Magnet Valves
After chasing vacume leaks for a while I recently figured out why my heater controls wern't working. The main source magnet valve is "shot". I've been told just to bypass it and it's no big deal. I was told that the valve is only used to keep the settings accurate right after startup. I'm looking for a new or used valve but does anyone know what this valve is for and what detriment there will be to bypassing it? thanks, Steve
Stock 78 Mags Wanted
Does anyone know what year these rims and caps are from? I'm trying to keep my 78 stock but these are local for a decent price.
AC / Heater Controls
Thanks Stephen, I've been holding off on taking the tools to her because I bought a FSM on Amazon but haven't recieved it yet. I'm hoping to get it today or tomorrow so I can get to work on it this weekend fun, fun, fun.
Stock 78 Shifter Knob
thanks much to all for the feedback. Sorry, I didn't mention it's a 5 speed. $115 is definately "a little" pricey. I'll PM het976 and keep looking on eBay. thanks again to all, Steve
AC / Heater Controls
Thanks for the info. It's definately a factory air. The fan speed controls work but it only does ac and to the console. I love the ac but it's a little chilly having it on to keep the windshield from fogging up. Does this still sound like a vacume line?
Stock 78 Mags Wanted
Stock 78 Shifter Knob
Does anyone know what the stock shifter knob looks like for a 78? Are they available for purchase anywhere????
Butterscotch seat question
answers? I've got what seams to be a totally stock 78 and am looking to replace the seat covers with stock material. I think the color is called Butterscotch but only got that idea from the ebay add that said they were out of Butterscotch which looked like my color. Can anyone tell me what the true stock color is called and if they know where i can buy some new covers?
Stock 78 Mags Wanted
Does anyone know of some stock 78 Mags for sale?
AC / Heater Controls
Thanks Wayne. Do you know how to tell if it's factory air or dealer add on. Steve
AC / Heater Controls
Thanks for the feedback Stephen. Do you know how to tell if the car has factory air or dealer installed?
AC / Heater Controls
I'm the recent proud new owner of a beautiful '78 and last week my ac / heater controls stoped working. It seems to be set on panel ac and won't change to defrost. Before I start taking the dash apart does anyone know if this is a standard problem or are there any tricks to getting it back working. The interior is cherry (butterscotch really) so I don't want to do anything damaging, etc. thansk, Steve