Everything posted by ZwolleY
Heater Switch-'72Z
Here is an easy one (hopefully). Finnally getting around to fixing several things that do not work. Several years ago, after working fine, my heater fan would not turn on with the switch. I presumed that it was as simple as the switch, however someone told me that it was probably the heater core. I do get heat but not from the blower. Any thoughts on this? If turns out to be the switch, does anyone have one available? Nothing on eBay.
New to this
If you want to know about rust on Z's, you have come to the right place. You will find that all of us have had to deal with rust on these cars to some degree. Some rather extensively. Just search "rust" and "POR-15" here and you will be overwhelmed with the information available. Good luck with your car.
Question for Revell 240Z builders
What do you guys do when you have to deal with things like chrome door trim or rain gutters. Is there a tape available? Do you mask things off to paint? Or is it just a matter of a fine brush, steady hands and eyes of an eagle?
Sudden electrical problem
:tapemouth My car has been running so well that I was out of my confort zone. Now I am back into it. When I went to start it after a stop at a store, it was dead, nothing. Turned the key a couple of times then it started but the amp needle was at mid point and not moving and all of the presets on the radio were gone, just like the battery had been disconnected. Drove it home with a frozen amp needle and killed it in the garage (safe zone). Started right up and after a bit the needle moved when I turned the lights on and when I reved it. Recently cleaned the battery, generator about 2 years old, new points, plugs, condenser, coil, spark plug and coil wires. Several days ago I removed the clock and the wires are just hanging although this should not be a factor. Hah-the only thing not mentioned is the voltage regulator. Same one since I have owned the car, about 11 years. VR points stuck? I seem to remember that on a '76 610 wagon I had that this would happen but I can't remember the symptoms. Regulator or what? Thanks
Question for Revell 240Z builders
St.stephen--I checked out the Tamiya model. The description of the model leads me to believe that I am not quite ready for it. Would you post some pictures of the of the model when you are finnished? Thanks to you all for the tips.
Question for Revell 240Z builders
I got my first one off of ebay for about $16.00 (s&h included) and recently found one at a Walmart for about $11.00. It is a crap shoot at Walmart because they do not have a choice of what they receive and supplies may be short at this time of year. I just got lucky. Small independent model/hobby stores would be more likely to special order for you. Brit-could you tell me more about the Japanese models you mentioned. Where can I get one? What brand name? Thanks for your help. I was hoping to get a response from a pro. Doing this first one with mediocre results has given me lots of ideas on how to do my next with better results.
Question for Revell 240Z builders
Question for you Revell model builders. Have you had fit problems? I have one nearly completed Z (practice) and another in the box. Fit problems include the y tube on the exhaust not long enough to reach the manifold, right seat cushion extends out from the floor pan which prevents the right door panel from sitting up against the edge of the pan and front suspension pieces not fitting well. Also when I cut the chrome plated pieces off the frame, some of the plating chips off and it seems that paint for retouching these parts is not available. I was very young and with a full head of hair when I last built a model car so I do not know what to expect with quality. Help from Revell seems unavailable. The way they routed the exhaust pipe is sort of peculiar! It may be cheating but I spray painted the body and the engine compartment which gave me better results than on the large areas I brush painted. I will spray more areas in the other one. I bought one of the Kyosho yellow Z's and really like it a lot. Merry Christmas and I hope you find all of your dream Z parts under the Christmas tree.
Clock testing
:classic: Well, I got my clock out and oiled it a bit as EScanlon suggested. Before I reinstall it I would like to know if it works. Is there a way to test it for a day or so to check it out without having to put it back in?
Off comes the FOR SALE sign
Yeah, I guess you could say that I was converted. I was surprised to see that what was, I believe, my second post on this site dug up. My original intent after I got the car running after sitting for 1 1/2 years was to sell it just to be rid of it. But after connecting with this site, I had a change of mind and really enjoy my car. Does that sound like a Born Again Z er testamonial or what? Just recently changed out my exhaust system for a 2 1/4 inch pipe with a Dynamax Super Turbo muffler and no resonator. Pretty loud but after I finnish having fun with it, I will quiet it down some with a resonator.
Advice on painting a 240?
This exchange illustrates the real value of this site. Lots of good advice. Thanks.
Advice on painting a 240?
I am in the same position as Denny. The next big step I am concidering is painting. However it will not be simple. I notice some rust stain comming through the faded and many times polished paint and there is rust in the valances and elsewhere. Does this tell me that the paint must be stripped in order to get all of the rust? It would seem that there are other spots of rust that may be unseen. I would hate to spend the $ only to have rust show up again.
Guage/Instrument lights
Enrique Great idea. I would like to meet up with some local Z nuts. Stevenson is up the Columbia just about 3 miles east of the Bridge of the Gods. You say help--do you mean that there is room up there for 4 hands to get that clock out? I will be in Vancouver at HazelDell Muffler at 9:00 next Tuesday (10th). If you are able, stop by. Otherwise, I am quite busy until after the New Year. However, I will email you at the address in your Profile if/when any time turns up. Paul Hunt
Guage/Instrument lights
I guess that there is no easy way. Unless my 65 year old arthritic fingers sprout two more joints I may just buy one of those stick-on clocks for a buck. Actually, I will give it a try. I will be renewing my blood brother-ship with my car. Thanks.
Guage/Instrument lights
My clock looses about a week every day. What is the best way to get a clock out-I want to try the oil thing.
Choice of new muffler
I will be replacing my stock exhaust system on a '72 L24 from the y-pipe back with 2 1/4 inch pipe omitting the resonator. I have looked at past posts regarding new exhaust systems and this sounds like a good way to go. My question has to do with what muffler to buy. I think a turbo muffler is what I want. My choices are a Walker super turbo or a standard turbo. My goal is a nice growl but not obnoxiously loud. Is there a significant difference between these two mufflers other than the Walker's stainless steel interior and warrentee?
Advice/suggestions for new exhaust sys
Due to rust I need to replace my exhaust system. I do not need anything really much different from stock. Might only replace from the split back. Possibly a deeper sound but not noisy. Do I need to replace both the resonater and muffler? Is there a shop in the Portland, OR area that anyone recommends that could do a good job and give me some advice? Stock 1972 car.
avoiding rust traps
Has anyone used a rust converter available from auto parts stores? Seems that it would work on small areas. Danger here is you might be hiding rust and do more damage than good, especially when it is painted over.
You guys give good advice
You are absolutely right on. My family cars are a Taurus and a Camry, boring. So I have to throw a switch to a different frame of mind when I get into my Z, and, yes I do have a smile on my face after I have taken it for a hard drive.
You guys give good advice
When I was looking for my one and only back in 1991, I came across a '72 with 4,500 miles on it that the owner wanted $14.000 for. It was a beautiful orange car with white interior, original tires, etc. I could not afford it but looked at it closely, keeping my drool under control of course, just to see what an original looked like. I continued my search and came up with a nice yellow car with 86,000 miles on with very lttle rust. Cost me $3,000. I can't say that I have put in $11,000 into my car but several thousand at least. And I still have a mediocre car that is still a project. What do they say about hindsight-- it is 20/20. I should have jumped on that $14,000 car. But then I would not have know the joys of puttering on a Z. So the point here is that your advice of buying the best car you can afford and have a car that you can immediately drive, is the good advice. But, would I have been comfortable driving that $14,000 car? Is there a resurgence in interest in early Z's? When I was shopping everyone told me that I needed to buy their car because the Z was destined to become a rare classic. What they did not mention was that would apply only to low mileage, rust free original cars with low numbers. My impression was that interest in the Z sort of languished for several years but, am I correct, that there is more interest in them now?
Beautiful Z on 181st in Portland, OR
Saw a really gorgeous Orange Z on 181st near Halsey about 12:30 on the 7th. Belong to anyone here?
You like the new look?
I like the format of the site. This option may be available but I could not find it. So---how about an option to get printer friendly versions of pages-without the sidebar, etc. I was unable to get a good print of the Cat Transportation Unit. That was extremely funny, and I am a cat lover.
Cold start problems
I think it was my second post on this site when I asked for a good SU doc in the Portland area. You recommended him.
Cold start problems
It was the chokes. The cable was very dry and chokes themselves were stuck. I took it to MB Anderson and he got it running purrrrrrfectly. Starts now with no problem.
Got a problem with my carbs...
Is the ZTherapy video set up so that it shows step by step the process for rebuilding and tuning? In other words, can I have a video player sitting on my bench and a remote control in one hand and step my way through the rebuild and tune?
the wet look for your Z
Looks like great stuff. However, if I want the wet look, I need only to park outside in the rain. We get plenty of it- usually 90 inches/yr. But parking in the rain is not really good for the finnish I know.