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  1. This is one thing that I never thought about until it happened to me. I went to the 7-11 down the street from my house and at that time I was having problems starting my 75 280. I went to pull the hood latch cable & all of a sudden the whole cable came out with my hand so I pushed it back in. I thought for a minute and then tried it again. Well it sure didn't do me any good. I sat there for a while until she decided to finally start and I went home. All of you classic Z car owners- best put a back-up cable so that you won't have the same trouble. If you do have this problem then e-mail me & I can tell you what to make to open the hood of your own Z. Stacey Pike- Cornish El Cajon, Calif. 1975 280 Z Coupe HLS30221148 "Drive Fast- Take Chances"
  2. Jeff, She is absolutly gorgeous. I think you made the perfect choice. Have fun putting her back together. I have big changes for my car in the near future. Let's just say I am going to "pimp her out". I have always loved grays. Mine is a bit darker and the car I sold was silver. Have Fun Stacey
  3. Thanx so much. I know. I really didn't want to stop coming here because everyone I have had the pleasure of getting help from or for just whatever had been so nice but stuff happens. Thanx for the "welcome back". Now I have photos also from when I took the front of the engine off to change the timing chain tensioner. That was a job! BUT SHE RAN the first time I started her. And like Murphy's Law -little things start to quit working. Right now someone at my sisters house took my oil pump that was going on my car so I could drive her. They are just jealous. Now I have to get $100. up for a new one. Soon- very soon. GTG, Stacey Pike- Cornish
  4. Thanks so much. I have to have faith and now luck just goes hand and hand. I may have lost my husband last year and my father 2 months after that but I will always have him and what he loved most around me forever. His beautiful gray Z car that I fell in love with first- but he didn't mind. He knew that she was meant to be mine and I his. Stacey 1975 280 Z Coupe "Drive Fast- Take Chances"
  5. GirlyGirl1Z posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Hey All. Last year I was aka STAYZ75Z. Now I am GirlyGirl1Z. The year before last I owned 4 Z cars with my husband- MC75Z. '73 240 Z, '74 260 Z, '75 280 Z and a '77 280 Z. I told all of you a story that I really couldn't believe was real but it was because it was happening to me. The year 2007 was the worst year of my entire life and will forever be in my head and heart. It was the year I lost my best friend, husband and "my fairytale life" as I believed I had. I am not saying I was a prissy princess sitting around eating bon-bons all day but what I am saying is that I was living the life I had always dreamed about having when I was a little girl. This man in a stunning gunmetal gray 1975 280 Z car entered my life and I was home. Let me tell you one thing- You CAN see a "Knight" during the day. Ha, Ha, Ha! I was close to what I thought was the lowest point in my life when you won't believe this but another "Knight with 2 Shining Z's" came into my life. Only this time he was there to "save me from a distance" with no questions asked. And you know who you are. At the time you stepped up and was there for me you were exactly what kept me from going over the edge. You will always hold a special place in my heart. This "Knight" purchased my '77 280 Z even though he already had 2 Z cars of his own. I also have some photos that I might put on here of the car on a car hauler on her way to her new home. The end of 2007 finally came and thank god it did. I had to start thinking about a new year ahead. 2008 WAS GOING TO BE BETTER! Guess what? It was because I was going to make it. I am still here and I figure that "I am like a fine wine & cheese- I get better with age"!!!!!!!! I so far have gone from over 220 lbs. to 175 lbs. and still losing, my husbands baby- our '75 280 Z car, our cat Callie, a new job, a new place to live and I can think of the great times instead of being sad all of the time. I hope all of this isn't too sappy but I wanted everyone to know something- Everything we do with our time on this earth- it is always better with a "Knight in a Shining Z" in it. Stacey Pike- Cornish El Cajon, Calif. 1975 280 Z Coupe "Drive Fast- Take Chances"
  6. GirlyGirl1Z replied to GirlyGirl1Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    UPDATE: I took out the distributor and everything looked ok with the core. I am going to get that car on the road this weekend even if she has to be pulled or pushed by someone elses car!!!! !!!! I can not stand the car I have to drive everyday. I swear it is the worst BMW ever made. I will check in after the weekend and let you all know if the car is on her own power or someone elses. Stacey
  7. GirlyGirl1Z replied to GirlyGirl1Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hey Everyone. I haven't touched the car for a few days due to the fact that a flu has been going around. I will keep everyone posted as soon as I can get to working on the car. Stacey
  8. GirlyGirl1Z replied to GirlyGirl1Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sunday- 1:30 p.m. Thanks I will try to get out there to check that. I really wished one of you guys were close enough to come over and help me. The guys I know I don't trust enough. They would give me the wrong advise just to screw me up. I was wondering if photos would help? I just found my digital camera so I could take pictures to show you. I sure will keep you posted. Sorry if I word things wrong sometimes. Plus you would know that the page I need in the Haynes manual is missing. Page 227-228 troubleshooting. Stacey previously owned: 1973 240 Z Series 4 1974 260 2+2 Z 1974 260 Z 1977 280 Z own: 1975 280 Z 1988 BMW 325is(piece of crap)daily driven "Drive Fast- Take Chances"
  9. GirlyGirl1Z replied to GirlyGirl1Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have always loved to get down & dirty even before I met my husband. Working on cars was the best choice for me, I have taken the valve cover off and the chain was almost 20 degs. off- hand turned the cam to TDC. Checked plugs and a couple were fouled so cleaned them and replaced them. Plug wires had no spark so I took off the distributor cap and cranked her over to see what the heck and the rotor didn't turn. I phoned my sisters ex and he had to come over to check it out. He said to start with the distributor and go from there. I started this and no one has helped me at all. That is the way I wanted it. Ever since my husband died everyone had been coming over trying to tell me what, how and when to take care of my things. I had to tell everyone to back off because all they wanted to do was to get in my front door to see how much something weighed so when I turned my back they could take it. All of my "so-called friends and family". I have been alone for almost 8 months now. anyway enough of the sob story. Thanks for the support and help. I have manuals but it doesn't tell you everything. I took the distributor out and the core shaft isn't broken or anything like that. So now what? Stacey

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