Everything posted by dcruz
electric fan
Zcurves, what else did you upgrade to be able to us R134?
78 280z ac
Zcurves, your the man,, yes, we talked about it last year but didn't finish it up and this year i'm going at it again, im going to install a new drier, condensor and high pressure sensor to get the ac going. Thanks
electric fan
Leon, i'm searching and every where I have searched has said the same thing you have, and also what fifthhorsemann said is scarring me from trying an electric fan. The reason i'm trying to replace it is because my ac cools when i'm driving but when i come to a stop it doesn't cool as much, i was thinking that if I could more air to the condensor the problem should go away, but now im looking at changing the condensor and changing out the fan clutch. Thanks
electric fan
Yes, i'm doing some search, I have seen some kits that they sell that comes with a relay just don't know how it is run or where its run. Thanks
electric fan
Has some one installed an electric fan on their 280z? I'm going to be replacing all of the ac components this summer on my 280z and was also wanting to replace the fan because I beleive that my clutch fan is going out and I would like to upgrade it to an electric fan. If some one here has done this before could you guide me thrue the process? Thanks
78 280z ac
hr369, you nailed it, im talking about the fine filter that goes inside the high pressure line. Does some know the part # of it?
78 280z ac
no, im talking about the filter or screen that goes in the hose that comes from the ac drier, that same hose goes in the fire wall, inside that hose the filter goes in there. Thanks,
78 280z ac
People I want to get my ac working on car again. Lost summer I tried to get it up and running but didn't have much luck, and summer is comming back and I would like to get it up and working, I read several post here and read one that said to buy a drier from autozone part #3318, a high pressure switch part #35758 and a harness connector part # 37219. I called autozone and order all 3 parts, now I just need to order the strainer (orfice)but don't know where to get one. If some one could give me the info I would appreciate it. Thanks
Stuck with a flat tire!!! HELP!!!!
Guys, im stuck with a flat tire, I have a 1978 280z with 14 all around, My back tire got a big slash on the sidewall and i'm stuck becaus no one in town sells 215/60r14. I found some tire shops that can get it for $105 each, but I looked at discount tire and the have the rim and tire packages and I was wondering if I could go with (P195/65R-15). I would like to go wider on the back but just don't know what size of tire I can put on the back. My car was lowered 1 1/5 inch and it has the illumina shocks. Everything else is original. Could some one please tell me what they are running with a lower z, I know that this has been brought up several times but, I just don't have the time to look because I'm getting the car tow as we speak and need to make a decision pretty quick. Thanks
ac high pressure switch?
Guys, i'm still confuse about the ac on my 1978 280z, My 280z seems to have 2 switches, one is on the drier and the second is on the line that connects to the drier. Is one of the switches the low pressure and the other the high pressure switch? TTACH] Heres some pictures. Thanks
ac drier question
sblake, thanks for the quick response, well my pressure switch isn't connected to anything, the ac did blow a bit cold but I tried to add some more r-12 and made it worst, now it won't blow cold at all. sblake if the pressure swithc aint working or isn't connected can I still charge the system? Thanks
ac drier question
Guys, I have a 1978 280z that i'm having trouble charging with r-12, It has all the original components but it won't charge up. The low side won't go pass 15 psi and the high side starts to climb all the way up. Last night I was checking out the system and noticed that the ac drier has a some type of sensor. I don't know what this sensor is and where it should connect to, my drier has the sensor on it but the cables seem to be broken off, Can some one please tell me what this sensor is? Thanks
What type of AC compressor?
sblake01 and Andrew, thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it, I got it now and will be taking on this project tomorrow, hopefully it will be cold enough, but now im starting to believe that it isn't much that I might need r12 but that the blower needs to blow more? I hope this makes sense, i'm going to charge it up and if its cold in the vents but not cooling than I might just change out the condensor and the blower and the dryer. Thanks again for all your help.
What type of AC compressor?
sblake01, when you say to check my readings with both valves close do you mean the quick connects or the valves at the actual manifold? Thanks
What type of AC compressor?
Thanks sblake01 for all your help, would you happen to know why my ac gauge on the low side goes to retard when I open both the low side and high side on the quick connects but it will read fine if I close the high side from the ac gauge? Maybe i'm doing something wrong? Well what i'm doing is first I connected the adapters to the compressor and yes I had the low side and high side correct then I connected the ac gauge quick connects to the compressor and I open them up from the quick connects and then I open up the valves from the gauge to read the readings. I know that when I try to charge it I should close the high side from the ac gauge. Well sblake01 if i'm doing something wrong please let me know, I just have to get it working because its hot here in texas.
What type of AC compressor?
sblake01, my question is how much pressure should I expect to see from the low side and the high side using the r134a gauges? Thanks
What type of AC compressor?
Yeah, i have those adapters but when I open of the manifolds for the low and high side the low side goes all the way to the right and the only gauge that reads is the high side, also the r12 gauge I belive is different on the actual readings. Some one told me that if I used a r134 gauge on a r12 that I could mess up the r134a gauges because of the higher pressure that r134a has, but i'm not so fimiliar.
What type of AC compressor?
Thanks for the quick reply, this is the over view of the compressor http://www.ackits.com/diagrams/Hitachi.pdf. Thanks, I'm trying to add some more r12 to my ac but don't know wich side is my low side, i'm also trying to get some r12 gauges, i have r134 gauges but not r12. Thanks
What type of AC compressor?
Guys, I need to know what type of ac compressor does a 1978 280z have? I have a 280z and it has the original ac compressor but I don't know the brand of it. Thanks
how much r-12?
Well, my 1978 280z is finally on the road, the question that I have is, my ac works but it just doesnt cool enough, I put a thermometer on the vents and it reads at 55, and since its around 105 here in Texas, its just not cold enough. The question is how much r-12 freon goes in the original ac compressor. Or how much pressure should my ac gauge be at, at the lower side and the high side? Thanks.
Too much gas when accelarating
Hey, guys finally I have gotten my 1978 280z inspected and registered, now i 'm driving the car to work. Well, the problem that I have is that when I first start the car up it smells like to much gas is burning, the car won't shut down but the smell is pretty strong, The car has new NGK spark plugs that are gapped at 40, new spark plug wires, coil and distrubitor cap and also a water temp sensor. I have messed with the screw thats on top of the AFM, but it stills smells like gas. Once the car is warm it doesn't do as much but when I start to drive it I noticed that the smell is there when I let my foot of the accelarator the smell becomes stronger but when im just crusing with the accelarator on it it doesn't seem to smell. I have read to check for fuel pressure, to adjust the AFM and the TBS. Well the fuel pump is new,the TBS is also new, I replaced it because my rpm were going crazy, jumping from 800 to 1500 when I would come to a stop. Also I have cleaned all the connections in the engine along with grounds and my fuse links have been replaced, My main concerned is when i'm driving and I let go of the accelarator the smell is there and I have done my homework but just don't want to start messing with things because im afraid that I would just mess something else up. I would rather post here first and if some one has had this issue before they would point me in the right direction. One more thing, I don't think that this is fumes comming in because I can only smell it when I take my foot of the accelarator. Well any inputs will be most welcome. Thanks
Steering Column horn contact mount
Is it the original horn? Autozone sells a horn button that you might be able to put on.
- Headlights on but combo switch is hot.
Headlights on but combo switch is hot.
I had that same issue as you did, what I did to fix the issue is that I cleaned all the connections that I could see, inside the car and in the engine. Another think that will save you lots of headaches is to change out the fuse blocks in the engine compartment. Read the atlanticz site. I went to walmart and bought 2 blocks and installed them on my 280z and noticed that it has saved me several headaches. Now i'm in the process of changing out the fuse box, thats another thing that I have noticed that also heats up either because the connections aren't clean. My suggestion is to clean every connection that you can even grounds and you will see that your problem will disapear. Good luck,
speedometer not working!
Funny, I was putting my car back together this past weekend and I noticed that my speedometer wasn't reading when I was going forward but it did wanted to read when I was driving in reverse. I took the speedometer out and made sure that the cable was push in all the way in, jack up the car and made sure that the cable that goes in the transmission was connected correctly and everything was fine so finally I started to mess with the actual speedometer itself. My problem was that inside the speedometer where the needle is I had to jump a little bar that didn't allow the speedometer to read when the car was going forward. (hard to explain in words) once I did this the speedometer worked fine. Hope this helps.