Battery tray was rusted threw, both arches over the wheel wells on the frame were rusted out and have been repaired. I am currently working on the frame rails where the crossmember mounts up.
Hey, Thanks for the prediction! The first photo is the first time I saw it at the sellers place so your guess is as good as mine. I tried to take the pic at the best angle so i could sell the idea of buying it to my wife.
I'm Kevin from Winnipeg, Canada. I bought my 73 240 about 3 months ago and have been working on it off and on since then. My spare time in between has been used sifting threw all the info on this forum so I figured I'd contribute something for you to look at. I'm sure that after you see my pics you will go out and give your Z a big hug and kiss, be fortunate you can, I'd need a tetanus shot.