Corp which has connections with Brown and Root, and Fluor Corp. These companies contributed $2.8 million, more that 2/3 went to Republicans in the last election. In addition, the UN may be involved in rebuilding. Bush plans to give some $ toward this effort but not directly since he doesn't like the UN. So the money is being laundred through another country. Money speaks louder than millions of people around the world who oppose this invasion of Iraq.
  7. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    I regret missing bushorchimp but thanks for the tip to dudyaspeak. This is the most powerful man in the world??? Truly frightening.
  8. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    SEAN That is another huge part of the problem. Yes, we are probably on Ashcroft's list now. Dissent is being branded "unpatriotic" and the justice dept has snoops everywhere. The TIPS project that was booted (we hope) was a very bad idea and I think that any of us that use certain key words on the internet are subject to scrutiny. Yes, they could be comming to break down our doors right now. Did I actually say that?
  9. ZwolleY replied to v12horse's post in a topic in Interior
    Check out the Electrical forum for lots of info about changing clocks. If you go in through the glove box, you can almost be certain that it will be trashed when you are done.
  10. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    Wow what a thread to get going on a site of Zcar nuts. Gets one to thinking that there are things more important than THE Z. But there certainly are. I think this unprovoked attack/invasion (how can it be called a war?) will result in unimaginable horror in the USA and to Americans abroad. I believe that the lessons learned by the Palestinians in Israel will be used here. Suicide bombings, chemical weapon attacks, etc. will happen. When they do happen, pity anyone who looks midde eastern or just looks different. lt has already started. It does not take any effort to hate. To love takes some work understanding other people and their cultures, even those of other cultures that are ciitizens of the US. The last name of the president of NASCAR French. Do you suppose he will change it to Freedom? Some people in Congress have nothing else more important to do I guess. Sort of like Ashcroft covering the breasts of that statue. Why when Hitler invaded Poland, etc. was it called blitzkrig or an invasion or attack and when we invade somewhere, which is often enough, it is called a liberation??? Why when we invade a country to establish a democratic government, are we so prone to quickly overthrow it? Does anyone really believe that democracy can be established in the Middle East? This is an area that has been civilized AND TRIBAL for thousands of years. Just watch how long a new "democratic" government lasts if out supply of oil is threatned. I certainly believe that we should support our troops. The best way is to bring them all home before any are killed. Seems like that is the best support that we can give them. Do a Google search of Smedley Buttler to get the perspective of war from a two time Congressional Medal Of Honor winner.
  11. ZwolleY replied to Maddmaxx419's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I went through what you are experiencing. I did not need new fuel lines but the tank was a mess. Did not try to clean it myself. Sent it out to a radiator shop. They will cut a hole in it and really clean it out and line the inside surfaces. Expensive but totally satisfactory. Got the float assy and O ring from MSA. Getting the tank cleaned solved a lot of problems for me. Good luck.
  12. ZwolleY replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    My wife:love: drives in city traffic most of her work day and in Portland it is often very rainy with poor visibility. She is in the habit of using her hazard lights when slowing. This is akin to pumping the brakes.
  13. I am amazed at the optimism of you guys, especially you geezers, who have a huge optimism of your longevity when you tear your cars apart to rebuild them. I am 65 and if I tore my car apart, I would never have it together enough to drive it again. Luckily, it is in good shape for a daily driver and I will be able to enjoy it for another ten years, hopefully. More power to you beandip. Have it upholstered in blue satin as a finnishing touch and have a Z sized hole dug and drive off into an afterlife.
  14. ZwolleY replied to texasz's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    ROFL ROFL Check out the miles. This would keep me from buying it. ROFL
  15. ZwolleY posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Anyone had experience getting the original Hitachi radio repaired? I called around in the Portland area with not much success. The shops told me that it will cost $45 just to open and inspect and repairs, if possible, could cost another $60 or $70.
  16. ZwolleY posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    This is a follow-up on a previous post. Occasionally the car will not start, nothing. Like the battery has been disconnected. One sympton is loss of preset radio stations. Tracked it to the vr by tapping on it the last time it happened. Started right up. Now, is this a fatal sign with the vr and should I replace it? Can they be adjusted, etc.? Are the points sticking?
  17. ZwolleY replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    I will probably buy a shirt but I was wondering if it would be possible to have clothing with colors matching as close as possible the colors of the cars? If I could get a shirt matching my 112 yellow I would be very happy. There might be a problem producing just a dozen or so of any color. Short of that it would be nice to have some nice colors to choose from. The store is a good idea.
  18. ZwolleY posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    During my attempts to get my clock hooked up and running I noticed two short wires with the male ends laying on the floor mats. The ends of the wires were corroded. I checked around some and found that they had broken off where they had been soldered onto the switches or bulbs. This is where age rears it's ugly head. Got them reattached. I can imagine that this could cause a lot of grief and pass unnoticed.
  19. Mini CooperROFL
  20. ZwolleY replied to XYZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    :classic: 65. Got to keep the Z running for another 10. Got to keep me running for another 25. At 75 I figure I will be ready to exile myself to the Camry forever. But 75 is not too late to still have fun.
  21. ZwolleY replied to derk's post in a topic in Interior
    I've got about 8 ft. of webbing and a bunch of clips and the pliers left over from my seat restoration. Could be enough for one seat. Send me a P.M. if you want it. I will mail it to the first P.M. I will not be able to mail it before the last week of the month.
  22. ZwolleY replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Electrical
    Hey Ben. I visited Australia for about 9 months in 1965 and had a very good time traveling from Sydney to Melbourne back to Sydney then north to Cairns. Worked for three months west of Cairns on a road construction job near Mt. Surprise. Then to Darwin where I hitched a ride on a yacht westward. Well, back to the Z. You said that you hooked your clock up to a "boost guage". What is that? The clock runs off a 12 volt battery and will retry it on the car wiring tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
  23. ZwolleY replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Electrical
    I think I have been through this before. I got the clock off of eBay from an outfit that sells other Z stuff. It has a 30 day warrantee. When I contacted them they said that it had been tested and observed for two weeks and that it ran fine. Let the buyer beware I guess. So how do I hook it up to an alternate power source? Can it be alligator clipped to a 6 volt battery, or 12 volt?
  24. ZwolleY posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Got a new used clock which I presume is working well under normal conditions. Got it plugged in, set the time and waited a few minutes. The hands didn't move. Checked the fuse box and found a blown fuse-10 amp for dome light and instruments. Replaced it and the dome light still does not work (could be unrelated but it did work) but the instrument lights do. Clock did not work with the new fuse. Is there another fuse somewhere that I should check? I am certain I have the correct wires connected allthough I erred by not marking them. There are two wires comming from the harness that connect with the blue and black wires on the clock-one blue and one black, both are shielded with a black rubber protecter. I connected these. There was also another black wire of the same size with plug in connections near the clock which were unconnected and I reconnected these. My guess this is for something else. Worst case scenerio is that when the fuse blew, it blew the clock:sick:

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